2000字范文 > 布置方案 layout scheme英语短句 例句大全

布置方案 layout scheme英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-21 01:48:31


布置方案 layout scheme英语短句 例句大全

布置方案,layout scheme

1)layout scheme布置方案

1.Research onlayout scheme of gas turbine combined cycle units燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组布置方案研究

2.An experimental study was performed on thelayout scheme of a pumping station to be built on the bank of a broad and shallow sediment-laden reach of the mainstream of the Yellow River,including the site selection,layout of water intake,simulation of floating ice flowing into the gate.对黄河干流某宽浅多沙河段拟建泵站规划布置方案进行了泵站选址、取水头部布置、浮冰进闸模拟等的试验研究,试验结果表明:宽浅多沙河流岸边式取水泵站站址宜选在弯道顶冲点下游的送溜段;取水头部按迎水面与主流线平行的形式布置流态较为理想,采用叠梁闸形式可使洪枯水季节的取水安全及取水防沙得到最大限度的保证;岸边式取水泵站的进水流道会有浮冰进入,但数量远小于河道内的浮冰疏密度;站址区的岸坡防护与加固,应以不影响取水头部最佳水流条件为前提。

3.This paper analyzes and approaches the layout from the angles of boiler thermal load,distribution of pulverized coal and investment ,qualitatively puts forward the following optimumlayout schemes:(1)tube mills are transversely arranged in front of boiler and crossly connected with the corresponding burners(front-lef and rear-right ,or front-right and rear-left);(2)tub.从锅炉热负荷、煤粉分配和投资角度对其进行分析探讨,定性提出球磨机炉前横向布置和同磨对应燃烧器全置炉后或全置炉前的优选布置方案,对同类型锅炉制粉系统的布置方案选择有一定的指导意义。


1.proposal of the Plant I layout1号厂房工艺布置方案图

2.The Shaft Design Scheme and Alignment of Some 110000 Tons Oil Tanker;某11万吨油轮的轴系布置方案与校中

3.Research on layout scheme of gas turbine combined cycle units燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组布置方案研究

4.Study on Laying out Scheme to the Equipment of Traffic Information Obtainment in Road Network;公路网交通信息获取设备布置方案研究

5.Research on the Disposal Schemes of Arch Ribs in the Uban Wide CFST Arch Bridges;钢管混凝土拱城市宽桥拱肋布置方案研究

6.Study on Layout Schedule of the Main Body of High-Rise Building Structure and the Non-Independent Body of Annex Building;高层建筑结构主体与裙楼非独立布置方案研究

7.Study on Optimal Layout of One-way Surge Tank in Complex Long-distance Water Transfer Project长距离输水复杂管线下单向塔布置方案优化

8.General Layout Design for Bajiangkou Hydropower Station in the Guijiang River of Guangxi广西桂江巴江口水电站枢纽总体布置方案设计

9.Research on Bearing Replacement Layout of Zhenfengou Bridge in He"nan河南甄坟沟大桥支座更换布置方案研究

10.Layout Optimization of Left Bank Cutoff Wall of Laohuzui Hydropower Station in Tibet西藏老虎嘴水电站左岸防渗墙布置方案优化

11.General layout for reconstruction project of Fuchun River lock富春江船闸扩建改造工程总体布置方案

12.Optimization of the Disposal Project of One Automobile Based on Sensitivity Analysis基于灵敏度分析的某汽车悬架布置方案优化

13.Scheme of Seepage Control of Underground Powerhouse of Lianghekou Hydropower Station两河口水电站地下厂房渗流控制布置方案研究

14.Scheme Comparison of Water Sources Project Layout of Yumenkou Water Pumping Works禹门口提水工程水源工程布置方案比选

15.Safety Analysis for Xi’an Pulsed Reactor in Pulse Operation Mode with the Core in Steady Arrangement and Design Project for the New Core Arrangement西安脉冲堆稳态堆芯脉冲运行安全性分析及新堆芯布置方案设计

16.The Research on Static Analysis of T Section Buckling-Restrained Brace and the Layout Forms of Buckling-Restrained Braces;T形截面防压曲支撑静力分析及防压曲支撑布置方案研究

17.Optimization of Steam System in Braun Type Ammonia Plant布朗合成氨装置蒸汽系统的优化方案

18.Application of SLP Theory in General Layout and the Research of Programmes Evaluation系统布置设计在总平面布置中的应用及方案评价研究


layout plan布置方案

1.This paper introduces the main payout principles for the main workshop of 135 MW machine set,and draws the reasonablelayout plan through comparing and optimizing the twolayout plans.介绍了电厂135MW机组主厂房的主要布置原则,并通过两个布置方案的比较优化后,得出合理的布置方案。

2.Analyzing the relevant factors of logistics facility layout and based on Systematic Layout Planning method(SLP),the paper proposes a logistics facility layout procedure mode,analyzes and discusses the facilitylayout plan and evaluation in the procedure mode.从物流设施布置相关因素分析入手,在SLP系统布置方法的基础上,提出了物流设施布置的程序模式,并对程序模式中的设施布置方案及评价进行了重点分析和探讨。


1.Some differentarrangements of the ice storage system have been listed.围绕这一主题 ,着重介绍了冰蓄冷空调系统几种常用的布置方案 ,从可行性和经济性等多方面加以分析区

2.The characteristic of it and the strength,arrangement of its shear connectors are studied.本文研究了桁梁结合梁的受力特征,针对W桥的具体情况试验研究了栓钉的承载力和布置方案,该成果已用于W桥的设计。

4)scheme arrangement方案布置

1.This paper describes thescheme arrangement of construction settlement observation of Tan Shao Expressway, and put forwards the methods of preliminary analysis of foundation settlement data for dynamic control of embankment construction of the expressway based on the analysis of foundation settlement characteristics during construction.介绍了潭邵高速公路施工沉降观测的方案布置情况 ,并在对施工中地基沉降特性分析的基础上 ,提出进行地基沉降数据初步分析的方法 ,用于潭邵高速公路路堤施工的动态控制。

5)arrangement scheme of substatbn变电站布置方案

6)multies shaft arrangement多轴布置方案


ANSYS SOLID65环向布置钢筋的例子ANSYS SOLID65环向布置钢筋的例子! 一个管道,环向配筋率为1%,纵向配筋率为0.5%,径向配筋率为0.1%! 作者: 陆新征 清华大学土木系! FINISH/CLEAR/PREP7 !* ! 单元属性ET,1,SOLID65!* KEYOPT,1,1,0KEYOPT,1,5,0KEYOPT,1,6,0KEYOPT,1,7,1!* !实参数1:不同方向配筋R,1,2,.001, , ,2, .01, RMORE, 90, ,2,.005 ,90 ,90 , !材料属性!混凝土基本材料属性MPTEMP,,,,,,,, MPTEMP,1,0 MPDATA,EX,1,,30E2MPDATA,PRXY,1,,.2 !屈服准则 TB,MISO,1,1,5, TBTEMP,0TBPT,,0.0005,15TBPT,,0.001,21TBPT,,0.0015,24 TBPT,,0.002,27TBPT,,0.003,24!破坏准则 TB,CONC,1,1,9, TBTEMP,0TBDATA,,.5,.9,3,30,,TBDATA,,,,1,,, MPTEMP,,,,,,,, MPTEMP,1,0 !钢材基本属性MPDATA,EX,2,,200E3MPDATA,PRXY,2,,.27 !屈服准则TB,BISO,2,1,2, TBTEMP,0TBDATA,,310,2E3,,,, ! 管道内径和外径CYL4,0,0,3000, , , ,10000 CYL4,0,0,2000, , , ,10000 VSBV, 1, 2 ! 定义局部柱坐标CSWPLA,11,1,1,1,KWPAVE, 11 WPRO,,-90.000000, VSBW, 3 WPCSYS,-1,0 KWPAVE, 1 WPRO,,,-90.000000 VSBW,ALLESIZE,500,0,! 注意:设定单元局部坐标VATT, 1, 1, 1, 11!* VSWEEP,ALL/DEVICE,VECTOR,1/ESHAPE,1.0/REPLO ! 注意:红色代表最大配筋方向,绿色代表其次,蓝色表示最小配筋方向
