2000字范文 > 低温容器 cryogenic vessel英语短句 例句大全

低温容器 cryogenic vessel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-27 01:44:05


低温容器 cryogenic vessel英语短句 例句大全

低温容器,cryogenic vessel

1)cryogenic vessel低温容器

1.Properties of fibre reinforced plastic used in the inner supporting structure ofcryogenic vessels;纤维复合材料在低温容器内支撑结构中的应用

2.Heat leakage influences the non-loss storage of cryogenic liquids directly,so to calculate the quantity of heat leakage accurately is a very important to improve the design ofcryogenic vessels.漏热会对低温液体的无损储运产生直接影响,准确测算低温容器的漏热量对改进低温容器的设计有着重要的实用价值。

3.It is stipulated in GB150 Standard "The cryogenic impact test temperature for the steel of thecryogenic vessel shall be lower than or equal to the lowest design temperature of its shell or pressure components".GB15 0标准中规定 :“低温容器用钢的冲击试验温度应低于或等于壳体或其受压元件的最低设计温度”。


1.high vacuum superinsulation cryogenic container高真空超绝热低温容器

2.Test methods for leak rate of cryogenic containersGB/T16775-1997低温容器漏气速率测定方法

3.Strain Hardening of Cryogenic Vessels from Austenitic Stainless Steels;应变强化奥氏体不锈钢低温容器研究

4.Loss of Vacuum Experiment on a Multi-Layer Insulation Vessel;高真空多层绝热低温容器真空丧失试验研究

5.Manufacture and Performance of Uhmwpe Cryogenic Container超高分子量聚乙烯低温容器的制备与性能研究

6.For this reason pressurized cryogenic containers are normally protected with multiple devices for over-pressure prevention.由于这个原因,一般用多种装置来保护受压低温容器,以防止过压。

7.Cryogenic vessels retained by customers should be periodically tested to confirm that the contents comply with Pharmacopoeial requirements.用户保留的低温容器应定期检验,以确定其成份符合药典要求。

8.A container is a cryogenic vessel, a tank, a tanker, a cylinder, a cylinder bundle or any other package that is in direct contact with the medicinal gas.容器是指低温容器,储罐、罐车、瓶、瓶包或其他直接接触医用气体的包装物品。

9.Low alloy steel plates for low temperature pressure vesselsGB3531-1996低温压力容器用低合金钢钢板

10.Technical regulation for steel low temperature pressure vessels钢制低温压力容器技术规定

11.A Low-Power Consumption, Lower Temperature Drift,Digital Capacitive Angular Displacement Transducer低功耗低温漂数字式电容角位移传感器

12.The types of containers in use include the dewar, cryogenic liquid cylinder, and cryogenic storage tank.使用中的容器类型包括杜瓦瓶、低温液体钢瓶和低温储存罐。

13.An exploratory investigation on sandwich vacuum of a cryogenic liquid storage vessel in use关于在用低温液体贮运容器夹层真空度的探讨

14.variable temperature cryostat可变温度低温恒温器

15.Liquid nitrogen container on high temperature superconducting maglev which fits to evacuated tube transportation适用于真空管道交通的高温超导磁悬浮车低温液氮容器

16.A cryogenic liquid cannot be indefinitely maintained as a liquid even in well-insulated containers.即使在隔热良好的容器内,低温液体不能无限地维持在液态。

17.Studies on Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior and Life Evaluation Technique for Special Pressure Vessel Steel 2.25CrlMo at Elevated Temperature;特种压力容器用钢2.25Cr1Mo的中温低周疲劳行为及寿命评估技术的研究

puter Aided System of Low-temperature Pressure Vessel Welding Procedures Design;低温压力容器计算机辅助焊接工艺设计系统的开发与研究


Cryogenic container低温容器

3)cryogenic vessels低温容器

1.This paper describes the status quo ofcryogenic vessels application in the fields such as space, aviation, machinery, electron,geology and mine, metallurgy, construction,environment protection, traffic, agriculture, hygiene, food, energy, chemistry, science and technology and so on, and looks forward to the future development prospect.综述了低温容器在航天、航空、机械、电子、地质矿产、冶金、建设、环保、交通、农业、卫生、食品、能源、化工、科技等部门的应用现状,展望了未来发展前景。

4)cryogenic containers低温容器

1.Cryogenic insulation paper is one of the important material that is used to the manufacture of multilayer insulationcryogenic containers.低温绝热纸是制造多层绝热低温容器的重要材料之一。

5)low-temperature pressure vessel低温压力容器

1.Expert system for welding procedure design oflow-temperature pressure vessel;低温压力容器焊接工艺设计专家系统

6)low temperature pressure vessel低温压力容器

1.the paper analyses the existing problems in the welding repair of feed nozzle oflow temperature pressure vessel and focus on the reasons of defects making.对低温压力容器接管口修复中焊接存在的问题进行分析,分析了焊接缺陷产生的原因,通过对焊接工艺和热处理方法两个 方面进行严格控制以避免焊接缺陷的产生,确保修复一次成功。

2.This paper analyzed heat exchange oflow temperature pressure vessel supporting frame,which is connected with the inner vessel and the outer shell.对低温压力容器内容器与外壳之间连接的构件的传热进行分析 ,并对构件的升缩量进行计

3.This paper probes into the requirements for and matters need attention in the design oflow temperature pressure vessel from the aspects of the determination of vessel, materials selection, structure design and manufacturing, and inspection, etc.从容器的确定、选材、结构设计以及制造、检验等方面探讨了低温压力容器的设计要求及其注意事项。


