2000字范文 > 雅思口语:sth you do to keep concentrated

雅思口语:sth you do to keep concentrated

时间:2023-09-04 23:18:43


雅思口语:sth you do to keep concentrated


看到雅思口语里如何保持专注sth you do to keep your concentrated话题很容易就想到学习,但学习的时候保持专注是很难的一件事情,尤其是对自己不感兴趣的科目。虽然学习一直也不是学校生活最令人兴奋的点,它也不一定非得是个惹人厌的任务。如果可以找对方法,我们就可以速战速决完成学习任务。



I have some really effective study techniques that can help increase concentration.

First of all, I would find an appropriate study environment so that I can eliminate distractions as much as possible, and I can concentrate on what’s in front of me. If I need the Internet connection while I’m studying, I would find a private room or go to a library, but if I want some fresh air and I don’t need to finish my assignment on my laptop, I would go outside to an area that is reasonably free of distractions, like a park or the lawn on campus.

And also, I have to make sure that all of my materials are within arm’s reach so I won’t disrupt myself by going to get my things when I’m in the zone, studying.

Besides, before I get started, I would turn off my phone, which is a huge source of distraction when I’m trying to focus. I mean, I just can’t help checking my social media to see if I get any messages from my friends or if there’s any news update.

Plus, I would pay attention to my energy level, I mean, generally, morning is the time of day when I’m more energetic and more productive, so most of the time, I would choose to study in the mornings instead of in the afternoons.

Oh, and I would make a to-do list, and the things I mentioned above can help me stick to my plan, be more focused and get things done much more efficiently.


technique = a particular way of doing something, especially one in which you have to learn special skills例如:

The artist combines different techniques in the same painting.

marketing techniques

Teachers learn various techniques for dealing with problem students.

reasonably = to a degree that is fairly good but not very good例如:

The instructions are reasonably straightforward.

She seems reasonably happy in her new job.

reach = the distance over which you can stretch your arms to touch something; the distance over which a particular object can be used to touch something else例如:

As a boxer, his long reach gives him a significant advantage.

The shot was well beyond the reach of the goalkeeper.

Cleaning fluids should be kept out of the reach of children.

He lashed out angrily, hitting anyone within his reach.

The house is within easy reach of schools and sports facilities.

Verona and Padua are both within easy reach for day trips.

Several schools are within easy reach (= not far away).

in the zone = (NAmE, informal) in a state in which you feel confident and are performing at your best例如:

When I"m in the zone, writing is the most satisfying thing in the world.



