2000字范文 > 沁河流域 Qinhe River Basin英语短句 例句大全

沁河流域 Qinhe River Basin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-28 07:25:30


沁河流域 Qinhe River Basin英语短句 例句大全

沁河流域,Qinhe River Basin

1)Qinhe River Basin沁河流域

1.A historical dam-breaking flood in 1482:greatQinhe River Basin flood;历史上的一次溃决洪水——1482年沁河流域大洪水

2.Qinhe River Basin, so-called "Little Yellow River", is the main source of flood in the downstream of the Yellow River below Sanmen Gorge.沁河流域是黄河三门峡以下主要的洪水来源之一。


1.Design of backbone project for control of Ganquan ditch in Qinhe Water Basin沁河流域甘泉沟治沟骨干工程的设计

2.Meteorological Stations Precipitation Data Sharing System Based on WebGIS in Qin River Basin基于WebGIS的沁河流域气象站雨量资料共享系统

3.Study on the Interaction between Surface Water and Ground Water in Qin River Basin Using a Distributed Hydrological Model;基于分布式模型的沁河流域地表地下水转换规律研究

4.Study on Riverine Carbon Flux and Erosion of Zhujiang (Pearl) River Drainage Basin;珠江流域河流碳通量与流域侵蚀研究

5.Cooperation of the riparian countries in international river basin--a case of the Red River国际河流流域国的合作——以红河流域为例

6.Study on Hydrologic Drought Characteristics of Main Rivers in Weihe River Basin;渭河流域主要河流水文干旱特性研究

7.Gambia River Basin Development Organization冈比亚河流域开发组织

8.Niger Basin Authority尼日尔河流域管理局

anization for the Ruvuma Basin Development鲁伍马河流域开发组织

10.Bandama/Valley Authority班达马河流域管理局

11.Niger River Basin Committee尼日尔河流域委员会

anization of La Plata Basin拉普拉塔河流域组织

13.Rio de La Plata Basin Treaty拉普拉塔河流域协定

14.River Plate Basin Treaty拉普拉塔河流域条约

15.Treaty on the River Plate Basin拉普拉塔河流域公约

16.Yorkshire and the Humber约克夏和亨伯河流域

17.Geophysiology of Amazonia亚马孙河流域地球物理

18.River Plate area拉普拉塔河流域地区


Qinhe River沁河

1.Ecological Investigation of Freshwater Crab and River Pollution in Basin ofQinhe River;山西沁河流域溪蟹生态调查及河流污染现状

2.Evaluation on the Present Situation of Water Quality and Pollution Analysis ofQinhe River s Shanxi Section;沁河山西段水质现状评价与污染分析

3.Evaluation on the Water Quality ofQinhe River’s Jincheng Section with the Gray Relative Analysis Method;沁河晋城段水质灰色关联分析

3)Qin River沁河

1.Simulation of interactions between surface water and groundwater inQin River basin;沁河流域地表水与地下水转换的模拟

2.Evaluation of influence of Qinyang City Ziling to GecunQin River Highway Bridgeon flood control of bridge location;对沁阳市紫陵—葛村沁河公路大桥桥位河段防洪影响评价

3.Study on the Interaction between Surface Water and Ground Water inQin River Basin Using a Distributed Hydrological Model;基于分布式模型的沁河流域地表地下水转换规律研究

4)the Qinhe River沁河

1.In view of the present flood control engineering works and existing problems in the flood control of the lower reaches ofthe Qinhe River and according to the basic consideration of the river harnessing, the paper has put forward t.沁河为黄河一大支流,流经山西、河南两省,受黄河回水影响,下游淤积严重,历史上素有“小黄河”之称。

2.Drawing water for irrigation fromthe Qinhe River has a history of thousands of years.黄河下游引沁河水灌溉有数千年的历史。

5)river basin河流流域

6)Fu River Basin抚河流域

1.The surface water environmental quality of Fu river basin during the State"s Tenth Five-Year Plan period(2001-) was studied in this article.以“十五”期间抚河流域地表水环境质量为研究对象,运用模糊数学评价法对9个监测断面和9个污染因子进行了综合评价。


