2000字范文 > 光声时域信号 time-domain and frequency-domain signal英语短句 例句大全

光声时域信号 time-domain and frequency-domain signal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-06 06:04:37


光声时域信号 time-domain and frequency-domain signal英语短句 例句大全

光声时域信号,time-domain and frequency-domain signal

1)time-domain and frequency-domain signal光声时域信号

1.We investigate the influence of scattering coefficients of surrounding tissue on the measured acoustictime-domain and frequency-domain signal that generated from the photoacoustic source of cylindered absorber.本论文用基于聚焦换能器的光声系统,研究介质光学性质变化对光声时域信号和频谱的影响,并探寻聚焦光声在血栓检测方面的可行性。

2)time domain signal时域信号

1.It detects slide face with 3 judgment methods such astime domain signal analysis,frequency dispersion curve and wave velocit.运用面波技术对渝邻路的大湾滑坡进行了勘察,通过时域信号分析、频散曲线和波速云图3种判定方法查明了滑坡的滑动面。

2.It is found that strong relativity exists between surface wavetime domain signal and testing section s geological condition by means of studying on characteristic anal.通过对大量野外面波测试信号的分析发现时域信号与测试区域地质具有很大的相关性。


1.Discreating fourier transform is a vital means in signal analysis. It transforms the in-time signal into the in-frequency signal.离散傅立叶变换是信号分析中的一种重要手段,它将时域信号转换违频域信号。

2.The Application on the Time-domain Differential Signal Detection Technique of OFDM;OFDM的信号时域差分检测技术的应用

3.Signal Feature Extraction Base on Factral dimensions of Time-Frequency Domain基于时频域分形维数的信号特征提取

4.Design of signal acquisition system based on time domain reflectometry基于时域反射计的信号采集系统设计

5.In signal analysis the Du transform is used to convert signals from the time domain into the gate width domain, thus the characters of signals can usually be represented by their width spectra.杜氏变换是一种将信号从时域到门宽域的变换,用信号的宽谱密度来描述信号的特征。

6.This paper puts forward and proves time shift characteristic of the signal convolutian integral.本文提出并证明了信号时域卷积的时移特性。

7.Joint timing synchronization algorithm for OQPSK real-time multi-domain analysis宽带OQPSK信号实时多域测试定时同步技术研究

8.Contrarily,if the frequency bandwidth of signal is finite,the time length of signal will be infinite when sampling in frequency domain,the time folding phenomenon will certainly happen.反之,若信号的频带宽度有限,当进行频域抽样时,时域必然发生混叠.

9.Time Domain Power Law Noise and Phase Noise Synthesis for GPS Code Analysis;基于GPS信号分析的时域幂律及相位噪声综合

10.The Application of FDTD in Signal Integrity;时域有限差分法在信号完整性中的应用

11.Time-Frequency Domain Filtering and It s Application for Signal Processing of Flutter Tests;时频域滤波方法及其在颤振信号处理中的应用

12.The Extraction of Spontaneous EEG Based on Time, Frequency and Spatial Information;基于时间、频率和空间域的自发脑电信号提取

13.Classification of Motor Imagery EEG Signals Based on Time-frequency Analysis;基于时频域分析的运动想象脑电信号分类

14.Time-domain analysis on Ground-wave propagation Characteristics of Loran-C Based on FDTD Method基于FDTD的罗兰-C信号地波传播特性的时域分析

15.Segmentation Algorithm of Heart Sound Based on Boundary Estimation in Time Domain基于时域边界估计的心音信号分段算法

16.Time-Domain Parameter Detection of Weak Signals in the Chaotic Background混沌背景下微弱信号时域参数检测的研究

17.A Technique of Catcheing Active Sonar Signal Through Timing Detecting and Frequency Detecting一种时频域联合捕捉主动声纳信号的方法



time domain signal时域信号

1.It detects slide face with 3 judgment methods such astime domain signal analysis,frequency dispersion curve and wave velocit.运用面波技术对渝邻路的大湾滑坡进行了勘察,通过时域信号分析、频散曲线和波速云图3种判定方法查明了滑坡的滑动面。

2.It is found that strong relativity exists between surface wavetime domain signal and testing section s geological condition by means of studying on characteristic anal.通过对大量野外面波测试信号的分析发现时域信号与测试区域地质具有很大的相关性。

3)time signal时域信号

pared with the result respectively by partial fraction expansion method and residue method for inverse Laplace transform with the conclusion by partial fraction expansion method fortime signal s Fourier transform from it s one side Laplace transform,the formula by residue method fortime signal s Fourier transform from it s one side Laplace transform is presented.从利用部分分式展开法在由时域信号的拉普拉斯变换求取其傅里叶变换入手 ,结合部分分式展开法和留数法在拉普拉斯反变换中的应用 ,得到了利用留数法由时域信号的单边拉普拉斯变换求取其傅里叶变换的公式 ,对此公式进行了严密的证明 ,并举例说明其应

4)photoacoustic signal光声信号

1.Relation of intensity ofphotoacoustic signal andconcentration of solution;光声信号强度与溶液浓度关系的研究

2.The effect of the polarized direction of laser on the amplitude ofphotoacoustic signal;激光偏振方向对光声信号的影响

3.The effect of the angle of laser incidence onphotoacoustic signal;激光入射角对光声信号大小的影响

5)photoacoustic signals光声信号

1.In order to collectphotoacoustic signals and reconstruct images quickly,photoacoustic signal collecting and image reconstructing system based on virtual instrument is applied to collectphotoacoustic signals.为了实现光声信号的快速采集和图像重建,采用基于虚拟仪器的光声信号采集和成像系统进行光声信号采集,由LABVIEW调用MATLAB程序对采集到的数据进行处理,最后利用滤波反投影重建算法,实现了对模拟组织样品的光声层析成像。

6)optic-acoustic signal光-声信号


时域测量与频域测量测量被测对象在不同时间的特性,即把它看成是一个时间的函数f(t)来测量,称为时域测量。例如,对图中a的信号 f(t)可以用示波器显示并测量它的幅度、宽度、上升和下降时间等参数。把信号f(t)输入一个网络,测量出其输出信号f(t),与输入相比较而求得网络的传递函数h(t)。这些都属于时域测量。对同一个被测对象,也可以测量它在不同频率时的特性,亦即把它看成是一个频率的函数S(ω)来测量,这称为频域测量。例如,对信号f(t)可以用频谱分析仪显示并测量它在不同频率的功率分布谱S(ω),如图b。把这个信号输入一个网络,测量出其输出频谱S′(ω),与输入相比较而求得网络的频率响应G(ω)。这些都属于频域测量。用一个频率可变的正弦(单频)信号作输入,测量出在不同频率时网络输出与输入功率之比,也得到G(ω)。这仍然是频域测量。时域与频域过程或响应,在数学上彼此是一对相互的傅里叶变换关系 这里*表示卷积。时域测量与频域测量互相之间有唯一的对应关系。在这一个域进行测量,通过换算可求得另一个域的结果。在实际测量中,两种方法各有其适用范围和相应的测量仪器。示波器是时域测量常用的仪器,便于测量信号波形参数、相?还叵岛褪奔涔叵档取?频谱分析仪是频域测量常用的仪器,便于测量频谱、谐波、失真、交调等。
