2000字范文 > 矩形空心桥墩 rectangular hollow bridge pier英语短句 例句大全

矩形空心桥墩 rectangular hollow bridge pier英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-28 15:45:16


矩形空心桥墩 rectangular hollow bridge pier英语短句 例句大全

矩形空心桥墩,rectangular hollow bridge pier

1)rectangular hollow bridge pier矩形空心桥墩

1.A semi-analytical and semi-numerical approach for earthquake induced hydrodynamic force on elasticrectangular hollow bridge pier was developed.针对地震下弹性矩形空心桥墩上的动水力,提出了一个近似半解析半数值方法。

2.A semi-analytical and semi-numerical approach for earthquake induced interior hydrodynamic force onrectangular hollow bridge pier is developed.针对地震下矩形空心桥墩内部的动水力,提出了一个近似半解析半数值方法。


1.Earthquake Induced Interior Hydrodynamic Force on Rectangular Hollow Bridge Pier地震下矩形空心桥墩内部动水力分析

2.Construction Technology of Rectangular Hollow Thin-walled High Pier Body in Special Conditions特殊条件下矩形薄壁空心高墩墩身施工技术

3.Non-Linear Modeling of RC Rectangular Hollow Piers Confined with CFRPCFRP增强钢筋混凝土矩形中空桥墩的非线性模型

4.reinforced concrete hollow pier钢筋混凝土空心桥墩

5.Preliminary Exploration the Theories of Post-cracking Stiffness of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Pier钢筋混凝土矩形桥墩开裂刚度理论初探

6.The partial force analysis of gate pier hollow and shallow capping beam门式桥墩空心薄壁盖梁局部受力分析

7.The Turnover Model Constructive Technology of 94 m High Thin-Wall and Hollow Pier of the Yanxigou Ultra Large Bridge烟溪沟特大桥94m薄壁空心墩翻模施工技术

8.On the construction technique of the thin wall voided pier on Ganxigou No.2 Bridge干溪沟2号大桥空心薄壁高墩施工技术

9.Construction of Twin Hollow Piers with an Arched Shape Capping Beam by Timber Formwork Lifting Method木模提升法施工双幅空心拱形盖梁墩

10.Box Girder and Thin Walled Pier Spatial Analyse of the Long Span Cured Bridge with High Pier;高墩大跨径弯桥箱梁薄壁墩空间分析

11.The Spatial Mechanical Analysis and Deformation Research on the Construction of High Pier Long-span Curve Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge;高墩大跨径弯连续刚构桥施工过程中的空间受力分析与变形研究

12.Experimental Study on the Mechanical Behavior of Reactive Powder Concrete Piers with Hollow Cross-sections Subjected to Cyclic Loading反复荷载作用下活性粉末混凝土空心桥墩力学性能的试验研究

13.The Analysis on Strength and Deformation on High-pier Bridge Pillar Under Seismic Condition高墩桥梁在地震作用下墩柱的强度与变形

14.The open rectangles represent typical elements of the ion fluid.空心的矩形表示典型的离子流体元。

15.Reinforcement method of rectangular entity pier cracking矩形实体墩开裂原因与加固方法研究

16.The wedge-shaped end of a bridge pier, designed to divide the current and break up ice floes.桥墩分水角桥墩的楔形边缘,用来分开水流并打碎浮冰块

17.Deformation Analysis of Continuous Curved Rigid Frame Bridge with Long-Span and High-Pier;大跨高墩曲线连续刚构桥的变形分析

18.Construction Deformation Study of Long-span Curve Rigid Frame Bridge with High Piers高墩大跨弯连续刚构桥施工变形研究


rectangular hollow piers矩形空心墩

3)hollow round pier空心圆形桥墩

4)rectangular-shaped pier矩形桥墩

5)hollow pier空心桥墩

6)rectangle hollow thin-walled high pier矩形薄壁空心高墩


