2000字范文 > 客户经理制 customer manager system英语短句 例句大全

客户经理制 customer manager system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-06 00:37:57


客户经理制 customer manager system英语短句 例句大全

客户经理制,customer manager system

1)customer manager system客户经理制

1.The positive impacts ofcustomer manager system on China s commercial banks;推行客户经理制对我国商业银行的积极影响

2.Research on Operation Modes of Customer Manager System in Commercial Banks in China;我国商业银行客户经理制运行模式研究

3.A Research on the Customer Manager System in Chinese Commercial Bank;我国商业银行客户经理制的研究


mercial Bank from Customer Manager to Customer Relationship Management;商业银行从客户经理制到客户关系管理系统

2.Account Manager System of Middle & Small Commercial Banks and Corporation Clients Marketing;中小商业银行客户经理制与公司客户营销

3.Impact Study on Mechanism Design of Account Manager s Behavior and Value;客户经理制制度设计对客户经理行为和价值取向影响研究

4.How to boost the customer manager system based on the condition we are in?如何在现有条件下推行客户经理制?

5.Countermeasures of Commercial Banks to Strengthen Customers-managed Bank System;商业银行强化客户经理制的对策思考

6.The Research of Agricultural Development Bank of China Practicing the Customer Manager System and Operating Customer Relationship Management;中国农业发展银行推行客户经理制实施客户关系管理(CRM)研究

7.Investigation of the Management Method about the Merchant Bank′s Institution of Customer′s Manager;现代商业银行客户经理制经营模式的研究

8.Analysis on the Appointment Agency of Customer Manager System in Commercial Bank;试析商业银行客户经理制中的委托代理问题

9.Research on Operation Modes of Customer Manager System in Commercial Banks in China;我国商业银行客户经理制运行模式研究

10.Analysis on the Efficiency of Commercial Banks Customer Manager System and Relevant Policies;商业银行客户经理制的有效性分析及对策研究

11.The Research of Customer Manager System of China Construction Bank;中国建设银行实施客户经理制战略研究

12.The Casestudy and Countermeasure on the Customer Manager System of the Commercial Banks in China;我国商业银行客户经理制的实例分析与对策

13.Appliance of Key Customer Manager System Based on Electric Customer Relationship Management;基于电力CRM的大客户经理制的实践研究

14.Research on CRM in Commercial Banks;我国商业银行客户经理制存在的问题与对策

15.Customer Manager System:the Best Choice to Face the Challenges from the Foreign Banks;客户经理制度:应对外资银行挑战的最佳选择

16.Probe into the Customer s Manager System Implemented by the State-Owned Commercial Banks;国有商业银行实行客户经理制问题的探索

17.A consideration of the client s executive system in state-owned commercial banks;对我国国有商业银行实行客户经理制的思考

18.The positive impacts of customer manager system on China s commercial banks;推行客户经理制对我国商业银行的积极影响


client manager system客户经理制

1.Study of Client Manager System in Zhengzhou Rural Credit Cooperation;郑州市农村信用社客户经理制研究

2.Overall features and back ground ofclient manager system;Client manager system and bank operation mode innovation and bank reconstruction;gap existing in implementation ofclient manager system;Key points of implementation ofclient manager system.客户经理制的总体特征和背景 ;客户经理制与银行经营模式创新和银行再造 ;实施客户经理制存在的差距 ;实施客户经理制的要点。

3.Theclient manager system is a financial innovation of commercial bank s effort to keep their competitive advantages through adapting to the objective changes of economy, and is the granted result of the financial innovation as well, Since China had entered into WTO in 2001, Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China (ICBC) has to face the challenge from foreign banks.客户经理制是为了适应经济环境的客观变化而产生的,是金融创新不断发展的必然产物,是商业银行保持竞争强势所必须进行的一种金融创新。

3)the Customer Manager System客户经理制

1.On the Perfection ofthe Customer Manager System in ABC Branches;农业银行基层支行客户经理制完善

4)Account Manager System客户经理制

1.Account Manager System of Middle & Small Commercial Banks and Corporation Clients Marketing;中小商业银行客户经理制与公司客户营销

2.The purpose of the paper research is to point out thatAccount Manager System is an important orientation in our commercial bank s management modes changes, innovation and development, via analyzing signification, core philosophy and functions ofAccount Manager System, based on the tone of commercial banks abroad which are practicingAccount Manager System.本文的研究目的是:通过对客户经理制的理论基础、含义、核心理念、功能等几个方面的分析,结合国外(境外)商业银行实施客户经理制的发展状况和成功经验,指出推行客户经理制是我国商业银行改变经营模式、不断创新和发展的一个重要方向。

5)key customer manager system大客户经理制

1.This paper analyses the problems that thekey customer manager system(KCMS) was applied in the power supply companies.该文在分析目前供电企业实施大客户经理制所存在问题的基础上,提出了电力客户关系管理(ECRM)的系统结构,并分析了大客户经理制在该系统中的具体应用。

6)Customer Manager System客户经理制度

1.Customer Manager System:the Best Choice to Face the Challenges from the Foreign Banks;客户经理制度:应对外资银行挑战的最佳选择


