2000字范文 > 轻型桥墩 light pier英语短句 例句大全

轻型桥墩 light pier英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-25 03:29:22


轻型桥墩 light pier英语短句 例句大全

轻型桥墩,light pier

1)light pier轻型桥墩

1.A heavy haul railway has adopted thelight piers in many of its bridges.某重载铁路多座桥梁采用轻型桥墩,运营中桥梁产生不同程度的横向异常振动问题,横向振幅超过限值,产生安全隐患。


1.Vehicle-bridge Interactions Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Light Pier Simple Beam Bridge in Heavy Haul Railway重载铁路轻型桥墩简支梁车桥耦合动力分析

2.Pier Structural Shape Research of the High-pier and Long-span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridges高墩大跨径连续刚构桥桥墩结构型式研究

3.Technology and the Application Effect Analysis of Pier Foundation Pre-reinforcement Adjoining Existent Light Rail临近既有运营轻轨桥墩基坑施工预加固技术

4.Dynamic Test during the Construction Course of the Jin-bin Light Railway Pier Active Underpinning津滨轻轨桥墩主动托换过程中的振动测试研究

5.Application of Pre-stressed Gai Liang Ⅱ Bridge Pier Design整幅预应力盖梁Ⅱ型桥墩设计与应用

6.Research on Seismic Performance of Neotype Tall Pier for Long-span Railway Bridges铁路大跨桥梁新型高墩抗震性能研究

7.Construction of Anchorage System of Steel Cofferdam with Large Deformed Double Wall at Deep Piers深桥墩大型异形双壁钢围堰锚碇系统施工

8.Construction of Probability Models About Ship Collision with Bridge Piers Based on Accident Records基于事故记录的船撞桥墩概率模型建立

9.The Similarity Rules of Aeroelastic Model of High Pier Wind Tunnel Tests桥梁高墩气动弹性模型风洞试验的相似律

10.Planear 2-D Numerical Model and Study of Damming Caused by Bridge Pier;平面二维数值模型与桥墩壅水问题的研究

11.The Research of Flow Field Model Around the Bridge Piers and Application in Marine Simulator;桥墩处流场模型研究及在航海模拟器中的应用

12.Research on Ice-induced Pier Vibration Model Test and Ice Load Identification冰激桥墩振动模型试验研究及冰荷载的识别

13.The Seismic Response Analysis of a Long Span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge with V PiersV型墩大跨长联连续刚构桥地震反应分析

14.Structural Design and Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Continuous Rigid Fram Bridge with V-shaped PierV型墩预应力混凝土连续刚架桥结构设计分析

15.Seismic Analytical Model of Segmental Bridge Column with Match-cast Epoxy Joints胶接缝连接的节段拼装桥墩抗震分析模型

16.Simplified Model in Modal Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers模态分析中钢筋混凝土桥墩的简化模型

17.Construction Techniques for Reinforcement of Foundation of Existing Bridge Pile with Microsteel-Piped Pile微型钢管桩加固既有桥墩基础施工技术

18.Non-Linear Modeling of RC Rectangular Hollow Piers Confined with CFRPCFRP增强钢筋混凝土矩形中空桥墩的非线性模型


light rail bridge pier轻轨桥墩

1.In order to understand the effect of the strengthening engineering on thelight rail bridge piers closing the pit during the excavating the pit of a subway station,the settlement and horizontal displacement of thelight rail bridge piers near the Wuhan Xunlimen subway station were monitored during the piers strengthened process,and the settlement curves of No.为了解地铁车站基坑在开挖过程中的加固工程对临近既有轻轨桥墩沉降的影响,对武汉循礼门地铁站附近轻轨桥墩在加固施工中的沉降和水平位移进行了监测,得出了1#,2#桥墩沉降曲线,分析了车站施工过程的加固工序选择对轻轨桥墩沉降影响,并在此基础上探讨了前期加固对桥墩沉降的影响作用。

3)light pier轻型墩

1.Research purposes: After train speed-up,majority of transverse vibration amplitude oflight pier bridges exceed allowance value.研究目的:铁路提速后,大部分轻型墩桥梁横向振幅过大,墩与梁横向刚度不匹配问题十分突出,严重地影响了行车安全,为研究该类桥梁横向振幅过大的原因,提出合理的加固方案,特进行轻型墩桥梁横向振动的检测与加固研究。

2.In the end, an analysis and discussion was made of issues related to rigidity inlight pier design.阐述既有桥梁检定规范关于墩顶振幅限值条文制订的依据、适用范围和存在的问题 ,提出根据既有桥梁检定规范确定轻型墩墩顶位移限值的等刚度法 ,最后对轻型墩设计中的刚度问题进行了分析讨

4)Y-formed pierY型桥墩

1.Introduced hereby are mainly the design conception, structural analysis and construction method of the prestressed arch box girder of equal altitude and the novel and uniqueY-formed piers on the interchange.主要介绍该桥梁等高度预应力弧形箱梁和新颖独特的Y型桥墩的设计理念、设计构思和结构分析以及施工方法。

5)bridge pier model桥墩模型

parison and analysis for the shear strengh calculation of reinforced concretebridge pier model;钢筋混凝土桥墩模型抗剪计算对比和分析

6)T-Shape pierT型桥墩


