2000字范文 > 脉冲X射线源 pulse X-ray generator英语短句 例句大全

脉冲X射线源 pulse X-ray generator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-11 13:56:44


脉冲X射线源 pulse X-ray generator英语短句 例句大全

脉冲X射线源,pulse X-ray generator

1)pulse X-ray generator脉冲X射线源

1.The detection system with ultra-fast scintillator was applied in ultra-fastpulse X-ray generator.同时,利用该探测器件与超快闪烁体耦合构成的超快脉冲辐射探测器对亚纳秒脉冲X射线源时间谱进行了测量。


1.Researches of Thomson scattering ultra-short pulse X-ray source at Tsinghua University清华大学汤姆逊散射超短脉冲X射线源研究

2.solar impulsive hard X-ray burst太阳脉冲式硬X射线爆发

3.Electrical Pulses Timing of X-ray Framing CamerasX射线分幅相机电脉冲时标方法研究

4.Analysis in X-ray Pulsar Navigation Phase Ambiguity ResolutionX射线脉冲星导航中相位模糊度解算

5.The Research of the Navigation of Spacecraft Based on the X-Ray Pulsars;基于X射线脉冲星的航天器自主导航方法研究

6.Use of X-ray pulsar-based navigation method on interplanetary trajectoryX射线脉冲星导航在行星际轨道上的应用

7.Spacecraft Position Determination with X-ray Pulsar Navigation of Geometric MethodsX射线脉冲星导航几何法确定航天器位置

8.The Studying of Hard X-ray Energy Spectrum on Ultra Short Pulse Laser Interaction with Solid Target;超短脉冲激光与固体靶相互作用的硬X射线能谱研究

9.SPH Simulation of Thermo-Mechanical Effects in Materials under Pulse X-rays Radiation;材料在脉冲X射线辐照下热—力学效应的SPH数值模拟研究

10.A New Method for Resolving Integer Pulse Cycle Ambiguities in X-ray Pulsar-based Navigation一种求解X射线脉冲星导航周期模糊数的新方法

11.X-ray Pulsar Virtual Observatory Based on the HEASARC Database基于HEASARC数据库的X射线脉冲星虚拟观测平台设计

12.Absolute Position Determination for Geosynchronous Satellite Using X-Ray Pulsars基于X射线脉冲星的地球同步卫星绝对定位方法

13.The 4×4 Array Antenna Design of Ultra-wideband High PowerPulsed Radiation Sources;高功率超宽带脉冲辐射源的4×4阵列天线设计

14.Medical Diagnostic X-ray Radiation Source Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement医用诊断X射线辐射源不确定度评定

15.an X ray of an artery filled with a contrast medium.填充上照影剂后用X射线照动脉。

16.Interaction of Gating Electric Pulse"s Width and Amplitude on Temporal Resolution of Soft x-ray Picroseconds Framing Camera Based on Gated Microchannel Plate选通电脉冲宽度和幅度对微通道板选通软X射线皮秒分幅相机时间分辨的交互作用

17.Design of 140KV High-Voltage DC Power-supply for X-ray Tube;X射线管用140KV高压直流电源的设计

18.Research on the X-ray Imaging Based on Micor-Focus微焦点X射线源成像质量分析与研究



3)pulsed x ray脉冲X射线

1.In this paper is given briefly a survey of situation of simulatingpulsed x ray with high current pulsed electron beam accelerator.文章简要介绍了利用强流脉冲电子束加速器模拟脉冲X射线的发展概况及国内脉冲X射线模拟源的发展现状 ,指出作为主要技术途径 ,高功率Z箍缩技术在实现超强脉冲X射线源和ICF驱动源上都有很重要的发展应用前景 ,并提出了今后工作设

4)pulsed X-ray脉冲X射线

1.Design of portable-pulsed X-ray imaging system;便携式脉冲X射线成像系统研究

2.To meet the needs of research on new fast scintillation materials,the home-madepulsed X-ray facility for fluorescents lifetime measurement was upgraded by using microchannel plate photomultiplier tube(MCP-PMT),fast preamplifier(FPA)and fast constant-fraction discriminator(CFD).为适应新型超快闪烁材料研究的需要,在原有脉冲X射线时间谱仪的基础上,通过改装微通道板光电倍增管(MCP-PMT),并采用具有快时间响应的前置放大器(FPA)和恒比甄别器(CFD)的方法,使谱仪的时间分辨极限提高到170ps左右。

3.The blow-off impulse of aluminum induced bypulsed X-ray was simulated by smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH) method,and the influence of sublimation energy on impulse was discussed.采用光滑粒子流体动力学方法对金属铝在脉冲X射线辐照下的汽化反冲冲量进行了数值模拟,考察了升华能的变化对冲量的影响。

5)X-ray pulsarX射线脉冲星

1.Research on detectors inX-ray pulsars-based navigation system;基于X射线脉冲星导航系统探测器研究

2.Use ofX-ray pulsar-based navigation method on interplanetary trajectoryX射线脉冲星导航在行星际轨道上的应用

3.The research onX-ray pulsar navigation and positioning technologyX射线脉冲星导航定位技术研究

6)X-ray pulsarsX射线脉冲星

1.The Research of the Navigation of Spacecraft Based on the X-Ray Pulsars;基于X射线脉冲星的航天器自主导航方法研究

2.For reducing the computation complexity of pulse period ambiguity resolution for X-ray Pulsars NAVigation (XPNAV) and improving its convenience in engineering implementation, the Optimization Model for 4X-ray pulsars localization is presented based on the orthogonality principle.为降低X射线脉冲星导航定位(XPNAV)系统解脉冲周期模糊的复杂度,提高其工程实用性,该文提出一种新的XPNAV系统解脉冲周期模糊算法。

3.In this paper, firstly,the algorithms of autonomous navigation based on X-Ray pulsars are introduced;secondly the model of the extended Kalman filter which is used in the autonomous navigation based on X-Ray pulsars is established;thirdly,taking the geosynchronous orbit for example,the accuracy of naviga- tion with different initial error,differe.基于X射线脉冲星的天文自主导航方法稳定、可靠、精度高,是航天器自主导航领域重要的发展方向。


脉冲1.指电流或电压短暂的起伏变化。各种高频脉冲广泛用在无线电技术中。 2.指变化规律类似电脉冲的现象。如脉冲激光器。
