2000字范文 > 3B Unit 1 My school bag 学案_小学三年级英语教案

3B Unit 1 My school bag 学案_小学三年级英语教案

时间:2023-08-11 06:47:55


3B Unit 1 My school bag 学案_小学三年级英语教案

内 容unit 1 my school bag课前预习听读单词听磁带,熟悉本课要学习的单词。相关复习资料1.复习3aunit 5中b部分词汇2.复习3aunit 7中a部分句型应掌握的语言知识1.单词storybook, copybook, knife, toy train, tape, stapler, school bag,in, on, in english2.询问物品名称的句型a) what’s this/that in /on the …?b) what’s this/that in english?及其应答句。c) come here.d) excuse me.e) oh, i see.3.区分this/that, in/on4. 会唱本单元歌曲朗读与背诵1.熟练朗读课文a,b部分2.背诵四会单词:bag, tape, book语言运用1.能够用英语有礼貌地询问物品名称。2.初步学会介绍自己的文具。应掌握的词组1.in english 2.on the desk 3. in your pencil case4. in chinese 5. in my school bag 6. excuse me7. come here 8. i see推荐掌握的词汇1.his/her +名词 2、on/in the +名词 3、bag, cat , fat4. tape, kate, cake 5. book, look

3b unit 1 my school bag 学案 来自。
