2000字范文 > 跨境破产 Cross-border Insolvency英语短句 例句大全

跨境破产 Cross-border Insolvency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-05 15:46:47


跨境破产 Cross-border Insolvency英语短句 例句大全

跨境破产,Cross-border Insolvency

1)Cross-border Insolvency跨境破产

1.The Diversity of the Unification Mode ofCross-border Insolvency Laws;跨境破产法统一化方式的多元化

2.Study on Issues Relating to the Law of Conflicts inCross-border Insolvency;跨境破产中的法律冲突问题研究

3.Through brief introduction of the international economic tendency nowadays,the preface points out that cross-border insolvency has drawn wide range of attention of the international society,but legislation in our country can not satisfy the reality, which is the reason why the author chooses this topic----try to do something for the perfection of our legislation on cross-border insolvency.前言部分通过对当前国际经济形势的简要介绍,指出跨境破产已引起国际社会的广泛关注,然而我国目前的相关立法并不完善,指出本文的研究意义——力求为我国跨境破产立法的完善尽绵薄之力。


1.Study on Issues Relating to the Jurisdiction Conflicts and Coordination in Cross-border Insolvency跨境破产管辖权冲突及其协调问题研究

2.The Regulator"s Role Orientation of Banking Institutions" Cross-Border Insolvency银行业金融机构跨境破产的监管者角色定位

3.The Research on Legal Issues of International Synergy of Cross-border Bank Insolvency;跨国银行破产国际协作法律问题研究

4.On the Shift of Research Approach Towards the Legal Issues of Cross-Border Insolvency;论跨国破产法律问题研究视角之转变

5.On the Problems that the Fair Repay for Creditors in the Insolvency of Transnational Corporation;论跨国公司破产债权人公平受偿问题

6.The Anti-Corruption Challenges and Solutions of Multinationals in China;跨国公司在中国的反商业贿赂困境及其破解

7.There are many legal problems in cases of cross-border insolvency, but the key issue is the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the insolvency adjudgment.跨国破产案件涉及到的法律问题很多,但关键是跨国破产的域外效力问题。

8.Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law联合国贸易法委员会跨国界破产示范法

9.On the Legal Status of Branches of Multinational Bank Insolvency;论破产之跨国银行分支机构的法律地位

10.Capital market: the breach to achieve the span-development of agricultural industrialization;资本市场:实现农业产业化跨跃式发展的突破口

11.Fair Protection of Creditors Interests in Bankruptcy of Transnational Companies;论跨国公司破产中债权人利益的公平保护

12.Thirty Years on:The US Legislation on Cross-Border Insolvency美国跨界破产立法三十年及其对中国的启示

13.The Transfen of Pollution Intensive Prodoct across Boundaries In Chinese International Trade;我国国际贸易中污染产品的跨境转移

14.Analyses on the Urgent Industrial Difficulties in Henan;河南省产业集群亟须突破的若干困境

15.The Ruin Probability of Life Insurances under Constant Interest Force and Double Losses Condition;常利率双损失环境下的寿险破产概率


17.On Settle Transnational Natural Resource Environment s spoilt Country s duty withInternational Compensate Duty;论跨国自然资源及环境破坏的国家责任和国际赔偿责任确定

18.Nothing, except the bankruptcy or semi-bankruptcy of its industrial and commercial enterprises.没有什么好处,得到的只不过是民族工商业的破产或半破产的境遇。


Transnational Bankruptcy跨国破产

1.Research on the International Cooperation Tendency ofTransnational Bankruptcy;跨国破产国际合作趋势研究

2.The frequency and the scale of transnational bankruptcy accompanied by theeconomics globalization in the 21st century are increasing gradually.21世纪经济全球化进程加快,影响巨大的跨国破产案件有增无减。

3)Cross-border Insolvency跨国破产

1.The legislation on cross-border insolvency is essentially the process of adjusting and controlling the import and export of bankruptcy-related public policy through legal means.跨国破产的立法过程本质上是法律调控破产公共政策输入和输出的过程。

4)Cross-Border Insolvency跨界破产

5)law of transnational bankruptc跨国破产法

6)cross-border insolvency law跨界破产法

1.The above two intertwined and interactive activities jointly contribute to the development and improvement of the Americancross-border insolvency law.20世纪后期,国际上掀起跨界破产法改革浪潮,美国作为这场改革的漩涡中心,其立法活动与成果反映出跨界破产立法改革的脉动与发展走向,并对其他国家的立法与实践产生了重要影响。


股份有限公司的破产原因(破产界限) 股份有限公司的破产原因(破产界限)——股份有限公司的破产原因,又称破产界限,指法院判断是否宣告股份有限公司破产的根据和理由,即法院在何种情况下宣告债务人处于破产状态。《公司法》规定,股份有限公司不能清偿到期债务,即构成破产原因。
