2000字范文 > 山西义务教育 compulsory education in Shanxi province英语短句 例句大全

山西义务教育 compulsory education in Shanxi province英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-14 11:35:29


山西义务教育 compulsory education in Shanxi province英语短句 例句大全

山西义务教育,compulsory education in Shanxi province

1)compulsory education in Shanxi province山西义务教育

1.During the period of the Republic of China, thecompulsory education in Shanxi province was second to none around the whole country not only in the scale and speed but also in the quality and character, thus laying a solid historical foundation for the popularity and improvement of the future compulsory education in Shanxi.民国时期,山西义务教育无论发展规模与速度抑或兴办质量与品质,均在全国范围内首屈一指,并为之后山西义务教育的普及与提高奠定了丰富的历史基础。


1.Yan xi-shan and the Initiation and Development of Compulsory Education in Shanxi Province阎锡山与山西义务教育的兴办及其发展

2.On Shanxi Compulsory Education Funds Guarantee Mechanism in the Republic of China Time;民国时期山西义务教育经费保障机制研究

3.The Rise of Village Administration and Compulsory Education in Modern Times of Shanxi Province;近代山西村政建设和义务教育的崛起

4.Re-pondering of the Development of the Compulsory Education in the Poverty- stricken Counties--Based on the Investigation into the Current Situation of Compulsory Education in Daning County of Shanxi Province;对农村贫困县义务教育发展的再思考——以山西省大宁县义务教育现状调查为基础

5.Analyzing the Operation of Guarantee Mechanism of Rural Compulsory Education Funds in Shanxi Province;山西省农村义务教育经费保障机制运行状况分析

6.Tao Xing-zhi and Compulsory Education in Shanxi Province--Commemorate the Birth of Dr. Taoxingzhi s One Hundred And Ten Anniversary;陶行知与近代山西的义务教育——纪念陶行知先生诞辰110周年

7.Report on Rural Compulsory Education Investment in Shanxi Province--An investigation into tax reform in five experimental counties in Shanxi province;山西省农村义务教育投入调查报告——对山西省5个税费改革试点县的调查

8.An analysis on compulsory education of countryside based on investigation;农村义务教育实证分析——以山东省为例

9.On the Case Study of Reaching Compulsory Education in Yi Nationality of Western Areas of Sichuan Province;川西彝族地区普及义务教育个案研究

10.On the Role of Educatcon Developing Liangshang;发展凉山 教育先行——对凉山义务教育现状的思考与建议

11.Research on the Quality of Compulsory Education Teaching in Western Rural Schools;西部地区农村学校义务教育教学质量研究

12.A Study about the Sustainable Development of Compulsory Education in Western China;中国西部地区义务教育可持续发展战略研究

13.Analysis of the Quest of Western Village Compulsory Education Aid System;西部农村义务教育救助制度建设的问题研究

14.Analysis of the Compulsory Education Resourse Distribution in Jiangxi Province and Research on Countermeasure;江西省义务教育资源配置状况分析及对策研究

15.A Research on the Compulsory Education for the Rural Girls in the Maonan Nationality Region in Guangxi;广西毛南族地区农村女童义务教育研究

16.Study on the Difference of the Compulsory Education between Eastern and Western Regions in Recent Years;我国东西部义务教育近年发展差异研究

17.Study of the Teacher Resource s Ensuring Measure in Jiangxi Compulsory Education in Ming Guo Period;民国时期江西义务教育师资保障措施探究

18.Research on the Supply of the Ethnic Compulsory Education in the Western Countryside of China;论西部农村民族义务教育产品供给问题


the Guangxi compulsory education广西义务教育

3)Shanxi education山西教育

4)Jiangxi compulsory education in Ming Guo period民国江西义务教育

5)compulsory education in Western rural areas西部农村义务教育

6)compulsory education financial investments in the west西部财政义务教育投入


山西1.山的西坡。 2.战国﹑秦﹑汉时称崤山﹑华山以西地区。又称关西。 3.称太行山以西黄河以东地区。隋末置山西河东黜陟讨捕大使,元置河东山西道宣慰使司,明置山西行中书省,清至今皆为山西省。
