2000字范文 > 抗生素滥用 Abuse of antibiotics英语短句 例句大全

抗生素滥用 Abuse of antibiotics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-06 13:14:54


抗生素滥用 Abuse of antibiotics英语短句 例句大全

抗生素滥用,Abuse of antibiotics

1)Abuse of antibiotics抗生素滥用

2)antibiotics abuse滥用抗生素

1.Currentlyantibiotics abuse is becoming one of the world-wise hot topics because it has led to more and more pathogenic-bacteria resistance to widely available, relatively cheap antibiotics.滥用抗生素导致了越来越多耐药菌群的产生 ,因而成为目前全球关注的热门话题之一。


1.Analysis and countermeasure to the status of abuse antibiotic in pediatric acute respiratory infection;儿科急性呼吸道感染滥用抗生素现状的分析与对策

2.As a result of overusing them, we are gradually seeing the rise of drug-resistant bacteria--superbugs that are a real danger to our health.滥用抗生素造成的后果是现在具有抗药性的病菌层出不,这些超级病菌是真正的健康杀手。

3.Conclusions: The severe situation of antibiotic resistance caus for restrictied of misuse of antibiotics.结论∶本地区常见致病菌耐药情况较严重 ,需合理使用和控制滥用抗生素。

4.In addition, many patients who receive antibiotics unknowingly abuse them.除此之外,许多病人在不知不觉下滥用了抗生素。

5.Thekey of preventing acquired deafness was to prohibit the misapplication of ototoxic antibiotics. "禁止滥用耳毒性抗生素仍是预防后天性耳聋发生的关键。

6.Characteristics of Substance use and its Core Contributing Factors among Reform School Students in Southwest of China工读学校学生的物质滥用行为及其关键影响因素分析

7.Risk factors for prescription opioid abuse occurring in patient with chronic non-cancer pain慢性非癌症疼痛患者发生阿片处方药滥用的危险因素

8.an antibiotic used to treat gonorrhea.用来治疗淋病的抗生素。

9.proof against human misuse, error, etc..对于人的滥用和错误等有抵抗力的。

10.The Social Roots and Countermeasures of Abuse of Antibiotics;滥用抗菌药物的社会根源及防控对策

11.Studies on Isolation and Application of Agricultural Antibiotics with Antifungal Activities;抗真菌农用抗生素的分离及应用研究

12.an antibiotic used as an anticancer drug.用来作为抗癌剂的一种抗生素。

13.Anti LPS antibody and antibiotic treatment in burns抗内毒素抗体与抗生素的作用对严重烧伤病人内毒素血症的治疗

14.Antitumor antibiotic pingyangmycin:research and clinical use for 40 years抗肿瘤抗生素平阳霉素研究与临床应用40年

15.Interaction of DNA with an tibiotics Oxytetracyclin;DNA与抗生素——土霉素相互作用

16.Screening of Agriantibiotic Zuelacmycin-high-yielding Strain农用抗生素瑞拉菌素高产菌株的选育

17.The result of the abusive useing ecological resources is ecocide.对生态资源滥用的结果是生态毁灭。

18.These lower costs may lead to ecologically harmful misuse.费用减低可能导致生态上有害的滥用。


antibiotics abuse滥用抗生素

1.Currentlyantibiotics abuse is becoming one of the world-wise hot topics because it has led to more and more pathogenic-bacteria resistance to widely available, relatively cheap antibiotics.滥用抗生素导致了越来越多耐药菌群的产生 ,因而成为目前全球关注的热门话题之一。

3)The abuse of bacteriophage抗菌素滥用

4)vitamin abuse维生素滥用

5)GH abuse生长激素滥用

6)factors of abuse滥用因素


