2000字范文 > X射线源 X-ray source英语短句 例句大全

X射线源 X-ray source英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-19 17:30:55


X射线源 X-ray source英语短句 例句大全

X射线源,X-ray source

1)X-ray sourceX射线源

1.Emission characteristic of long laser pulse keVX-ray source;长脉冲keVX射线源的辐射特征

2.ROSAT X-ray Source 1057+4316 Identified as a QSO of z=0.32Z;ROSATX射线源1057+4316被证认为一个z=0.32的类星体

3.It can be made as field emission cathode ofX-ray source.实验使用印刷方法将碳纳米管制备于玻璃基底 ,并作为X射线源的阴极。


1.Research on the X-ray Imaging Based on Micor-Focus微焦点X射线源成像质量分析与研究

2.Theoretical Research on Thomson Scattering X-ray Source and Preliminary Experiment Design;汤姆逊散射X射线源理论研究及初步实验设计

3.Researches of Thomson scattering ultra-short pulse X-ray source at Tsinghua University清华大学汤姆逊散射超短脉冲X射线源研究

4.Scorpius X-1 is the brightest X-ray source in the sky in the 1-10 ??wavelength region.天蝎座X-1是在1-10埃波长区全天空最亮的X射线源。

5.Cygnus x-3 is a binary X-ray source located at a distance of 10kpc.天鹅座X-3是一个距离约10千秒差距的双重X射线源。

6.Binary X-ray sources are also places to find strong black hole candidates.X射线源——双星同样也是发现黑洞候选体的地方。

7.Experimental Research of Laser Produced High Energy X-ray Source and Its Application;激光驱动高能X射线源及其应用实验研究

8.Stepper Motor Control System Used for X-Ray Source and Detector;应用于X射线源和探测器的步进电机控制系统

9.Medical Diagnostic X-ray Radiation Source Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement医用诊断X射线辐射源不确定度评定

10.Design of 140KV High-Voltage DC Power-supply for X-ray Tube;X射线管用140KV高压直流电源的设计

11.Radiation composed of x-rays.x射线由x射线组成的射线

12.Development and Design of 3KW High-frequency High Voltage Generator for X-ray Diffractometer;X射线衍射仪3KW高频高压电源的研究与设计

13.Roughly Talk about the Undersdanding of Medical Diagnostic X-ray Radiation Source Verification Item浅谈对医用诊断X射线辐射源检定项目的理解

14.Look at the X in an X-ray.看看x射线中的x。

15.x ray photoemission diffractionx射线光电发射衍射

16.It is almost the case that each X ray source exhibits its own brand of variability.几乎每个x射线源都有自己的变化特点。

17.Determination of nine components in various source iron ores by X-ray fluorescence spectrometryX射线荧光光谱分析多矿源铁矿石中9种成分

18.X-ray Diffractive analysis of Crystal Structure ?X-射线衍射晶体分析


x-ray sourcesX射线源

1.Following a brief introduction of X-ray sources and X-ray source observational instrument system with detector and collimator, the fundamentals of spacecraft attitude determination using X-ray sources are described in some details.在介绍X射线源和X射线探测器、准直器的基础上,重点描述了应用X射线源测量航天器姿态参数的原理和方法。

3)X ray sourceX射线源

1.In the process of X ray photography and digitizing of X ray image, the influence of theX ray source and noises on the image quality is discussed in this paper, and a mathematical model is built.讨论了工业 X射线照相及照片数字化过程中 ,X射线源及噪声对图像质量的影响 ,建立了图像退化的数学模型 ,并以此为基础 ,给出了复原的算法及处理结果 。

4)X ray / γ ray sourceX-γ射线源

5)X-ray point-sourceX射线点源

6)Soft X-ray source软X射线源



[英文]:X-ray source[解释]: 能发出 X射线 的 天体 。由于地球大气的阻碍,地面上很难观测到。直到20世纪40年代才开始利用高空气球探明了太阳的X射线辐射,太阳外的第一个X射线源是1962年探明的天蝎X-1。70年代发射了一系列装备有X射线针孔照相机,掠射X射线望远镜等仪器的天文卫星 ,尤其是 高能天文台 上天后,发现的X射线源已超过了1000多。研究表明 ,它们实际上是不同种类的天体,除了太阳外,已证认出的有 脉冲星 、脉冲双星、超新星遗迹、 密近双星 、X射线双星、X射线脉冲星、X射线新星、 塞佛特星系 、 类星体 、 星系团 、 黑洞 等。但还有许多X射线源尚未得到光学证认。
