2000字范文 > 素质教育改革 the reform of Quality Education英语短句 例句大全

素质教育改革 the reform of Quality Education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-17 02:21:51


素质教育改革 the reform of Quality Education英语短句 例句大全

素质教育改革,the reform of Quality Education

1)the reform of Quality Education素质教育改革

1.Carrying out life education in normal universities and colleges is the need of the reform of basic education,and also is an important measure to deepenthe reform of Quality Education.高师院校开展生命化教育是基础教育改革的需要,是高校深化素质教育改革的一个重要举措。


1.The Orientation of Higher Physical Education Reform In Transitional Period;转轨期高校体育素质教育改革的走向

2.Teaching Reform of Physical Education in Concept of Education for All-around Development;素质教育观念下的中学体育教学改革

3.On Quality Education And Reform of College Physical Education;论素质教育与高校公共体育教学改革

4.Reforming Physical Teaching Cause The Improvement of Quality Education;改革体育教学,促进素质教育的发展

5.Promoting Aptitude Education and TeachingReform of Physical Education in Universities;推进素质教育,促进高校体育教学改革

6.Deepen the Reform in the Educational Structure andAdvance Quality Education;在深化教育结构改革中推进素质教育

7.The Coordinating Development of the Reform ofthe P.E. Teaching with the Quality Education;体育教学改革应与素质教育协调发展

8.Deepening the Reform of Language and Literature Education;全面实施素质教育,深化语文教育改革

9.A brief discussion on quality education and teaching reform of P.E. at middle schools and primary schools;略论素质教育与中小学体育教学改革

10.Exploration on the cultivation of inner personal qualities and reforms in physical education of college;高等学校体育改革与素质教育的探讨

11.Physical Education Reform in Accord with Quality Education in Colleges and Universities;高校体育改革必须与素质教育相适应

12.Deepen the PE Reform and Promote Oriented Education;深化体育课程改革 不断推进素质教育

13.On the Innate Quality Education and Present School Physical Education Reform in Our Country;素质教育与我国现阶段学校体育改革

14.On the Reforms and Development of School Physical Education in Quality Education;论素质教育中学校体育的改革与发展

15.Carry out Quality Education and promote the reform of School P.E;实施素质教育 推进学校体育改革

16.Discussion of quality education and college of physical education curriculum reform素质教育与高校体育课程改革的探讨

17.Teaching Reform of General Chemistry for Active Implementation of Quality Education改革普通化学教学 积极推行素质教育

18.Reform the educational teaching method? and foster students comprehensive quality改革教育教学方法培养学生综合素质


educational reform教育改革

1.To Lead Educational Reform with Educational Technology;用教育技术引领教育改革——论我国教育技术的定位(二)

2.Teachers College Students Information Accomplishment and Teachers′educational reform;师范生信息素养与教师教育改革初探

3.Methods of thinking and theeducational reform in mathematics;思想方法与数学教育改革

3)education reformation教育改革

1.This paper translates and introduces the content and characteristic of collegeeducation reformation in Korea and Japan.本文编译介绍了韩国和日本大学教育改革的内容和特点,阐述其对中国大学的影响,研究和探讨中国大学教育的改革现状,以实现大学教育的国际化,特性化,多样化。

2.According to the new change of library enterprise in the informatization environment,this article analyzes the actuality of library science education,and probes into strategies of library scienceeducation reformation.针对信息化环境下图书馆事业的新变化,分析研究图书馆学教育现状,探讨图书馆学教育改革的对策。

3.This paper, on the basis of analyzing the feasibility and necessity of knowledge management in colleges, discusses the relationship between knowledge management and school effectiveness, and puts forward strategies of impelling knowledge management along with theeducation reformation.本文在分析高校知识管理的可行性和必要性的基础上,通过探讨知识管理与学校效能的关系,结合高校教育改革,提出了推行知识管理的策略。

4)education reform教育改革

1.National musiceducation reform at normal colleges and universties;普通高校民族音乐教育改革之我见

2.The primary discuss of computer s elementaryeducation reform for non-computer professionals in Application-oriented institutes;应用型本科院校非计算机专业计算机基础教育改革初探

3.The idea and implementation scheme of computer basiceducation reform for Non-computer professionals in South China Normal University;华南师范大学非计算机专业的计算机基础教育改革思路与实施方案

5)educational reformation教育改革

1.Modern Education Technology is not only the highest point ofeducational reformation, but also the effective means and ways to promote the implement of quality education.现代教育技术不仅是教育改革的制高点,而且也是促进素质教育实施的有效手段和途径。

2.Starting out from the characteristics of the popular culture, to discuss the particularity of culture in the period of the popular culture, and the challenge of this kind of particularity for the education, and try to put forward that how theeducational reformation to reply the challenge.从大众文化产生的社会经济背景出发,探讨了大众文化时代文化的特殊性,以及这种特殊性给教育带来的挑战,并试图提出教育改革应该怎样应对挑战。

3.Meiji government after overthrowing Mu government s rule,carried outeducational reformation in order to suit the neccessity of developing capitalism,“multiplying production and initiating enterprises",which not only promoted educational development,but also put forward the fast development of Japanese social economy and raised the cultural quality of the whole nation.推翻幕府统治后建立的明治政府 ,为适应发展资本主义 ,“殖产兴业”的需要 ,进行教育改革 ,不仅促进了教育事业的发展 ,还有力地推动了日本社会经济的迅速发展和整个民族文化素质的提高。

6)reform of education教育改革

1.Thereform of education in nursery schools is a newly started undertaking which meets with difficulties in its work.幼儿园教育改革是一项起步不久举步维艰的工程。

2.The major issue that thereform of education in 21st century involves is how to develop talents with the self-consciousness and the competence of creation.培养和造就大批具有创新意识和创新能力的高素质人才,是我国当前教育改革中亟待解决的问题。

3.The theory of constructivism has more and more influences in our country,and its unique concept of education is a great inspiration to us in thereform of education,such as adjusting training aim,carrying out the reform of curriculum,improving teaching methods,changing the concept of management and education and setting up new skills for the students of normal schools.建构主义学习理论在我国的影响日渐深远,其独特的教育观对于我们的教育改革有许多启示:调整师范教育的培养目标;进行课程改革;改变教育教学方式;改变管理理念、教育理念;树立师范生的新式理念与技能。


教育改革香港教育改革(hong kong education reform)香港政府自2000年10月起全面推行教育改革,涉及的层面由幼儿教育以至高等及持续教育,而整体的方向是推动均衡教育,并鼓励终身学习。在改革措施方面,触动了多个范畴,其中包括课程、教学方法、入学制度和评核机制。此外,学校的权力和透明度亦受到更大的重视。社会上大部分意见均贊成改革教育,唯同时认为政府在推行时的步伐过急,以致学生、教师和家长无所适从。而在多项改革措施中,最惹人关注的是三三四、母语教学和语文基准试。人才是香港最重要的资产之一,为配合知识型经济的发展,政府在教育发展方面投放大量资源。在至04年的财政年度,政府在教育方面的经常开支便达493亿港元,达全港总支出的一个很大百分比。
