2000字范文 > 雅思口语:sth you made that you gave to other people

雅思口语:sth you made that you gave to other people

时间:2019-06-17 17:34:37


雅思口语:sth you made that you gave to other people


雅思口语里面问sth you made that you give to other people.想要让礼物显得特别有心意,那就来亲手做一个!如果做手工,步骤貌似太繁琐不容易介绍,如果说的太细致又会显得很啰嗦。那就做甜点吧,浪漫又温馨,送额娘送女友送男友都OK!

I’d like to talk about the cake I made for my girl friend on her last birthday.

It was about a few months ago, she just turned 18, so I wanted to give her something special to celebrate. I racked my brains trying to think of a perfect gift for her, but it seemed nothing is quite suitable. I mean, at first, I thought a lipstick would be a safe bet, however, I don’t know what color she likes. And I also thought of buying her some dolls, but there’s nothing special about them. So at last, I decided to give her a home-made cake, to show that I have put a lot of thought and love into this present.

However, the thing is, I don’t know the first thing about making a cake. So I went to the bookstore and bought a recipe book. When I got home, I just followed the steps in the book but I ended up making a mess in the kitchen. I tried several times, but the first couple of cakes I made were either too sweet or tasteless. I even thought of giving up at some point.

Luckily, I got the help from my mom. I guess she was so touched by my gesture, or she just wanted to save her kitchen. Anyway, she helped me with the proportion of those ingredients, and finally I made it.

It was not a decent-looking cake, but my girl friend was super excited when she saw it. I guess it was all worth it.


rack your brain(s) = to think very hard or for a long time about something例如:

She racked her brains, trying to remember exactly what she had said.

a good/ safe bet = something that is likely to happen, to succeed or to be suitable例如:

Clothes are a safe bet as a present for a teenager.

home-made = made at home, rather than produced in a factory and bought in a shop/ store例如:

home-made jam

thought (for somebody / something) = a feeling of care or worry例如:

Spare a thought for those without enough to eat this winter.

Don"t give it another thought (= to tell somebody not to worry after they have said they are sorry).

It"s the thought that counts (= used to say that somebody has been very kind even if they have only done something small or unimportant).

the thing is = (informal) used to introduce an important fact, reason or explanation例如:

I"m sorry my assignment isn"t finished. The thing is, I"ve had a lot of other work this week.

not know the first thing about somebody / something = to know nothing at all about somebody / something 例如:

I"m afraid I don"t know the first thing about cars.

end up = to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in例如:

I ended up doing all the work myself.

If you go on like this you"ll end up in prison.

If he carries on driving like that, he"ll end up dead.

gesture = something that you do or say to show a particular feeling or intention例如:

They sent some flowers as a gesture of sympathy to the parents of the child.

It was a nice gesture (= it was kind) to invite his wife too.

We do not accept responsibility but we will refund the money as a gesture of goodwill.

His speech was at least a gesture towards improving relations between the two countries.

The government has made a gesture towards public opinion (= has tried to do something that the public will like).



