2000字范文 > 项目运作规划 Project operation plan英语短句 例句大全

项目运作规划 Project operation plan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-28 10:07:29


项目运作规划 Project operation plan英语短句 例句大全

项目运作规划,Project operation plan

1)Project operation plan项目运作规划

2)project plan项目规划

1.This paper introduces two kinds of literature information resources integration modes, expounds in detail the scheme of theproject plan, and analyzes on the establishment of the coordination committee and the signature of the pledge of library.提出了两种文献信息资源整合模式,详细地介绍了项目规划的方案,分析了协调委员会的成立及图书馆公约的签署。


1.project plan项目规划,工程计划

2.The Application of Project Management in IT Project Planning项目管理在IT项目规划中的应用研究

3.Surrounding the project Approval System Making thermal power project planning围绕项目核准制 做好火电项目规划

4.logical framework analysis and objectives-oriented project planning methods逻辑框架分析和目标导向项目规划法

5.Fairyoung Company Business Development Planning and Implementation of Research Projects;惠扬公司商业项目规划与实施的研究

6.Assessment of Environment Influence of Land Consolidation Project Planning and Design;土地整理项目规划设计环境影响评价

7.Project Planning and Design of Database Based on Visual C+ +;基于Visual C++的数据库项目规划与设计

8.planning and project identification mission规划和项目确定特派团

9.management and planning of development projects发展项目管理和规划

10.Planning and Intersectoral Projects Unit规划和部门间项目股

11.Strategic Information Systems Planning Project战略信息系统规划项目

12.Caribbean Planning for Adaption to Global Climate Change project加勒比适应全球气候变化规划项目(规划项目)

13.The Goal Program Model in Real Estate Investment of Bundling Business;房地产投资项目组合的目标规划模型

14.Principal Officer in Charge of Planning and Intersectoral Projects主管规划和部门间项目的特等干事

15.Planning - Assemble Project Teams/Define Roles规划-指定项目工作组/定义角色

16.country planning and project preparation fund国家规划和项目准备基金

17.Assessment and Planning Officer for Non-Food Items非粮食项目评估与规划干事

18.Research on Yanzigou Scenic Area Tourism Development Project燕子沟景区旅游开发项目的规划研究


project plan项目规划

1.This paper introduces two kinds of literature information resources integration modes, expounds in detail the scheme of theproject plan, and analyzes on the establishment of the coordination committee and the signature of the pledge of library.提出了两种文献信息资源整合模式,详细地介绍了项目规划的方案,分析了协调委员会的成立及图书馆公约的签署。

3)project scheduling项目规划

1.Partially parallel multi-issue negotiation forproject scheduling in virtual enterprise;多属性虚拟企业部分并行协商项目规划

2.Aproject scheduling model based on Dependency Structure Matrix(DSM) was proposed.建立了基于依赖结构矩阵的项目规划模型。

3.How to maximize the net present value of the project subject to the resource constraints is the focus ofproject scheduling.在资源约束条件下,如何最大化项目净现值是目前项目规划研究的重点问题。

4)project programming项目规划

1.This paper researched the R&Dproject programming problem of electromechanical product in distributed and multi-organizations participating environment,put forward an interface matrix based coarse programming and DSM based fine programming integratedproject programming method.研究分布式、多组织参与环境下机电产品研发项目的规划问题,提出了一种基于部件接口矩阵的粗规划和基于设计结构矩阵的细规划相结合的项目规划方法。

5)project planning项目规划

1.Design and Implementation of Project Planning and Team Forming System in Concurrent Engineering on .Net Framework;.NET平台下并行工程项目规划与团队组织系统的设计与实现

2.Softwareproject planning management plays an important role during the software development.软件项目规划管理在软件开发过程中处于十分重要的地位,它体现了对客户需求的理解,并为软件工程的实施提供可行的计划,是开展软件项目活动的基础和依据。

3.In this paper,a system is introduced which is based on some new achievements of time estimation,project planning,team formation about concurrent engineering,to solve two problems,that are the integrated optimization problem of product development planning and the problem of forming the product development team.文中结合并行工程环境下对设计时间估计、项目规划、团队组织方面的研究成果,针对实际生产中遇到的产品开发计划制订和规模较大的团队组织问题进行了深入研究,考虑到现实中的具体问题,在。

6)planned project规划项目

1.Based on the present situation andplanned project list of production development in one oflargescale associated enterprises, this paper approaches the way to make self-possessed fund givingeconomic benefit as large as possible.根据某大型联合企业的现状和生产发展规划项目表,探讨如何使有限的自有资金发挥尽可能大的经济效益。


