2000字范文 > 现代自由心证 Modern Free Evaluation of Evidence英语短句 例句大全

现代自由心证 Modern Free Evaluation of Evidence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-06 12:45:44


现代自由心证 Modern Free Evaluation of Evidence英语短句 例句大全

现代自由心证,Modern Free Evaluation of Evidence

1)Modern Free Evaluation of Evidence现代自由心证


1.A Tentative Discussion on the Route to Establish Modern Evaluation of Evidence System in Our Country;构建我国现代自由心证保障体系的路径探讨

2.On Scientific Character and Value Dimension of the Modern Inner Conviction System;现代自由心证制度的科学品格和价值维度

3.The Value Characteristic of the Modern Inner Conviction System in Criminal Proceedings;现代自由心证制度在刑事诉讼中的价值表征

4.Research on the Values of Establishing the Modern Inner Conviction System in Our Country;构建我国现代自由心证制度的价值研究

5.On the Establishment Safeguard and Supervision of Modern Doctrine of Discretion of Judges;论现代自由心证的确立及保障和制约措施

6.The Balance of Discovering the Truth of Cases and Restraining the Subjectivity of Judges;发现真实与抑制法官主观随意性之衡平——论现代自由心证制约机制的建立

7.Modern Development and Scientific Establishment of Inner Conviction in China;自由心证的现代发展及在我国的科学构建

8.On the Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow: Theory and Evidence自由现金流量的代理成本:理论和证据

9.The Psychological Mechanism of Escaping from Freedom in Modern Society--Interpreting Escaping from Freedom现代社会中逃避自由的心理机制——读《逃避自由》

10.Freedom and Regulations of Discretional Evaluation论自由心证的“自由”与“不自由”

11.Administration discretion is the core of modern administrative law.行政自由裁量权是现代行政法的一个核心内容。

12.Contrary to Reason of Freedom of Modern Man--Comment and Analysis on Fromm s Thought of Social Psychology;现代人的自由悖论——弗洛姆社会心理学思想评析

13.On the Freedom of Individual life:the Core of LuXun s Modern Human Study Thought;个体生命自由:鲁迅现代人学思想的核心

14.Establishment of Liberal Order:Core Value of a Harmonious Society确立自由的秩序:现代和谐社会的核心价值

15.A Preliminary Discussion about Discretional Evaluation of Evidence under the Verification Mode in China;浅议我国印证证明模式下的自由心证

16.Fair Freedom-- The Rise of the American Modem Liberalism;公平的自由——美国现代自由主义之浮现

17.Discretion--the Necessary Routine to the Humane Judgment;自由心证——人性化审判的必由之路

18.Obviating the Paradox of Modern Freedom--After Reading The Free of Freedom;消解现代自由的悖论——《逃避自由》读后记


modern inner conviction system现代自由心证制度

1.The value characteristic of themodern inner conviction system in criminal proceedings embodies some aspects.现代自由心证制度在刑事诉讼中的价值表征是多方面的。

3)discretional evaluation of evidence自由心证

1.The Supervising Rules of Discretional Evaluation of Evidence;自由心证制度制约机制探析

2.Discretional Evaluation of Evidence in Drug Cases;毒品案件主观认定中的自由心证

3.In China,thediscretional evaluation of evidence under the verification mode in the criminal procedure values the case truth and it legislatively features relatively high standards of proof.我国刑事诉讼的"印证证明模式"下的自由心证以追求案件真相为价值取向,立法制定了较高的证明标准。

4)free proof自由心证

1.Between Freedom and the Regulations——The comparison study of thefree proof of the two law families;在自由与规制之间——两大法系自由心证主义比较研究

2.By thefree proof technology and the valuation of the evidence probability,the laws of the experiences will transfer the hidden transcript to the public transcript which gear to the justice feeling of the people.借助现代司法的自由心证技术,以及盖然强度的适用效能评估,可以促进经验法则更加符合民众实质正义观感,促进基于证据事实裁量的纠纷解决结果的可接受性。

3.Furthermore,the enforcement of referees is similar to thefree proof of judge.进而,针对足球裁判执法方式与法官断案“自由心证”模式相类似的特点,提出一系列的制约和保障措施,以利于裁判制度的完善。

5)free evaluation自由心证

1.The evidence system offree evaluation has opened up a new chapter of mankind lawsuit history by using its unique quality.自由心证证据制度以其特有的品质开辟了人类诉讼史上的新篇章。

2.The evidence system offree evaluation has solved the contradiction well between the subjective initiative of proving the subject and the law limiting to proving the course.当今社会自由心证已经成为一项世界性的刑事诉讼制度,但在我国它至今仍被认为是主观唯心主义而拒绝。

3.The principle offree evaluation of evidence involves two major parts: free judgment and inner conviction.在我国,应当谨慎而适度地借鉴典型的自由心证证明方式,以适应刑事司法的现实需要。

6)free evaluation of evidence自由心证

1.Discussion on the thinking and foundation of westernfree evaluation of evidence——With the status quo and reform direction of chinese attestation rules;论西方自由心证制度的理念与基础——兼论我国认证制度的现状和改革方向

2.In the present society, the tendency of various country s evidence system is mainly thefree evaluation of evidence, and do some reform as well.当代各国证据制度的发展趋势是以自由心证主义为主 ,并进行了相应的改良。

3.Free evaluation of evidence is an evidence-evaluation principle widely adopted by many countries.自由心证是各国普遍采用的证据评价原则,但由于各方面的原因,我国对自由心证存在一定的误解,也影响了司法合理化的进程。


