2000字范文 > 师资招聘 teachers recruitment英语短句 例句大全

师资招聘 teachers recruitment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-22 18:02:03


师资招聘 teachers recruitment英语短句 例句大全

师资招聘,teachers recruitment

1)teachers recruitment师资招聘

1.Through the comparison of theteachers recruitment program and manageme nt method between China and America,the historic stage appr oaching to knowledge economy under t he condition of market economy is de-scribed in the paper.通过中美两国在师资招聘程序及管理办法的比较,阐述了在市场经济条件下逐步进入知识经济时代的历史阶段,借鉴美国大学师资招聘程序及管理办法,对建设一支高素质的教师队伍有重要的作用。


parison of the teachers recruitm ent program and management method between Chinese u niversities and American universities;中美大学师资招聘程序与管理的比较

2.These years we go headhunting for key teachers throughout the country, and we have abundant qualified teachers.我校在全国范围内招聘骨干教师,师资力量雄厚。

3.On Network Recruitment of Teachers of the Newly-Established Local Colleges and Universities新建地方本科院校师资网络招聘工作的思考

4.Teachers required By South University to teach English.南方大学招聘英语教师。

5.Research on Enterprise Recruitment Investment in the Perspective of Human Capital;人力资本视角下的企业招聘投资研究

6.We are looking for an accountant with the following suitaBle attriButes:我们招聘一名具有下述素质的会计师:

7.The school authority decided to recruit teachers from the excellent graduates.校方决定从优秀毕业生中招聘老师。

8.The two parties who have invested in enterprise have the right to hire or fire their staff at their own discretion.出资的双方有权自行招聘或解雇人员。

9.The Designe and Realization of the Online Human Resource Recruitment System;人力资源网上招聘系统的设计与实现

10.The Research on the Human Resource Recruitment Risk in the State-Owned Enterprise;国有企业人力资源招聘风险问题研究

11.Study on Evaluation Index System of Human Resource Recruitment Websites;人力资源招聘网站评价指标体系研究

12.Study on the Problems of the Modern Enterprise Human Resource Employment;现代企业人力资源招聘中的问题研究

13.The Recruit of Private School Teachers Based on Teacher Competence Mode;基于教师胜任力模型的民办中小学教师招聘

14.Many jukus offer high salaries to recruit experienced teachers.许多课外补习学校高薪招聘有经验的教师。

15.Actuality and Countermeasure of P.E.Teacher s Recruitment of China under Market Economy System;当前我国体育教师招聘现状及发展对策研究

16.First-Class Faculty Through Improvement of System of Appointive Employment;完善教师聘任制 建设一流师资队伍

17.Some commented on his lack of education;其中有些招聘单位认为他缺乏相应的教育资历;

18.Do the two parties who have invested in enterprise have the right to hire or fire their staff at their own discretion?出资的各方是否有权自行招聘或解雇人员?


teacher recruitment教师招聘

1.Study on Improvement of College Teacher Recruitment;普通高校教师招聘工作改进研究

3)recruitment investment招聘投资

1.This paper first defines therecruitment investment and related concepts, and distinct unique features of recruitment investme.本文首先对招聘投资及相关概念进行了界定,并从投资主体、投资客体、投资模式等方面区分了招聘投资的独有特征。

4)advertise for engineers招聘工程师

5)new faculty recruitment高校新教师招聘

6)human resource recruitment人力资源招聘


