2000字范文 > 戏箱 Costumes case英语短句 例句大全

戏箱 Costumes case英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-02 09:09:13


戏箱 Costumes case英语短句 例句大全

戏箱,Costumes case

1)Costumes case戏箱


1.Xi-The secret recipe prevailing during Qinhan period;戏——流行于秦汉时期的方术

2.The System of Form and Meaning of Chinese Character XI and JU and Aesthetics Structure of China s Play;汉字“戏”、“剧”的形义系统和戏剧文体的美学建构


1.International Theatre Institute国际戏剧学会(戏剧学会)

2.A playful skipping or frolicking about.嬉戏欢快的跳跃、嬉戏

3.From Southern Opera to Zhengzi Opera and Baizi Opera:a Preliminary View of the Formation of Chaozhou Opera;从南戏到正字戏、白字戏——潮州戏剧形成轨迹初探

4.A similar game, such as duckpins or ninepins.类似游戏,如滚球戏或九柱瓶戏

5.The art of the theater, especially the writing of plays.戏剧艺术戏剧艺术,特别指戏的写作

6.To tease(someone) good-humoredly.戏弄,戏耍无恶意地戏耍(某人)

7.Hainan"s traditional operas include the Qiong Opera and Lingao puppet shows.传统戏剧有海南戏,临高木偶戏等。

8.The Research on the Development of Play-within-a-play in Chinese Classical Dramas;中国古典戏曲中“戏中戏”的发展研究

9.Documentation Value of Opera Scripts and "Script-based Approach to Opera Studies"戏曲剧本的文献价值与“以戏证戏”

10.A trick performed by a magician or juggler;sleight - of - hand.魔术,戏法魔术师或变戏法的人用的戏法;花招

11.A dice game similar to craps.双骰子游戏类似于双骰子游戏的一种投骰游戏

12.They have latest machines and lots of new games.该处(游戏厅)有最新的游戏机和许多新游戏。

13.Xiju" and "Xiqu"--Reading Commentary about Wang Guo-wei s Works;也说“戏剧”与“戏曲”——读王国维戏曲论著札记

14.On the "Reversion" of Future Dramas to Nuoyuanxi;试论未来戏曲向傩愿戏等祭祀戏剧的“返祖”

15.Effect of Game Player Experience and Game Difficulty on Playing Results玩家游戏体验与游戏难度对游戏结果的影响

16.conjuring trickph.1. 魔术戏法

17.She thinks she can act."她自以为会演戏。”

18.Hat Trick of Own Goals乌龙球“帽子戏法”



1.Xi-The secret recipe prevailing during Qinhan period;戏——流行于秦汉时期的方术

2.The System of Form and Meaning of Chinese Character XI and JU and Aesthetics Structure of China s Play;汉字“戏”、“剧”的形义系统和戏剧文体的美学建构

3)local drama troupe土戏戏班

4)the drama in the drama戏中戏

5)Theater game戏剧游戏

6)Inner and Outer of the Drama戏里戏外


