2000字范文 > 顾客管理 customer management英语短句 例句大全

顾客管理 customer management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-28 22:14:12


顾客管理 customer management英语短句 例句大全

顾客管理,customer management

1)customer management顾客管理

1.By combining relationship-marketing theory with traditional marketing,following amortizing customer value,under the guidance of customer satisfaction and profitability concerns the concrete application method of marketing principle incustomer management of travel agency.所以必须将关系营销理论与传统的市场营销相结合,在遵循顾客让渡价值、提升顾客满意度与盈利能力的原则指导下,使关系营销原理在旅行社顾客管理中具体运用,才能有效地提升旅行社的经营效益。


1.Customer Management Oriented to Integrate Enterprise Value and Customer Value;面向企业价值与顾客价值融合的顾客管理

2.Customer Satisfaction and Regret Matrix and customer Repurchase Management;“顾客满意—顾客遗憾”矩阵与“顾客重购倾向”管理

3.A Research on Crm Based on Customer s on Value and Loyalty;基于顾客价值和顾客忠诚的客户关系管理研究

4.Analysis on Value-Based Customer Loyalty Management for Service Enterprises;基于顾客价值的服务企业顾客忠诚管理探析

5.The Systematic Study of Customer Network and Its Knowledge Management: the Strategic Support for Customer Relationship Management;顾客关系管理:对顾客网络及其知识管理的系统剖析

6.The Study of the Custom Valve Management Based on the Theory of the Value Chain;基于价值链理论的顾客价值管理研究

7.Her mother got into the act and drove away a lot of their customers.自他母亲插手管理后,许多顾客不再光顾了。

8.Value oriented customer relationship management based on customer equity:(Conceptual) framework and empirical analysis;基于顾客权益的价值导向型顾客关系管理——理论框架与实证分析

9."Customer Guiding"Management: the New Idea of Adult Higher Education Management;“顾客导向”管理:成人高等教育管理的新理念

10.On Overall Client Satisfaction Management for China’s Commercial Banks论我国商业银行的全面顾客满意管理

11.The Research of Satisfaction Appraising System with Property Management s Customer;物业管理顾客满意度评价体系的研究

12.Study on the Measurement of Customer Satisfaction and Business Performance Management;顾客满意度测评与企业绩效管理研究

13.Research On Strategy Of Customer Relationship Management For Chengdu Hailang Industrial Ltd.;成都海浪公司顾客关系管理战略研究

14.Management of Relationship Equity based on Customer Pyramid Model;基于金字塔模型的顾客关系资产管理

15.The Application of Customer Knowledge Management in B2C E-commerce;顾客知识管理在B2C电子商务中的应用

16.Precise Design Management Oriented by Customer Needs;以顾客需求为导向的精细化设计管理

17.Customer Knowledge Management and Its Contributions to Corporate Competitive Advantage;顾客知识管理及其对竞争优势的贡献

18.On zero imperfection management from the view of meeting customers′ needs;从“满足顾客要求”角度谈零缺陷管理


customer value management顾客价值管理

1.Research on Application of SN Southwest Branch Company Based on Customer Value Management;顾客价值管理理论在SN西南分公司应用研究

2.Research on Application of SN Telecom Southwest Branch Company Based on Customer Value Management;顾客价值管理理论在SN通信技术西南分公司应用研究


1.The Strategies of Road Transport Enterprises ImplyingCRM;浅析道路运输企业顾客关系管理实施策略

2.Application of Database Marketing inCRM System;数据库营销在顾客关系管理系统中的应用

3.A Study of Strengthening Loyalty of Customers ByCRM;通过顾客关系管理(CRM)提高顾客忠诚度的问题探析

4)customer relationship management顾客关系管理

1.Study on the performance evaluation ofcustomer relationship management based on balanced scorecard;基于平衡计分卡思想的顾客关系管理绩效评价方法

2.Value orientedcustomer relationship management based on customer equity:(Conceptual) framework and empirical analysis;基于顾客权益的价值导向型顾客关系管理——理论框架与实证分析

3.The Idea of "Customer Relationship Management" and the Structure of the Serving Type Government in China;“顾客关系管理”理念与我国服务型政府的构建

5)customer relation management顾客关系管理

1.Externally, emphasis is placed on customer satisfaction strategies andcustomer relation management.企业文化管理就是以人为本的管理,体现为两个方面:在企业内部,重视人力资源的开发、管理与利用;在企业外部,强调实施顾客满意战略,开展顾客关系管理。

6)customer experience management顾客体验管理


