2000字范文 > 教育质量监测 monitoring the quality of education英语短句 例句大全

教育质量监测 monitoring the quality of education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-26 03:52:53


教育质量监测 monitoring the quality of education英语短句 例句大全

教育质量监测,monitoring the quality of education

1)monitoring the quality of education教育质量监测


1.The Senior High School Education Quality Monitoring Research "Indicator of Teachers Development Monitoring";普通高中教育质量监测“教师成长监测指标”研究

2.Research on Measurement Tool for Quality Monitoring and Evaluation of Basic Education;基础教育质量监测与评价的测量工具研究

3.On the Quality Monitoring System of Compulsory Education and Balanced Development of Education;论义务教育质量监测体系与教育的均衡发展

4.Problems and Countermeasures in Quality Monitoring System on Postgraduate Education;研究生教育质量监测体系存在的问题及对策

5.The Blueprint of Quality Assessment of EFA--Comments on EFA Global Monitoring Report 构建全民教育质量评估体系的蓝图——《全球全民教育监测报告》述评

6.Perfecting Quality Supervision System and Improving Higher Education System;完善质量监督体系 提高高等教育质量

7.A study of quality control system of sports adult education;体育成人教育教学质量监控体系研究

8.Research and Practice on the Provincial Higher Education Major Quality Network Monitoring System;省级高等教育专业质量网络监测体系的研究与构建

9.A Study on Supervising Methods About Teaching Quality of Basic Level TV University基层电大开放教育教学质量监控方法

10.The Survey of the Inspection System for Teaching Quality Control in Vocational Colleges;高职院校教育教学质量监控体系研究

11.Strengthening teaching supervision and control to improve quality of medical education;加强教学监控 提高医学教育质量

12.The Study of Campus Monitor System on Teaching Quality for Higher Vocational Education高职教育教学质量校内监控体系研究

13.Intensifying internal monitored control in college Insuring quality of teaching and education;加强学校内部质量监控 保证教育教学质量

14.Qualitative Supervision:New Orientation of Basic Education Curricular Quality Supervision;质性监控:基础教育课程质量监控新取向

15.Strengthening Quality Supervision in Cross-Border Higher Education to Enhance the Quality of Sino-Foreign Joint Education in China;加强跨境教育质量监控,提高中外合作办学质量

16.Ensuring and monitoring teaching quality under the apprentice system of Chin ese medicine中医药师承制教育质量的保障和监督

17.A Study on the Quality Monitoring of Higher Education under the Background of Massification;大众化背景下高等教育质量监控研究

18.Statistical Analysis of the Literature Quality on Monitoring in Higher Education;高等教育质量监控研究文献统计分析


Quality Monitoring of Education教育质量监控

3)the quality monitoring system教育质量监控体系

4)quality monitoring质量监测

1.A laser weldingquality monitoring method is proposed, based on support vector machine.提出了一种基于支持向量机的激光焊接质量监测方法。

2.According to the data of environmental airquality monitoring of Chuxiong during the fifteenth year plan,the paper systematically analyzes and studies the condition and the variation trend of the air quality of Chuxiong,and provides the suggestions to improve the air quality of Chuxiong.根据楚雄市“十五”期间空气环境质量监测结果,对楚雄市空气环境质量状况、变化趋势进行分析、研究,并提出改善空气环境质量的对策、建议。

3.According to concrete conditions of autobody spot welding of FAW, a set ofquality monitoring system for autobody spot welding has been developed by adoption of technology of ANN.根据第一汽车集团公司车身厂车身点焊的具体特点 ,采用人工神经元网络技术 ,研制了一套新型车身点焊质量监测系统。

5)quality monitor质量监测

1.Antimalarialquality monitor in Yunnan province;云南省抗疟疾药物质量监测分析

6)monitoring quality监测质量

1.This paper starts with the role and importance of monitoring work of environmental alert,analyzes and discusses some problems,such as professional talents,technical power,monitoring quality and so on.本文从环境预警监测工作的作用和重要性入手,分析了体系的组成部分:人才、技术能力和监测质量。


蚕茧质量监督检查和国家生丝质量检验蚕茧质量监督检查和国家生丝质量检验cocoon quality supervision inspection and national silk quality inspection检验局承担并组织有关检验机构对全国已核发生产准产证的缘丝、绢纺企业的生丝、绢丝质量进行抽查检验(两年共四期),以考核生产企业生丝质量水平。中国桑蚕鲜茧评茧计价方法主要有3种:①鲜上光茧干壳量仪器评定(简称仪评)计价;②“组合售茧、嫌丝计价,’(简称“组、缎”)评茧方法;③茧层率评茧计价。国家质量技术监督局于19望)年6月7日下发了《关于加强茧丝质t监督工作的通知》,要求加强桑蚕鲜茧收购期间的质量监督执法检查;重点做好鲜茧收购过程中“四率”(仪器配备率、仪器完好率、仪评率和仪评相符率)的检查工作。各级专业纤维检验机构应充分发挥职能作用,加强蚕茧质量监督管理;加强对茧站仪评计价工作指导;加强对蚕茧收购计t器具的检定工作;充分运用法律手段,在蚕茧收购期间开展执法检查活动,对违法行为坚决予以查处。在国家生丝质t检验方面,1998年国家经贸委等4部门联合发布了(缀丝绢纺准产证制度实施办法》,规定缎丝、绢纺企业准产的基本条件。经国家茧丝绸协调小组审议,并报国务院领导批准,“国家生丝质量检验”项目列人(国家茧丝绷发展风险基金》第二批发展项目。该项目由中国纤维检验局承担并组织依法设t或依法授权的具有生丝、绢丝检验能力的纤检局(所)、生丝质检站对全国已核发生产准产证的缀丝、绢丝企业的生丝、绢丝质量进行检验。(吕善模),ngconjian zhilia叩Jiondu iianCha he gUOJia she叩51 zh1旧nyan蚕茧质一监督检查和国家生丝质t检验coon甲ality su伴币sion inspection and natsilk卿ality ins衅tion)专业纤维检验机构蚕鲜茧收购期间,对茧站收购鲜茧进行质量监督和检验的全过程。国家生丝质量检验是指由中国CO-nal桑查维
