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树枝晶 dendrite英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-21 13:26:05


树枝晶 dendrite英语短句 例句大全



1.Evolution time calculation ofdendrite to granular particle during continuous cooling and stirring process;连续冷却和搅拌条件下树枝晶向粒状晶转变时间的估算

2.Side-branching ofdendrites during solidification of pure Ni melt was studied via simulation by using a modified phase-field model which incorporates both structural fluctuation and energetic fluctuation.在相场模拟中,通过捕获液态界面,系统研究了过冷对纯金属熔体凝固过程中树枝晶侧向分枝形貌的影响。

3.The growth process of side-branching ofdendrites during solidification of pure Ni melt was studied by the phase-field simulation.在相场模拟中,通过偶合结构起伏和能量起伏,系统研究了纯金属熔体凝固过程中树枝晶侧向分枝形貌的影响因素。


1.The results indicated that the microstructure of the transition layer is a structure of fine columnar crystal-cystiform dentrite-dentrite.结果表明,梯度过渡层的组织形态为细小的柱状晶-胞状树枝晶-树枝状晶。

2.3-D Simulation for Dendritic Grain Evolution in Solidification Processes of Binary Alloys;二元合金凝固过程中树枝晶演变三维模拟

3.A rock or mineral bearing such a mark or marks.树枝石,树枝矿带有树枝状矿物晶体的岩石或矿物

4.A mineral crystallizing in another mineral in the form of a branching or treelike mark.树枝状矿物结晶一种矿物在另一种矿物中的晶体,这些晶体呈树枝状或树状

5.Synthesis of Dendritic Thiol Materials树枝状硫醇分子合成及树枝状硫醇/金组装膜取向液晶能力计算

6.4. The branch shape crystallite is mainly composed of iron oxides, i. e. magnetite.(4) 树枝状晶体主要是由铁的氧化物——磁铁矿组成。

7.Great rents and splits branched out in the solid walls, like crystallisation;坚实的墙壁以结晶的纹样作树枝形迸裂,迸出了巨大的豁口和裂缝。

8.Investigations on the Application of Carbosiloxane Dendrimer in Organic Dye and Nanocrystals碳硅氧烷树枝状分子在有机染料和纳晶中的应用研究

9.Investigation on Crystalline Morphology and Tree Discharge Characteristic of PE/MMT NanocompositesPE/MMT纳米复合材料结晶形态与树枝放电特性研究

10.Rationally Designed Syntheses and Self-Organized Superstructure Investigations of Liquid Crystalline Dendrimers树枝状大分子液晶的分子设计及其自组织超结构

11.A tree branch, especially a large or main branch.树干树枝,尤指粗大的树枝或树干

12.a gnarled oak, branch, trunk多节瘤的橡树、 树枝、 树干.

13.A twig of one of these trees.柳枝上述树木的细枝

14.and the moss hung down from the branches,苔藓从树枝上悬枝而下,

15.The branches swept the surface of the water.树枝拂掠水面。 ,

16.Of, relating to, or resembling a dendrite.树枝石的树枝石的,与树枝石有关的或象树枝石的

17.He cut a branch from the tree他从树上剪下一根树枝。

18.cleave a branch from a tree从树上砍下一条树枝.


Non Den drite非树枝晶



5)arborescent crystal枝晶;树枝形晶体

6)α(Al) dendriteα(Al)树枝晶


