2000字范文 > 智能模糊控制 intelligent fuzzy control英语短句 例句大全

智能模糊控制 intelligent fuzzy control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-15 18:22:25


智能模糊控制 intelligent fuzzy control英语短句 例句大全

智能模糊控制,intelligent fuzzy control

1)intelligent fuzzy control智能模糊控制

1.Discussion aboutintelligent fuzzy control system in the cold red of Shuicheng Steel "s No.2 rolling mill;论水钢二轧厂冷床指令实现智能模糊控制的专家系统

2.Application ofintelligent fuzzy control system in industrial furnace and kiln;智能模糊控制在工业炉窑自动化中的应用

3.The improvement project forintelligent fuzzy controller to take the place of PI controller is advanced.本文提出以智能模糊控制器取代原有常规PI控制器的改进方案,并以大亚湾一期工程反应堆控制系统的稳压器水位控制为研究对象,着重阐述智能模糊控制原理在具体实践中的使用方法,最后对改造前后的系统输出进行LabVIEW仿真比较。


1.The Design of Fuzzy Controllers Based on Genetic Algorithm;基于遗传算法的智能模糊控制器设计

2.Human Simulated Intelligent Fuzzy Control for Time-Varying Processes with Large Time Delay;时变大滞后过程的仿人智能模糊控制

3.Application of Intelligence Fuzzy Control Technique on Heat Exchanger Control System;智能模糊控制技术在换热器控制系统中的应用

4.Fuzzy Control for Intelligent CNC Drilling Machine Controller基于模糊控制的智能数控钻床控制器

5.Technique of Intelligent PID Control and Instrument Realizing of Fuzzy Control;智能PID控制方法及模糊控制装置实现

6.Control of Light Environment with Fuzzy Algorithm and Study of Energy-saving in Intelligent Building智能建筑光环境模糊控制与节能研究

7.Research on Fuzzy Nerve Network Vibration Control of Flexible Intelligent Beam Structure;柔性智能梁结构模糊自适应振动控制

8.A Study of the Algorithms of Fuzzy PID Control Based Intelligent Optimization;基于智能优化的模糊PID控制算法研究

9.Research and Designing on Intelligent Fuzzy-PID Control System;智能模糊PID控制系统研究与设计

10.Study of the intelligent integral fuzzy controller Base on ARM;基于ARM的智能积分模糊控制器的研究

11.A Design of the Control of Isothermal Furnace System;基于恒温炉智能模糊PID控制器设计

12.Study on Intelligent Temperature and Humidity Control System for Cold Storage;智能气调保鲜箱模糊控制系统的研究

13.Application and research of intelligent control with FCM模糊认知图在智能控制中的应用研究

14.Design of Fuzzy PID-Smith Controller模糊PID-Smith智能控制器的设计

15.Fuzzy PID Control System for Intelligent Vehicle基于模糊PID的智能汽车控制系统

16.Research and Development of the Intelligent Automobile Based on Fuzzy-PID Controller;基于模糊PID控制的智能小车控制器的研制

17.Acquirement control rules of fuzzy expert control system in the progress of intelligent control智能控制过程中模糊专家控制规则的获取

18.Intersection Intelligent Control Based on Fuzzy Control and Genetic Algorithm;基于模糊控制和遗传算法的交叉口智能控制


intellectual fuzzy control智能模糊控制

1.Application ofintellectual fuzzy control in central air-conditioning energy conservation control;智能模糊控制技术在中央空调节能控制中的应用

2.Intellectual Fuzzy Control Based Control System for Middle Thickness Plate Reheating Furnance;基于智能模糊控制的中板加热炉计算机控制系统

3)fuzzy intelligent control模糊智能控制

1.Thefuzzy intelligent control algorithm is presented in this paper,which is based on adjusted object deviation and tendency of devia- tion aimed at the process characteristic of beer fermentation and its demand to automatically monitor system.针对啤酒发酵过程具有大惯性、大滞后和严重的非线性特性及其对微机自动监控系统的要求,引入以被调变量的偏差和偏差的变化趋势为依据的模糊智能控制算法,设计了啤酒发酵过程微机控制算法,并讨论了系统工程的软硬件实现的问题。

2.The paper presentsfuzzy intelligent control algorithm.从取暖锅炉的特性分析出发,具体地叙述了燃烧系统的特点及近似数学模型,为适应的复杂燃烧工况,提出了模糊智能控制算法。

3.The fermentation of beer is a complicated process of biochemical reaction and thefuzzy intelligent control algorithm is presented.针对啤酒发酵过程受许多干扰因素的影响,具有大惯性、大滞后和严重的非线性特性,以及过程对自动监控系统的要求,引入以被调变量的偏差和偏差的变化趋势为依据的模糊智能控制算法,设计了啤酒发酵过程监控系统,并讨论了系统工程的软硬件实现的问题。

4)fuzzy PI intelligent control模糊PI智能控制

1.A novelfuzzy PI intelligent control method of BLDCM speed servo system;一种新型的无刷直流电机调速系统的模糊PI智能控制

2.In the double loop of speed servo system the hysteresis current calculator is implemented in the current loop,and in the speed loop thefuzzy PI intelligent control scheme is applied.仿真结果表明 ,这种新型的模糊PI智能控制方法响应快、无超调、鲁棒性强、抗干扰能力好 ,较传统PI控制具有更好的动、静态特

5)fuzzy-intelligent PID control模糊-智能PID控制

6)fuzzy-PID intelligent control模糊PID智能控制


