2000字范文 > 控制公司 controlling company英语短句 例句大全

控制公司 controlling company英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-28 09:16:03


控制公司 controlling company英语短句 例句大全

控制公司,controlling company

1)controlling company控制公司

1.Studies on the Controlling Company s Liability in Corporate Group;论企业集团中控制公司的责任


1.controlled company受控制公司,子公司

2.Research on the Mechanism of MNC′s Control of Joint Ventures;跨国公司控制合资子公司的机制探析

3.to monitor the company"s internal control system.审查公司的内控制度。

4.He surrendered control of the company.他交出了公司的控制权。

5.Research on the Controlling Mechanism over Controllers of Corporation Groups;公司集团控制者的控制机制问题研究

pany which be partly owned or controlled by another部分被另一个公司属有或控制的公司

7.a company that is completely controlled by another company.完全被另一公司控制的公司。

8.On the Theories of Parent Company s Control over Subsidary Companies:Theoretical Perspectives,Modes of Control and Means of Control;母公司对子公司控制理论探讨——理论视角、控制模式与控制手段

9.The Control of Multinational Corporations on Subsidiaries in Cluster;跨国公司对集群内子公司的控制机制研究

10.Research of the Risk Management of Chinese Financial Holding Company;中国金融控股公司的风险与控制研究

11.Law control on finance holding company risk;论我国金融控股公司风险的法律控制

12.On the Risks of Chinas Financial Share-holding Companies and Their Internal Control;我国金融控股公司的风险及内部控制

13.On Restraining and Regulating Controlling Shareholders Abusing Power of Controlling Company;论控制股东滥用公司控制权的法律规制

14.In a takeover, a large company takes control of a smaller company.在收购过程中,大公司(通常会)控制小公司。

15.Studies on Major Shareholder Controlling and its Effect on Corporate Governance of Private-listed Company;民营上市公司大股东控制的公司治理效应研究

16.A Study of State-owned Corporates Internal Control on the Basis of Corporate Governance;基于公司治理的国有公司内部控制研究

17.Control of Multinational Corporations Over International Joint Ventures:Its Current Status and Forecast;跨国公司母公司对IJVs的控制:研究现状与展望

18.An Empirical Analysis on Listed Firms of Family Controlled and Corporation Performance;上市公司家族控制与公司绩效关系的实证分析


Control Company控制公司

3)Corporate Control公司控制

1.Research on the Value-Effect and Its Decisive Factors ofCorporate Control;公司控制的价值效应及其影响因素研究

2.Efficient corporate control should be adapted to the change of corporate performance.在有效相机治理机制下公司控制权将随公司绩效和经营状态的变化而发生转移和重新配置。

3.With the development of China"s stock market and the improvement of China"s listed companies, the function of corporate control on corporate governance is emphasized and the allocation of corporate control is becoming the hard core of corporate governance.随着中国资本市场的发展和上市公司质量的逐步改善,公司控制权的作用逐渐凸现,通过合理配置控制权并促进控制权的流动,以提升公司绩效,正在成为理论界和公司实践中关注的中心问题。

4)corporate control公司控制权

1.The Market for Corporate Control and the Relevant Important Regulations;公司控制权市场与相关重大制度

2.Studies on Some Accounting Questions Based on Corporate Control;基于公司控制权的会计问题研究

3.Recently,more and more empirical study documents are contributed to corporate governance,but empirical study documents on the relationship betweencorporate control and corporate governance are relatively few.公司控制权是公司治理中的核心问题。

5)Corporate control rights公司控制权

1.The nature of corporate governance is to guarantee the arrangement of corporate control rights and the surplus corporate control rights.公司控制权是公司治理的关键问题,公司治理的实质是公司控制权的安排。

6)Corporate Controller公司控制人

1.The Study on the ListedCorporate Controller Investment Behavior;上市公司控制人投资行为研究


