2000字范文 > 西式服装 western costume英语短句 例句大全

西式服装 western costume英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-31 09:58:25


西式服装 western costume英语短句 例句大全

西式服装,western costume

1)western costume西式服装

1.Meanwhile,non-western costumes are still survived in various traditional ethnic costumes in different countries.就构造方法而言服装可分为经过精确裁剪缝制的西式服装和非西式服装。

2)non-western costume非西式服装

1.Meanwhile,non-western costumes are still survived in various traditional ethnic costumes in different countries.就构造方法而言服装可分为经过精确裁剪缝制的西式服装和非西式服装。

3)& Chinese the western clothing Styles中西服装


1.The Comparis on between the Aesthetic Conceptions of Chinese and Western Fashion Design--In Ming Dynasty and the Renaiss ance Period;中西服装设计审美观念之比较——中国明代与西方文艺复兴时期

2.Research on clothing needs and fabric design of middle and aged people′s wear in Xi′an;西安地区中老年服装需求与面料设计

3.Analyzing the Conceptual Differences between the Western and Chinese Clothing from the Plane and 3-Dimensional Constructers of Clothing;从服装的平面结构与立体结构浅析中西方服装观念差异

4.Changes in Modern China Garment Industry under the Influence of Western Industrialization西方工业化影响下近代中国服装产业的变化

5.Applied Research into Architectural Language in Western Costume Design during the Period from 1998 to 1998-西方服装设计中建筑语言的应用研究

6.The Approach to Optimize the Knitted Garment Production in the Midwest China优化我国中西部地区针织服装生产的思考

7.Have you taken to shoplifting?你去服装店偷了东西吗?

8.Our shop hires out various colorful wedding garments in Chinese and Western styles, which will surely enaBle the Bride to appear even more charming and Beautiful.本服装店出租各种色泽艳丽中西新婚礼服,定让新娘更加妩媚漂亮。

9.The uniform-like Mao jacket is being replaced by Western-style suits and, sometimes, ties.毛式服装已经被西服加领带所代替。

10.a city on the River Aire in West Yorkshire in northern England; a center of the clothing industry.英格兰北部西约克郡亚尔河畔的城市;一个服装工业中心。

11.Modern dress is an anachronism in productions of Shakespeare"s plays.在莎士比亚剧作演出中出现的现代服装, 是弄错年代的东西.

12.Research on Financial Support for Garment Industry Development服装业发展中的金融支持研究——以广西桂平市为视角

13.Gentlemen are to wear a suit or shirt and slacks. And ladies must wear a dress or a skirt.男的要穿西装或穿衬衫和西服装;女的必须穿套装或裙子。

14.topper ensemble配中大衣的全套服装

15.a foreigner in Chinese costume穿中国服装的外国人

16.There"s no uniform, but I have to wear a suit.没有制服,但是我得穿一套西装。

17.woman"s suit(ie a skirt and short coat of the same material)女套装(面料相同的裙子和西服短上衣).

18.Brazilians call their costumes[ i] fantasias[/ i].巴西人管他们的游行服装叫“幻想曲”。


non-western costume非西式服装

1.Meanwhile,non-western costumes are still survived in various traditional ethnic costumes in different countries.就构造方法而言服装可分为经过精确裁剪缝制的西式服装和非西式服装。

3)& Chinese the western clothing Styles中西服装

4)men suit男装西服

5)men"s and women"s western-style clothes and kimono西装和服

6)West Style Costume西式服饰


