2000字范文 > 新型三维永磁电机 new three-dimensional permanent magnet motor英语短句 例句大全

新型三维永磁电机 new three-dimensional permanent magnet motor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-23 19:28:18


新型三维永磁电机 new three-dimensional permanent magnet motor英语短句 例句大全

新型三维永磁电机,new three-dimensional permanent magnet motor

1)new three-dimensional permanent magnet motor新型三维永磁电机

1.Testing system ofnew three-dimensional permanent magnet motor based on LabVIEW基于LabVIEW的新型三维永磁电机检测系统


1.Testing system of new three-dimensional permanent magnet motor based on LabVIEW基于LabVIEW的新型三维永磁电机检测系统

2.3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Electric Magnet Field of a Novel Axial Field Flux-switching Permanent Magnet Motor新型轴向磁场磁通切换型永磁电机磁场三维有限元分析

3.Magnetic and Electric Model for New Type of Claw Pole Machine with Permanent Magnet Outer Rotor and 3D Finite Element Analysis;新型永磁外转子爪极发电机的磁电模型建立与三维有限元分析

4.3-D analysis of eddy current losses in permanent PMSM magnets永磁同步电动机中永磁体的三维涡流分析

putation and Analysis of 3-D Open-boundary Magnetic Fields of Ironless Permanent Magnet Motor;无铁心永磁电机三维开域磁场计算与分析

6.Analysis of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field in Slotless Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor无槽永磁直线同步电动机三维磁场分析

7.Analysis of Planar Type TFPM Structure with 3D Finite Element Method平板式横向磁场永磁电动机三维有限元分析

8.Design of a New 2kW Permanent Magnet Wind Turbine;新型2kW小型永磁风力发电机设计

9.3D Analysis of Eddy Current in Permanent Magnets of PMSM Driven by PWM InverterPWM逆变器下永磁同步电动机中永磁体的三维涡流分析*

10.Studies on Novel Transverse Flux Permanent Magnetic Propulsive Motor;新型横向磁场永磁电力推进电动机的研究

11.A Novel Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Motor Using Position Switching Design Approach采用换位设计的新型双凸极永磁电机

12.Characteristics Analysis of a Novel Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Memory Motor新型双凸极永磁记忆电机的特性分析

13.Design and Research on a Novel Transverse Flux Machine Based on Scalar Potential 3D FEM;基于标量磁位三维有限元法新型横向磁场电机设计与研究

14.3D Magnetic Field Calculation and Structure Performance Analysis of Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor;横向磁通永磁同步电动机的三维磁场计算与结构性能分析

15.3-D Finite Element Torque Analysis of a Halbach Array PM Spherical MotorHalbach阵列永磁球形电动机转矩的三维有限元分析

16.A New Method of Magnetic Pole Position Estimation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor一种新型的永磁同步电机磁极位置检测方法

17.miniature magnetic DC motor微型永磁直流电动机

18.Structure Optimization Design of the Permanent Magnet Voice Coil Motor Based on 3D Magnetic Field Calculation;基于三维磁场计算的永磁音圈电机结构优化设计


permanent magnet micro motor永磁微型电机

3)permanent magnet machine永磁电机

1.Research and development of rare-earthpermanent magnet machines;稀土永磁电机的关键技术与高性能电机开发

2.Analysis on cogging torque in axial field flux-switchingpermanent magnet machine轴向磁场磁通切换永磁电机齿槽转矩分析

3.A new hybrid excited doubly salient(HEDS)machine with a special magnetic bridge is presented,which combines the advantages ofpermanent magnet machines with the possibility of controllable magnetic flux by auxiliary DC field windings.样机实验结果不仅验证了理论分析的正确性,并表明:通过改变电励磁绕组电流的大小和方向,实现了电机内气隙磁场灵活调节与控制,有效解决了双凸极永磁电机难以实现电机气隙磁场调节的不足,在电动汽车等需宽调速直接驱动的场合具有应用前景。

4)permanent magnet motor永磁电机

1.Voltage inputting for the rotor position estimation of apermanent magnet motor based on high-frequency signal injection;基于高频信号注入的永磁电机转子位置估计方法中的电压输入

2.Nonlinear Modeling and Simulation for Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Motor with External Rotor Used in Electric Vehicle;电动汽车用外转子双凸极永磁电机建模与仿真

3.Analysis of 3D electromagnetic field in transverse fluxpermanent magnet motor;横向磁通永磁电机的三维电磁场分析

5)PM motor永磁电机

1.A novel wide-range speed control forPM motor drive for electric vehicle;一种新型电动车用宽调速永磁电机驱动系统

2.Based on automatic generation technique of parametric mesh and directly discretization treatment of PM, a finite element analysis system for rare earthPM motor has been developed.以参数化网格自动生成技术为核心,采用永磁体直接离散化处理,开发了稀土永磁电机磁场有限元分析系统,该系统能方便地对任意尺寸、槽数、极对数的多种永磁形状与结构的电机进行二维磁场有限元数值分析,并计算出电机的主要技术参数,它的开发对稀土永磁电机的设计与分析起到了积极的促进作用。

3.It can be foresaw that the study onPM motor will promote the development of marine electric propulsion in recent ten or twenty years.与直流电机相比,永磁电机具有体积小、重量轻、可靠性高等优点,越来越成为船舶电力推进的研究热点。

6)permanent magnetic motor永磁电机

1.Magnetic index ofpermanent magnetic motor should be calculated to find the feature of stabling and transient of the motor.在永磁电机的设计中 ,为了求出电机的稳态和暂态特性 ,需要计算电机的磁参数。


