2000字范文 > 湘江流域 Xiangjiang River Basin英语短句 例句大全

湘江流域 Xiangjiang River Basin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-02 03:48:38


湘江流域 Xiangjiang River Basin英语短句 例句大全

湘江流域,Xiangjiang River Basin

1)Xiangjiang River Basin湘江流域

1.Integrated flood risk assessment ofXiangjiang River Basin in China;湘江流域洪水灾害综合风险评价

2.Analysis of -07-15 rainstorm-flood catastrophe inXiangjiang River Basin of Hunan Province;湖南省湘江流域“7·15”暴雨-洪水巨灾分析

3.Relationship between flood/waterlogging disaster and rainfall inXiangjiang River Basin;湘江流域洪涝灾害与降水的关系


1.Enterprise environmental responsibility in Xian river pollution governance湘江流域污染治理中的企业环境责任

2.The Research on Water Resources and Water Ecological Problems of XiangJiang River Basin Section Flowing Through Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan;湘江流域长株潭段水资源与水生态问题研究

3.Heavy Metals Pollution of Xiangjiang Valley in Hunan Province湖南湘江流域重金属污染的现状与分析

4.Characteristics of Drought and Flood Climate Changes of Xiangjiang River Basin in Recent 50 Years近50年湘江流域干湿气候变化若干特点

5.Hunan Cuisine: Including local cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau, Hunan is known for its use of chili, pepper and shallot, and a pungent flavor.湘菜:包括湘江流域、洞庭湖区和湘西山区的菜肴,以善用红辣椒、胡椒粉和香葱以及辛辣而闻名。

6.Innovate Technical Craft,and Promote the Growth of Circular Economy--an analysis of the water pollution government in the Xiangjiang River basin;创新科技与工艺 促循环经济发展——湘江流域水污染治理分析

7.Study on the Degeneration of the Red Soil in the Xiangjiang River Valley and its System Construction of Ecological Security;湘江流域红壤区土地退化及生态安全体系建设研究

8.The Xiangjiang River Water Pollution Government Place Intergovernmental Cooperation Question Research湘江流域水污染治理中地方政府间协作问题研究

9.Study on the Governance and Tourism Resources Development of Tuo River Basin in Fenghuang County of Western Hunan;湘西凤凰县沱江流域治理与旅游资源开发研究

10.Resource-environmental System and Mechanism Innovation to Promote Watershed Pollution Control Ability--Take Xiangjiang River as the example提升流域污染治理能力的资源环境体制机制创新——以湘江为例

11.On Pre-Chu Dynasties the Origin of Urban in the Yuan River Basin, West Hunan;先楚湘西沅水流域城市萌芽问题初论

12.Dong Xiangqin"s Ditty in Pine Woods and the Regional Culture of Min River Valley董湘琴的《松游小唱》与岷江河谷地域文化

13.The Container Shipping Transportation System Research of Xiang River Based on Logistics Theory;基于物流理论的湘江集装箱船舶运输系统研究

14.Countermeasures of Developing Farm Produce Joint Logistics in Xiangjiang River Water System;发展湘江水系农产品共同物流的对策探讨

15.Study on Riverine Carbon Flux and Erosion of Zhujiang (Pearl) River Drainage Basin;珠江流域河流碳通量与流域侵蚀研究

16.On the Investment and Financing to Harness the "Sishui" River Basins;湘、资、沅、澧“四水”流域污染治理投融资研究

17.Research on the Function of Civil Flower-drum Play of Minority Chinese along Youshui Valley at the Border of Hubei,Hunan,Chongqing and Guizhou;鄂湘渝黔边区酉水流域民间“花鼓戏”的功能研究

18.an ecological shelter along the Yangtze River Valley长江流域的生态掩体


Xiang River Valley湘江流域

1.Benefit Assessment of Water and Soil Conservation Planning inXiang River Valley;湘江流域水土保持规划预期效益评价

2.The Primary Study on the CCWR inXiang River Valley;湘江流域水资源承载力初步研究

3.This is a research of Chinese dialects along Xiang River valley from the perspective of dialect geography by investigaging dialects and drawing dialects maps in order to display dialects geographically,to study the distribution rules and the linguistic value of distribution and then to discuss rules for dialects evolution and contact.本文主要从方言地理学的角度对湘江流域汉语方言进行研究,通过方言调查、绘制方言地图,来展示语言项目在地理上的分布,研究分布的规律和分布的语言学价值,探讨方言接触和演变的规律。

3)Xiangjiang Valley湘江流域

1.Grey Forecasting on Industrial Solid Waste inXiangjiang Valley Based on MATLAB;基于MATLAB的湘江流域工业固体废物灰色预测

2.The data showed that with the development of industrialization and urbanization,the water,soil and crop in Xiangjiang valley have been suffered from serious mutil-heavy metal pollution,especially Cd and As pollution.湘江是湖南的母亲河,是湘江流域内居民的重要饮用水的水源地,也是不同污水的汇聚地。

4)Xiangjiang River valley湘江流域

1.51 samples were collected fromXiangjiang River valley in May .5月采集了湘江流域51个样品,用AES萃取技术,使用GC-MS方法测定了样品中的六氯苯(HCB)、滴滴涕(DDTs)、氯丹、艾氏剂、狄氏剂、异狄氏剂、七氯和灭蚁灵等有机氯农药(OCPs)。

5)upper and middle reaches of Xiangjiang River湘江流域中上游

1.Evolvement of landscape pattern inupper and middle reaches of Xiangjiang River;湘江流域中上游景观格局及其变化

6)the pollution governing of the Xiangjiang river湘江流域治理


