2000字范文 > 晋北鼓乐 drum play in Shanxi Province英语短句 例句大全

晋北鼓乐 drum play in Shanxi Province英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-03 07:38:41


晋北鼓乐 drum play in Shanxi Province英语短句 例句大全

晋北鼓乐,drum play in Shanxi Province

1)drum play in Shanxi Province晋北鼓乐

2)Shanbei drumbeat music陕北鼓乐


1.Research on Banshi in Wind and Percussion Music of Shanxi;以陕北鼓乐为实例的中国传统器乐套曲板式研究

2."Yaogu"(Waist Drum), especially the "ansai Yaogu"in northern Shaanxi Province, is famous around the world.陕西的腰鼓远近闻名,尤其是陕北的"安塞腰鼓",

3.DongbeiYangge, ShanbeiYangge, Anhui Flower-drum Lanterns and Yunnan Festival Lanterns are the most important representatives of "the Nortern Yangge and Southern Lanterns".东北秧歌、陕北秧歌,安徽花鼓灯和云南花灯,是“北歌南灯”的重要代表。

4.Percussion and wind ensembles native to the northern region include Xi"an percussion and wind, Shanxi Province"s badatao, the orchestras of central Hebei Province,如属于北方鼓吹乐种的有:西安鼓乐、山西八大套、冀中音乐会、

5.A Research Report on Etiquette and Custom Music Based on an Example of Folk Music in Shanbei;以陕北民间音乐为实例的礼俗音乐研究报告

6.The Value of Jia Xian Baiyun Guan Taoist Music in Modern Music陕北佳县白云观道教音乐的现代音乐价值

7.On the Musical Features of the Tambourin Dance of Yao People in Northern Guangdong PU Tao;粤北瑶族“长鼓舞”音乐文化特征探析

8.On Guchui Music and Hengchui Music in the North of China in Han-Wei Dynasties and They Pass to the South汉魏以来北方鼓吹乐横吹乐及其南传考论

9.The Mutual Infiltration of the Ditty of the Huis, Hua’er of Hehuang, and Northen Shanxi focal Songs Xintianyou回民小调、河湟“花儿”与陕北“信天游”的音乐渗透

10.The Singing and Echoing in the Mandated Area;泽国里的唱和——湘北地花鼓音乐特征浅析

11.The Developing Process of Yuefu Guchui Poems in Nan and Bei Dynasty;南北朝时期乐府鼓吹曲辞的文人化进程

12.percussion instrument (eg drum,tambourine,xylophone)打击乐器(如鼓、铃鼓、木琴).

13.Preliminary Study on High Efficient Degrading Bacteria of Omethoate-Pesticide Residue in Soil of Northern Shaanxi陕北地区土壤中残留农药——氧化乐果高效降解菌的筛选

14.southwest Shandong Province"s percussion and wind, Liaoning Province"s percussion and wind and the shipan music of Luoyang City.鲁西南鼓吹乐、辽宁鼓吹乐、洛阳十盘乐。

15.One who plays a drum, as in a band.鼓手击鼓的人,如管乐队中的鼓手

16.May26 th. Beijing university students entertain their comrades holding Tiananmen Square with a concert.北京前卫音乐会在天安门广场演唱“乐与怒”﹐另一种形式“反叛”,以鼓舞斗志。

17.the outdoor variety is played mainly on gongs and drums,广场乐有潮州大锣鼓、外江锣鼓、八音锣鼓、花灯锣鼓和小锣鼓。

18.The Reserch of Scheme for Information System Security Management for Shaangu Group陕鼓集团信息系统安全管理方案研究


Shanbei drumbeat music陕北鼓乐

3)Northern Shanxi晋北

4)drum music鼓乐

5)Jin Opera Music晋剧音乐

6)Northwestern Shanxi晋西北

1.Northwestern Shanxi is located in the north China farming-grazing transitional zone with fragile ecological characters,its environmental degradation resulted from human activities is very serious.晋西北地处我国北方生态环境脆弱的农牧交错带,同时又是资源富集,资源与环境的矛盾十分突出。

2.The features of soil resources and the measures and effects of soil amelioration and utilization were studied systematically by means of field experiments, location observations and field surveys on the comprehensive harnessing experiment area of Zhuanyaogou basin in Hequ county, loess hilly region in northwestern Shanxi.本文以田间试验、定位观测和野外调查为依据,系统地研究了位于晋西北黄土丘陵区的砖窑沟试验区土壤资源特点及采用改良利用措施后的效果。


晋北鼓乐中国传统器乐吹打乐之一种。流行于山西省北部五台、定襄、原平、忻县、静乐一带。当地称民间鼓乐班子为鼓房、鼓班、八音会等。晋北鼓乐经常演奏的曲目有《八大套》、《大得胜》和各种散曲。晋北鼓乐历史悠久。据五台县县志记载,五台县城关附近的民间吹打乐艺人曾在"康熙二十有二年(1684)春二月,皇帝西巡清凉山为太皇太后祈景"时演奏。《八大套》约产生于清代光绪初年(约1875),是由五台县槐荫村医生赵承贵收集整理而成,以后又经过几代艺人在演奏中不断加以补充改编,流传至今。其中包括《青天套》、《推辗轴套》、《粉妆台套》、《十二层楼套》、《劝金杯套》、《大骂渔郎套》、《鹅郎套》、《箴言套》,所用曲牌共60余首。《大得胜》是用锣鼓段把多个曲牌联缀成套的1首大型套曲。晋北鼓乐使用的乐器,有管子、唢呐、海笛、笙、梅笛、箫等,打击乐器有堂鼓、小鼓、小镲、大镲、大锣、云锣等。有的乐队以管子为主要乐器,有的以唢呐为主奏乐器,形成了两种不同的鼓乐风格。晋北鼓乐原采用工尺谱记谱,当地艺人把 E调叫做"本调"(这与所用乐器大都是E调有关),常用E、B、A调。所用工尺谱的唱名,是乐器上各个音孔的固定唱名,转调时,各音孔的唱名不变,可以说这是一种"以E调为本调的工尺谱固定唱名法"。
