2000字范文 > 银行破产 Bank insolvency英语短句 例句大全

银行破产 Bank insolvency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-16 04:20:33


银行破产 Bank insolvency英语短句 例句大全

银行破产,Bank insolvency

1)Bank insolvency银行破产

1.Legal Issues of U.S Bank Insolvency and its Implication;美国银行破产若干法律问题探究及启示

2.The Comparative Study on Legal System of Bank Insolvency under the Supervision of State Banking Agency;银监机构监管银行破产法律制度比较研究

3.Bank insolvency can be dividend into pre-liquidation phase and liquidation phase.由于银行在经济体系中发挥的重要作用及其业务的特殊性,一般的破产法并不完全适用于银行破产。


1.The Power Structure Analysis of the Bank Insolvency --the Equilibrium between Administration Power and Jurisdiction;银行破产中的权力结构分析——行政权与司法权在银行破产中的均衡

2.When the bank broke,many people were ruined.当银行破产时,许多人跟着身败名裂。

3.He broke the bank at Monte Carlo.他在蒙特卡罗的豪赌使银行破产了。

4.There were many bank failures during the depression.经济萧条时期许多银行破产。

5.The Research on Legal Issues of International Synergy of Cross-border Bank Insolvency;跨国银行破产国际协作法律问题研究

6.Issues about Legal Application in Commercial Bank Bankruptcy商业银行破产法律适用若干问题探析

7.The Comparative Study on Legal System of Bank Insolvency under the Supervision of State Banking Agency;银监机构监管银行破产法律制度比较研究

8.Legal Issues of U.S Bank Insolvency and its Implication美国银行破产若干法律问题探究及启示

9.Bank failures have been at the heart of most financial crises.银行破产已成为许多金融危机的核心问题。

10.act of closing down a bank because of a fiscal emergency or failure.因为财政上的危机和失败导致银行破产。

11.A Number of China s Commercial Banks Bankruptcy Thoughts on the Legislative Issues;我国商业银行破产若干问题的立法思考

12.Study of the Depositor Interest Protection when China Commercial Bank is Insolvency in Legal Aspect;我国商业银行破产存款人利益保护的法律研究

13.Research on the Orientation of the Role of Supervisory and Regulatory Institutes in the Legal System of Bank Bankruptcy;监管机构在银行破产法律制度中定位的研究

14.When the banks failed,many small businesses smashed up.银行一倒闭,许多小商行也跟着破产了。

15.The total assets of the Minsheng Bank Of China have broken through 20 billion yuan中国民生银行总资产已突破二百亿元

16.Many small banks failed during the recession.许多小银行在经济衰退期破了产。

17.Normal insolvency procedures should not be applied to banks.通常的破产程序不应当适用于银行。

18.On Commercial Bank Bankruptcy and Its Legal Strategy of Our Country;论我国商业银行的破产及其法律对策


failed bank破产银行

3)bank bankruptcy银行破产法

1.In today s financial globalization society,both economists and law scholars are actively involved in the study ofbank bankruptcy issue.在现实背景之下诞生的银行破产法理论必将在对银行危机及银行破产制度安排的理解、当今破产运动的发展认识、加强银行破产立法工作以及澄清理论的模糊四个方面产生深远的影响。

4)The bank break.银行破产了。

5)international bank insolvency国际银行破产

6)transnational bank insolvency跨国银行破产

1.However there are no unified rules relating to thetransnational bank insolvency in the world.然而,对于跨国银行破产,各国并没有形成统一的规则,往往只是适用银行破产与一般企业跨国破产的基本理论。


股份有限公司的破产原因(破产界限) 股份有限公司的破产原因(破产界限)——股份有限公司的破产原因,又称破产界限,指法院判断是否宣告股份有限公司破产的根据和理由,即法院在何种情况下宣告债务人处于破产状态。《公司法》规定,股份有限公司不能清偿到期债务,即构成破产原因。
