2000字范文 > 艺术师资 arts teachers英语短句 例句大全

艺术师资 arts teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-02 14:57:11


艺术师资 arts teachers英语短句 例句大全

艺术师资,arts teachers

1)arts teachers艺术师资

1.With regard to the shortage of the training onarts teachers in elementary education, this paper tries to probe into the eco-training system ofarts teachers in elementary educaion.针对当前基础教育艺术师资培养存在的不足,本文尝试构建基础教育艺术师资生态式培养模式,它包括纵横交错、强调整合的综合艺术素养课程,突出体验、学以致用的综合艺术实践教学体系,鼓励创新、强调对话的艺术导生制教学,融入生活、注重生态的隐性艺术课程,立足过程、促进发展的课程综合评价。


1.On Arts Teachers’ Eco-training in Elementary Education基础教育艺术师资生态式培养的理论构想

2.Reflection and Practice on Cultivation of Primary Art Teachers;小学艺术教育师资培养的思考与实践

3.Research on Team-building of Arts Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools in Jilin Province;吉林省中小学艺术教育师资队伍建设研究

4.Investigation and Analysis of the Status of Teaching Faculty of Artistic Design in Colleges and Universities of Anhui Province;安徽省高校艺术设计专业师资现状调查与分析

5.The Quality Requairements to Music Teachers under the Reform of the Art Courses in Basic Education;基础教育艺术课改对音乐师资的整体素质要求

6.On Teachers Improvement in Music Art Higher Vocational Education;对音乐艺术高职教育师资队伍建设的思考

7.On the Current Situation of Arts Teachers in Henan Primary and Middle Schools and its Reform河南省中小学校艺术教育师资现状及改革

8.A Statement on the Reformation and the Construction of the Courses of Training Arts Teachers in Normal Universities;试论师范院校艺术教育师资培训课程的改革与建设

9.On Ethnic and Folk Resource of Arts and Crafts in Guizhou and Development of Featured Art Courses in Normal Colleges;论贵州民族民间工艺资源与高师美术特色课程开发

10.Life With Piasso艺术大师毕加索轶事

11.Yes, the Maestro assented..是的,艺术大师同意了。

12.Art teachers graduated from the Guangzhou Art Academy and the Hong Kong lnstitute of Education (Art). They are well qualified and have many years of teaching experience.我们拥有专业和资深的美术老师,分别毕业于广州美术学院及香港教育学院艺术科。

13.A New Discussion of the Dual-master Teacher Training in Art Design Profession;艺术设计专业“双师型”教师培养新探

14.The official confessed that China"s art education has been neglected due to lack of sufficient qualified teachers majoring in painting, music and dance.这名官员承认中国的艺术教育由于美术、乐、蹈方面的师资力量不足而被忽略了。

15.Chinese Traditional Calligraphy Should Be Incorporated in Art Education in Higher Teachers Colleges;将中国传统书法艺术融入高师艺术教育之中

16.On Pioneer Artistic Style of the Great Poet,Huang Tingjian;开派宗师的开创艺术——略论黄庭坚诗艺术风格

17.A magician or ventriloquist.魔术师或口技表演艺术家

18.The magician thrilled his audience with his feats of magic.魔术师用他的魔术技艺使观众们激动。



1.Numerousmaestros get benefit and enlightening,and made contribution for the diversified development of western modern paintings.西方现代绘画的产生与发展,离不开装饰艺术所给予的深刻影响,众多艺术大师,从中受到教益与启示,并为西方现代绘画的多元化发展做出了贡献。

3)Art teachers艺术教师

4)a priest of art艺术宗师

5)supply of wushu teachers武术师资

6)technical course teachers术科师资

1.technical course teachers were analyzed and corresponding adviced and countermeasures were proposed as to raise the whole level of P.综合运用文献资料、专家调查、问卷调查、综合分析等研究方法,对全国20所高师体育院系术科师资队伍的年龄结构、学历结构、职称结构和学缘结构进行了调查和分析研究。


