2000字范文 > 弯梁桥 curved girder bridge英语短句 例句大全

弯梁桥 curved girder bridge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-20 12:14:12


弯梁桥 curved girder bridge英语短句 例句大全

弯梁桥,curved girder bridge

1)curved girder bridge弯梁桥

1.Cause and Countermeasures for girder deviation ofcurved girder bridge;弯梁桥梁体偏移成因分析与处治

2.Therefore,it is often applied to the design of the wider,skew,curved girder bridges.梁格法是一种能较好地模拟原结构的空间结构分析方法,它具有基本概念清晰、计算费用低等特点,因此常应用于宽、斜、弯梁桥设计中。

3.The treatments of preventing lateral displacement ofcurved girder bridges are proposed.混凝土连续弯梁桥出现的爬移问题日渐引起了工程界的重视,针对此问题,分析了混凝土连续弯梁桥产生侧向位移问题的主要原因,包括弯梁桥的曲率半径、恒载作用、支座布置形式、温度变化影响、活载作用、梁的截面形式、下部构造特征、混凝土的收缩徐变以及预应力施工等因素,进一步从设计和施工方面提出了一些相应的预防爬移问题的处理措施,以防止弯梁桥出现爬移现象。


1.The Quantitative Analysis of the Continuous Box Girder Bridge on Heyuan Highway Road河源大道跨线桥连续弯梁桥的抗震分析

2.Discussion on the Approximate Calculation Method for the Space Bending Angle in Continuous Curved Bridge对连续弯梁桥空间转角近似计算方法的探讨

3.Research on the Key Technologies of Construction Control for Long-span Curved Continuous Girder Bridge;大跨度连续弯梁桥施工控制关键技术研究

4.Research into Prestressing Landslip of Curved Box Girder Bridges by Tensioning of Steel Wires;弯梁桥钢束张拉过程预应力崩塌效应研究

5.Study on the Bending and Torsion Deformation of Continuous Prestressed Concrete Curved Box-Girder;预应力混凝土连续弯箱梁桥弯扭变形的研究

6.The Generalized Rigid-jointed Beam Method for Calculating Lateral Distribution of Load in Curved Bridges广义刚接梁法计算弯桥荷载横向分布

7.A Study on the Construction Technology for Large Span Preflex Composite Beam in Bridge;大跨度预弯组合梁式桥施工技术研究

8.Box Girder and Thin Walled Pier Spatial Analyse of the Long Span Cured Bridge with High Pier;高墩大跨径弯桥箱梁薄壁墩空间分析

9.Test Research into the P.C. Continuous Curved Box Girder Bridge;预应力混凝土连续弯箱梁桥试验研究

10.Study on Flexural Strengthening with CFRP Materials and Its Application in Highway Bridges;CFRP抗弯加固研究及其桥梁工程应用

11.Girder Construction Technique of Single Tower Cable-stayed Curve Bridge Without Back Cable独塔无背索弯坡斜拉桥主梁施工技术

12.Construction and Stress Control of Pre-bent Compound Beam of Over-railway Bridge of Anshan Steel Factory鞍钢铁路跨线桥预弯复合梁的施工与应力控制

13.Coupled Bending and Twisting Vibration of Thin Walled Beam Bridges Excited by Horizontal Seismic Force with Nonlinear Damping薄壁梁桥的强非线性弯扭耦合振动解析解

14.Preflexed beam bridges long-term properties analysis theory and its application预弯组合梁桥的全时程时效分析理论及其应用


16.Influence of Eccentric Support on two-span Curved Box-girder Bridges with 45-degree central angle偏心支承对45度圆心角双跨弯箱梁桥的影响

17.Research on the Application of CFRP in Flexural Strengthening of Members of Bridge;碳纤维对桥梁构件抗弯加固的应用研究

18.Research on Flexural Strengthening with CFRP and Its Application in the Reinforced Concrete Bridge;CFRP抗弯加固在钢筋混凝土桥梁中的研究与应用


curved beam bridge弯梁桥

1.In this paper, the formulas for internal forces of skewcurved beam bridges with arbitrary skew degrees are derived by using the principle of force-method in structural mechanics.应用结构力学中的力法原理,推导了任意斜度的斜交弯梁桥的内力计算公式。

2.The calculation models ofcurved beam bridges with same span length, but different curvature radius, center angles and supporting forms are established by means of finite element software.利用有限元软件,建立了跨径相同、曲率半径和圆心角以及支撑形式不同的弯梁桥计算模型。

3.Taking the effect of non-radial bearings in the beam-ends into consideration, the rigid-crossbeam method was used to calculate the load lateral distribution ofcurved beam bridge with non-radial bearings as to get more accurate results.用刚性横梁法计算非径向支承弯梁桥的荷载横向分布 ,在计算单梁挠度时考虑了主梁梁端非径向支承的影响 ,得到了更为精确的结果 ,根据影响参数 ,编制了相应的表格 ,方便工程设计人员查用 。

3)curved bridge弯梁桥

bined with practical work the characteristics ofcurved bridge are introduced.结合工程概况,介绍了弯梁桥的特点,从圆心角、桥梁宽度和曲率半径、弯扭刚度比三方面分析了影响弯梁桥受力的主要因素,阐述了曲线梁桥的一般规定和设计要点,并对箱梁的设计及计算进行了论述,以供类似桥梁箱梁的设计参考。

2.According to engineering examples, this paper introduces the major problems currently existed incurved bridges such as pier shaft cracking on consolidated piers; bearing disjoint on the inner side of the beam; side shifting and revolving of the beam.通过工程实例 ,介绍弯梁桥目前存在固结墩墩身开裂、梁内侧支座脱空、梁体向外侧移和翻转等主要问题。

4)curved box-girder弯箱梁桥

1.Dynamic analyses and experiment studies on the prestressed concrete continuouscurved box-girders;预应力混凝土连续弯箱梁桥动力特性分析与试验研究

5)curved box-girder bridge弯箱梁桥

1.Influence of eccentric support on internal forces of 30°curved box-girder bridges with two spans;偏心支承对两跨30度弯箱梁桥内力的影响

2.In this paper,the problem of reaction and torsion of PCcurved box-girder bridges was discussed with the space FEM(finite element method) which was used to construct the simulated model,Considering this structure and the factors such as temperature,vehicles etc.预应力混凝土连续弯箱梁桥容易出现支座脱空和扭转变形过大的问题,针对这一现象,从弯梁桥构造和外界因素等方面着手,采用空间有限元建立全桥仿真模型的方法进行分析,并选取一座曲率半径为60 m的弯梁桥,分析不同支座布置方式下的支座反力和扭转变形等问题。

6)straight beam curved bridge直梁弯桥

1.Onstraight beam curved bridge with beam slab and the treatment of its pier top;梁板式直梁弯桥及其墩台顶的处理


