2000字范文 > 连通树枝结构 connective dendritic structure英语短句 例句大全

连通树枝结构 connective dendritic structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-27 08:51:33


连通树枝结构 connective dendritic structure英语短句 例句大全

连通树枝结构,connective dendritic structure

1)connective dendritic structure连通树枝结构

2)dendritic structure树枝状结构

1.Fabrication of the silverdendritic structures array using the double template-assisted electrochemical deposition technique;双模板辅助化学电沉积法制备金属银树枝状结构阵列

2.Micromorphology and texture change ofdendritic structure, which is electrodeposited with and without Ti4+ , on copper foil were investigated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) analysis, the effect of Ti4+ and mechanism of formingdendritic structure were discussed.结果表明,在加入Ti4+前后都能形成树枝晶,随着电流密度的增加树枝状结构越明显;Ti4+的加入使得在较低的电流密度下形成树枝晶;XRD结果表明树枝晶的主要择优取向为(220)和(111)晶面。


1.Tunable effects of connective dendritic left-handed metamaterials based on electrorheological fluids电流变液调控的连通树枝状结构左手材料

2.Synthesis of Dendritic Phosphine Ligands and Their Application in Catalytic Organic Reactions;树枝状结构膦配体的设计合成及其在催化中的应用

3.hierarchical tree structure分层枝状结构 分层枝状结构

4.Study on the Synthesis, Structure and Property of the Multifunctional Multilayer Dendrimer as Cyclotriphosphazene Core;多功能化多层次三聚膦腈核树枝状大分子的合成、结构与性能研究

5.Rationally Designed Syntheses and Self-Organized Superstructure Investigations of Liquid Crystalline Dendrimers树枝状大分子液晶的分子设计及其自组织超结构

6.The formation of a treelike shape or arrangement.树状结构似树的形状或排列的结构

7.A mineral crystallizing in another mineral in the form of a branching or treelike mark.树枝状矿物结晶一种矿物在另一种矿物中的晶体,这些晶体呈树枝状或树状

8.Population structure and distribution pattern of Broussonetla papyrifera sprouting in different disturbed conditions不同干扰条件下构树萌枝种群结构和分布格局

9.The results indicated that the microstructure of the transition layer is a structure of fine columnar crystal-cystiform dentrite-dentrite.结果表明,梯度过渡层的组织形态为细小的柱状晶-胞状树枝晶-树枝状晶。

10.Construction of Supramolecular Dendrimer Driven by Host-Guest Hydrophobic Interactions;主客体疏水作用构建超分子树枝状分子

11.Multiple-dendritic/Cuboidal Structured PbS:Hydrothermal Synthesis and Growth Mechanism多树枝结构和立方结构PbS的水热合成及形成机理(英文)

12.There are several modifications of the dendritic design.树枝状图样有几种变态。

13.A branching, treelike shape or arrangement, as that of the dendrite of a nerve cell.树枝状,树枝分枝分枝的、似树的形状或排列,如神经细胞的树状突分布

14.A rock or mineral bearing such a mark or marks.树枝石,树枝矿带有树枝状矿物晶体的岩石或矿物

15.Winds have tortured the branches of the trees into strange shapes.风把树木的树枝扭曲成奇形怪状。

16.Preparation and Supramolecular Structure Investigations of Ionic Interaction Based Polyelectrolyte-Dendron Complexes聚电解质—树枝片离子复合物的制备与其超分子结构研究

17.Characteristics of Microstructure and Electrical Treeing in PE/MMT Nanocomposites聚乙烯/蒙脱土纳米复合物的显微结构及其树枝化性能

18.Synthesis of multi-grafted interpenetrating polymer network structure starch with super water Absorption by microwave radiation微波辐射合成淀粉多元接枝型互穿聚合物网络结构超吸水树脂


dendritic structure树枝状结构

1.Fabrication of the silverdendritic structures array using the double template-assisted electrochemical deposition technique;双模板辅助化学电沉积法制备金属银树枝状结构阵列

2.Micromorphology and texture change ofdendritic structure, which is electrodeposited with and without Ti4+ , on copper foil were investigated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) analysis, the effect of Ti4+ and mechanism of formingdendritic structure were discussed.结果表明,在加入Ti4+前后都能形成树枝晶,随着电流密度的增加树枝状结构越明显;Ti4+的加入使得在较低的电流密度下形成树枝晶;XRD结果表明树枝晶的主要择优取向为(220)和(111)晶面。

3)Electrical tree structure电树枝结构

4)nano-sized branch-like stripe树枝状条带结构

1.From Ex situ scanning force microscope (SFM), we noted that a single-chain quaternary ammonium amphiphile bearing azobenzene (C_ 12AzoC_6N+) self-assembled on a freshly cleaved mica sheet and formed stablenano-sized branch-like stripe aggregation.含有偶氮苯单链季铵盐化合物 4-[(4’ -十二烷氧基 )偶氮苯氧基 ]己基三乙基溴化铵 (简写为C12 AzoC6 N+)在水溶液中能聚集成胶束 ,当它自组织到新鲜的云母片上时 ,则形成二维有序的纳米尺寸的树枝状条带结构。

5)original dendritic region原树枝状晶结构

6)double shape electrical tree双结构电树枝


