2000字范文 > 供应物流整合模型 supply logistics integration reference model英语短句 例句大全

供应物流整合模型 supply logistics integration reference model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-07 00:09:05


供应物流整合模型 supply logistics integration reference model英语短句 例句大全

供应物流整合模型,supply logistics integration reference model

1)supply logistics integration reference model供应物流整合模型

2)supply logistics供应物流

1.Study onsupply logistics system of coal enterprise in modern logistics environment;现代物流环境下的煤炭企业供应物流系统研究

2.Improving the quality of thesupply logistics of auto accessories;提高汽车制造业零部件供应物流质量的研究

3.A Study on Supply Logistics Management of Modern Automobile Manufacture Enterprise;现代汽车制造企业供应物流管理研究


1.Logistics may be divided into supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, returned logistics and waste material logistics.物流可以分成供应物流、产物流、售物流、收物流和废弃物物流。

2.The Design of Military Distribution Supply Chain and the Research on Distribution Model;军事物流供应链设计与物流模式研究

3.Research to Logistics Service Supply Chain Based on Logistics Capability基于物流能力的物流服务供应链研究

4.Applied Research on MF Suppliers Selecting for MF Outsourcing Decision;企业物流外包中选取物流供应商的应用研究

5.A Research of Logistics Management of Material Supply Enterprise in Electrical Power System;电力系统物资供应企业物流管理研究

6.Research on the Supplier Choosing of Third Party Logistics Based on Supply Chain;基于供应链的第三方物流供应商选择研究

7.Fuzzy synthetical evaluation of TPLs supply chain management;供应链管理的第三方物流供应商模糊综合评价

8.Supplier Selection in Constructing LogisticsService Supply Chain;物流服务供应链构建中的供应商选择研究

9.On Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Strategy in Modern Logistics;论现代物流中的供应链管理与供应链战略

10.Research on the Logistics Suppliers Selection Based on the Lean Supply Chain基于精益供应链的物流供应商的选择研究

11.A Study on the Selection of Functional Suppliers Based on Service Supply Chain基于服务供应链的功能型物流供应商选择研究

12.Supplier Selection in Logistics Service Supply Chain基于物流服务供应链模式的供应商选择研究

13.On Decision of Supplier Selection From Logistics Service Providers in Supply Chain供应链中物流服务供应商选择决策研究

14.Research on the Appraisal of Suppliers in Supply Chain Based on TOPSIS Method基于TOPSIS法的供应链条件下物流供应商评价研究

15.Analysis of Integrated Model of Supply Chain in ELS~3应急物流体中供应链的集成模式研究

16.RFID in Supplies the Chain to Flow in the Management the Application;RFID在供应链物流管理中的应用

17.6σ and its application in SCM;六西格玛及其在供应链物流中的应用

18.The Application of Intellective Mathematics Models in Supply Chain Management;智能数学模型在物流供应链中的应用


supply logistics供应物流

1.Study onsupply logistics system of coal enterprise in modern logistics environment;现代物流环境下的煤炭企业供应物流系统研究

2.Improving the quality of thesupply logistics of auto accessories;提高汽车制造业零部件供应物流质量的研究

3.A Study on Supply Logistics Management of Modern Automobile Manufacture Enterprise;现代汽车制造企业供应物流管理研究

3)cultural integration in supply chain management供应链文化整合模式

4)Integration-Reaction Model整合-反应模型

5)linking model of process integration流程整合链模型

6)integration of supply chain供应链整合

1.They also should begin with theintegration of supply chain and management and promote their prestige through developing their own brands so as to strengthen their cultural construction and tap their key competitive capability.我国连锁超市在外资零售企业大量进入中国市场的情况下,需要学习和借鉴国外连锁超市先进的管理经营经验,从供应链整合和管理出发,通过开发自有品牌来提升连锁超市形象,加强超市的企业文化建设,逐步挖掘我国连锁超市的核心竞争能力。


