2000字范文 > 空心墩 hollow pier英语短句 例句大全

空心墩 hollow pier英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-03 16:36:51


空心墩 hollow pier英语短句 例句大全

空心墩,hollow pier

1)hollow pier空心墩

1.The turnover form construction of rectangular thin-walledhollow pier;矩形薄壁空心墩翻模施工

2.In the process of the solid parts ofhollow pier construction, hole is reserved in the pier wall, solid steel corbels is installed in the hole as vertical support piers for the top construction of cast in place solid pier.结合桥梁施工实例,介绍在施工薄壁空心桥墩墩顶实心部位时,采用在墩壁预留孔,孔内安装钢棒牛腿作为现浇实心墩顶的竖向支撑,进行空心墩顶部实心段施工的工艺。


1.The Crack-mending and Intensifying of Cantilevered End of Cantilever Hollow Pier大悬臂空心墩悬臂端结构裂缝病害的加固处理

2.The Turnover Model Constructive Technology of 94 m High Thin-Wall and Hollow Pier of the Yanxigou Ultra Large Bridge烟溪沟特大桥94m薄壁空心墩翻模施工技术

3.reinforced concrete hollow pier钢筋混凝土空心桥墩

4.Construction Technology of Rectangular Hollow Thin-walled High Pier Body in Special Conditions特殊条件下矩形薄壁空心高墩墩身施工技术

5.Construction technique of passenger dedicated line variable slope hollow mold high pier客运专线变坡空心高墩倒模施工工法

6.The Cantilever Climbing Form Construction Technology of Variable Section Hollow Thin-walled Pier变截面空心薄壁墩悬臂爬模施工技术

7.The partial force analysis of gate pier hollow and shallow capping beam门式桥墩空心薄壁盖梁局部受力分析

8.Earthquake Induced Interior Hydrodynamic Force on Rectangular Hollow Bridge Pier地震下矩形空心桥墩内部动水力分析

9.Construction of Twin Hollow Piers with an Arched Shape Capping Beam by Timber Formwork Lifting Method木模提升法施工双幅空心拱形盖梁墩

10.Monitor and analysis of the hydration temperature in the construction of hollow-thin pier空心薄壁墩施工阶段水化热温度监测分析

11.On the construction technique of the thin wall voided pier on Ganxigou No.2 Bridge干溪沟2号大桥空心薄壁高墩施工技术

12.Experimental Study on the Mechanical Behavior of Reactive Powder Concrete Piers with Hollow Cross-sections Subjected to Cyclic Loading反复荷载作用下活性粉末混凝土空心桥墩力学性能的试验研究

13.Box Girder and Thin Walled Pier Spatial Analyse of the Long Span Cured Bridge with High Pier;高墩大跨径弯桥箱梁薄壁墩空间分析

14.Hollow box structures for both the deck and piers, whether of steel or concrete, are better than steel trussed structures.无论是钢结构还是混凝土结构,空心的箱型结构对承梁和桥墩都比钢梁桁架式结构好。

15.The central suspension beam is always in axis with the front pier.中间吊架总是在前墩柱中心线处。

16."In the center of the lake are three islets-Ruangong Islet, Mid-lake Pavilion and Lesser Yingzhou "湖中心有三个小岛:阮公墩、湖心亭和小瀛洲。

17.A.Whoa!Did you see me catch some air off that mogul ?哇啊!你有没有看到我滑过那个雪墩时腾空飞起?)

18.Three Dimensional Mechanical Property Analysis for the Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge with Long-Span and High Piers;大跨高墩连续刚构桥空间力学特性分析


hollow high pier空心高墩

1.Construction technology ofhollow high pier of Lujiagou grand bridge;卢家沟特大桥空心高墩施工技术

2.On 50 m round-end non-uniform railwayhollow high pier construction technique;50m圆端形变截面铁路空心高墩施工工艺探讨

3.In this paper,seismic response of a railwayhollow high pier is analyzed.通过对内昆线花土坡特大桥空心高墩进行地震反应分析,研究了墩顶约束作用、墩底弹簧约束、P-Δ效应对地震反应的影响,得出了一些关于铁路空心高墩地震反应方面的有意义的结论。

3)hollow pier空心桥墩

4)rectangular hollow piers矩形空心墩

5)cylindrical hollow pier圆形空心墩

6)thin-wall & hollow pile薄壁空心墩

1.Constructive technology ofthin-wall & hollow pile turning model of bridge in big scene;大场子特大桥薄壁空心墩翻模施工技术


