2000字范文 > 滇东南边疆苗族地区 frontier area of Miao Nationality in Southeast Yunnan英语短句 例句大全

滇东南边疆苗族地区 frontier area of Miao Nationality in Southeast Yunnan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-25 15:28:36


滇东南边疆苗族地区 frontier area of Miao Nationality in Southeast Yunnan英语短句 例句大全

滇东南边疆苗族地区,frontier area of Miao Nationality in Southeast Yunnan

1)frontier area of Miao Nationality in Southeast Yunnan滇东南边疆苗族地区


1.Present Situation and Consideration on National Education in the Frontier Area of Miao Minority in Southeast Yunnan--An Example of Mabeng Village in the Town of Donggan in Malipo County滇东南边疆苗族地区国民教育的现状与思考——以麻栗坡县董干镇马崩村为例

2.The Railway between Yunnan and Vietnam that Brings about Development and Progress in Yunnan Frontier where the Minority Live;滇越铁路与云南边疆少数民族地区的发展与进步

3.The Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and the Progress of Modernization for South-eastern Yunnan Ethnic Minorities滇越铁路与滇东南民族地区的近代化进程

4.Multicultural Diffuseness and Development of Commodity Economy in Ethnic Areas of Southwest Frontier Region──Taking Northwest Yunnan in Ming and Qing Dynasties as the Example;多元文化传播与西南边疆民族地区商品经济成长——以明清时期的滇西北地区为例

5.Probing into Han Immigrants in Qing Dynasty and Cultural Exchange among Different Nationalities in Southease Yunnan;清代滇东南地区汉族移民与民族文化交流述略

6.An Analysis of the Present Educational Situation in Frontier Minority Areas;边疆少数民族地区教育现状分析——以云南省金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县为例

7.Changes in ethnic minority areas in Yunnan Frontier Research on Economic Development--The Dai Miao Yao Autonomous County of Jinping as an example云南边疆民族地区转变经济发展方式研究——以金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县为例

8.Current White Slavery in Border Ethnic Minorities-inhabited Areas──A Case Study of the Wenshan Zhuang-Mian Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province;当前我国边疆民族地区拐卖妇女犯罪活动分析研究──以云南省文山壮族苗族自治州为例

9.The Han Immigrants and Cultural Vicissitude in Southeast Yunnan in Ming and Qing Dynasty;明清滇东南地区的汉族移民与文化变迁

10.Brand Strategy on Vocational Education in the South-West Frontier National Regions Under the Structure of China-ASEAN;中国—东盟架构下西南边疆民族地区职业教育品牌战略思考

11.Legal Aid in Ethnic Frontier Regions--The Case of Yunnan Province;边疆民族地区法律援助——以云南省为例

12.The Development of Social Undertakings in Multi-Ethnic Regions of Southwest Frontier;西南边疆多民族地区社会事业的发展

13.On Characteristics of Drug-related Crime in Yunnan Border Areas Inhabited by Minority Nationalities;云南边疆民族地区毒品犯罪特点研究

14.On the Relations of Social Order and the State Law--Cases Study from Two Villages in Southeast Yunnan Border Areas;边疆民族村寨社会秩序与国家法关系解读——来自滇东南的两个民族村寨个案研究

15.The Research on the Technique of Designing a Business Center in the Distrct of Miao Minotity of Qiandongnan黔东南苗族地区的商业中心设计研究

16.The Legal Control of the Liuting District of the Miao Nationality in the South-East Guizhou Province in Qing Dynasty;清代黔东南新辟苗疆六厅地区的法律控制

17.Reform in Math Teaching in Remote Area边疆民族地区小学生数感培养的思考——滇西贫边少地区数学课程改革课题调研材料之三

18.The Land Policies of Song Dynasties in Southwestern Borderland宋朝西南边疆民族地区的土地赋税政策


Miao people in Southeast of Yunnan滇东南地区苗族

3)Hmong area in the southeast of Guizho Rrovince黔东南苗族地区

4)the southeast of Yunnan滇东南地区

1.Have had the profound influence regarding the local economical cultural development and the ethnic relations inthe southeast of Yunnan.清代,滇东南地区的发展与大量汉族移民的进入密切相关。

5)border areas in south Yunnan Province滇南边疆

6)Foreign trade with local specialties云南边疆民族地区


