2000字范文 > 项目计划 project plan英语短句 例句大全

项目计划 project plan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-09 07:38:12


项目计划 project plan英语短句 例句大全

项目计划,project plan

1)project plan项目计划

1.Research on existing problems inproject plan formulation of enterprise;企业项目计划编制中的问题及对策措施探索

2.The method and tactics of making the softwareproject plan;制订软件项目计划的方法与策略

3.With the best wide use of network plan inproject plan,This article advances the way of drawing network plan.就项目计划中应用最广泛的网络计划,分别从网络计划编制的原理、步骤、注意事项等方面进行探讨如何准确绘制双代号网络计划,使网络计划更有助于项目管理。


1.Project Plan Execution- carrying out the project plan by performing the activities included therein.项目计划执行-行工序来实施项目计划。

2.Either the project manager has not published the project plan or there is no information in the project plan to display.项目经理尚未发布项目计划,或是项目计划中尚未有可显示的信息。

3.We enclose our brief project plan for your perusal.内附我公司项目计划概要,请过目。

4.The Study and Application of Network-planning Technology in Project-planning Management;网络计划技术在项目计划管理中的研究与应用

munication project交通计划项目(交通项目)

6.project plan项目规划,工程计划

7.Public Works Programme Item No. X工务计划项目第X号

8.finished the project on schedule.按计划完成工程项目

9.detailed audit project详细划分的审计项目

10.To be acquainted with the Project Master Schedule and the purchasing schedule for the assigned project.熟知项目总体计划及本人负责项目的采购计划。

11.To be acquainted with the Project Master Schedule for the assigned project.熟知本人负责项目的项目总体计划。

12.Adds a new schedule entry to the selected schedule.添加一个新计划项目到选择的计划。

13.Research on the Evaluation System of S&T Plan Project Approving in Guizhou;贵州科技计划项目立项评估体系研究

14.Set up active plan according to project target and schedule.根据项目目标及进度制定行动计划.

15.The entry scheduled between {0} will be deleted. Do you want to delete the entry?在 {0} 中的计划项目将被删除。您想删除此项目吗?

16.Integrated Project on Family Planning, Nutrition and Parasite Control计划生育、营养和寄生虫防治综合项目(综合项目)

17.To be acquainted with the Project Master Schedule and the Budget for the assigned project.熟知本人负责项目的项目总体计划和预算情况。

18.Plan and Control of Schedule in Telecommunication Design Project通信工程设计项目的进度计划与控制


project planning项目计划

1.Researches on the Methods of Mould Project Planning and Monitoring under Stochastic Environment;随机环境下模具项目计划与监控方法研究

2.The Project Planning Research on Thermal Power Construction Project Based on Uncertainty Analysis;基于不确定性分析的火电建设项目计划研究

3.The dissertation spreads out exposition centering on collaboration model and algorithm of cross-enterpriseproject planning and designing and implementation of system.跨企业项目计划是跨企业项目管理的核心,用来指导、组织、实施和控制跨企业项目的运行,也是避免资源浪费、提高效率的手段。

3)project scheduling项目计划

1.By means of simulation,the impact of these three attributes onproject scheduling in terms of two performance indicators: project duration and on time completion was evaluated.考虑链中包含的工序数大小、工序执行时间不确定程度和开工柔性程度三个与具体项目相关的属性,研究关键链项目计划缓冲设置。

4)A plan; a project.计划;项目

5)Project 863863计划项目

1.This article investigates the topic selection ofProject 863(1986-2001),research achievements,especially the social effect after results transformation,and economic returns.本文对863(1986-2001年)计划项目的立项分布,研究成果,特别是成果转化后产生的社会效益、经济效益进行调查分析,发现863计划项目研究领域已经形成适合我国国情的高技术研究队伍,增强了我国科技实力,缩小了我国与发达国家科学技术的距离,对我国国民经济和社会的发展产生了重大影响。

6)Project Plan项目计划书

1.GCM Corporation s DemonstrationProject Plan of High-Tech Agricultural Industrialization of Bramble;GCM公司树莓高新农业产业化示范项目计划书


