2000字范文 > The mystery of the Moonstone教案_高一英语教案

The mystery of the Moonstone教案_高一英语教案

时间:2021-10-31 03:49:28


The mystery of the Moonstone教案_高一英语教案

the mystery of the moonstone教案

reference for teaching


1.the stillwater secret

the truth

he was standing next to the statue again.he looked annoyed.

“i...i got lost,”i said.“who are you?”

he answered in a voice that was cold and hard.“my name is edward stark,”he said.

“why are you here?”i asked.

he took some moments to answer.“i just...come here,”he said at last.“maybe it’s because he’s here.”he looked up at the statue.“perhaps when he goes...i don’t know.”

was i imagining it,or did the ground move under my feet?

“george blackwood and my father were business partners,”he went on.“but blackwood ripped him off.”he laughed bitterly—a laugh which made my blood run cold.“people in the town thought george was a real golden boy,and they even made him mayor.then five years ago,he tried to cheat somebody else,and they started to look at all the businesses that he had had a hand in.they discovered that he’d been a thief for years.”the boy frowned,and looked away.“but she suspected something.she knew.”

“she?”i said.

“his daughter,betty,”said edward stark.“i loved betty,and we even talked about getting married.then my father discovered that blackwood had cheated him out of nearly half a million dollars!he nearly went out of his mind with worry,trying to prove it.but he failed.then soon after,he had a heart attack while he was driving his car.the car crashed,and he and his passager were both killed.it was blackwood who killed my father—murderer!”

“who...was the passenger?”i asked.but i knew the answer.

“i was,”he said.

“you’re dead,”i said.i’m talking to a ghost,i thought.

he laughed.“dead?yes,i guess i am.and you’re the first person who has ever been able to see me.”

“i’m betty’s daughter,”i said.

“ah!i see,”he said.there was a far-away look in his eyes.

“i loved betty very much.”

“when did you...?”i began.

“die?”he said.“december 1st,1975.”

two days before the big argument!i thought.two days before my mother left stillwater.

suddenly,the path moved under my feet.the statue began to shake.

“it’s another slide!”cried edward.“the chiff’s going!”

2.the stillwater secret

a narrow escape

i fell on to my knees and desperately tried to grab hold of something—anything!

“help me!”i screamed.i was slipping downwards with the ground.

i could see edward’s face above me—and behind him the statue was starting to fall!

“here!grab my hand!”edward shouted.but his voice seemed far away.

i put out a hand...and held something.a moment later it was pulling me up.
