2000字范文 > 缺血性中风偏瘫 Ischemic stroke hemiplegy英语短句 例句大全

缺血性中风偏瘫 Ischemic stroke hemiplegy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-11 20:04:40


缺血性中风偏瘫 Ischemic stroke hemiplegy英语短句 例句大全

缺血性中风偏瘫,Ischemic stroke hemiplegy

1)Ischemic stroke hemiplegy缺血性中风偏瘫


1.Observations on the Efficacy of Shallow Needling Method in Treating Acute Ischemic Stroke Hemiplegia浅刺法治疗急性缺血性中风偏瘫疗效观察

2.The Clinical Research on Treating Hemiplegia after Ischemic Stroke with Mainly Jin"s 3-needle Therapy靳三针为主治疗缺血性中风偏瘫的临床研究

3.The Clinical Observation of Different Stage the Treatment on Ischemic Stroke Hemiplegy with Acupuncture缺血性中风偏瘫分期针刺治疗方案的临床观察

4.Effect of Stuck-needling Contracting-lifting Technique on Myodynamia of Hemiplegia Patients due to Ischemic Apoplexy滞针抽提术对缺血性中风偏瘫患者肢体肌力的影响

5.The Clinic Research on Jin"s Three-needle Threapy to Treat Hemiplegia after Ischemic Stroke靳三针治疗缺血性中风后偏瘫的临床研究

6.Clinical Observation and Experimental Study on PTFK Granule in Treating Cerebral Infarction;偏瘫复康颗粒治疗缺血性中风的临床观察和实验研究

7.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Ischemia Apoplectic Hemiplegia by Acupuncture Combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine;针药结合治疗缺血中风偏瘫的临床研究

8.Clincal Study on Treating Deep Venous Thrombosis after Ischemia Stroke with PianTanKangFu Pill偏瘫康复丸治疗缺血性脑卒中后下肢深静脉血栓形成的临床研究

parative Research on Effect of Synthetic Rehabilitation Program of TCM and Western Medicine on Hemiplegia Caused by Acute Ischemic Stroke;中、西医综合康复方案对缺血性脑卒中早期偏瘫的影响的对比研究

10.Clinical Observation of 60 Patients Suffered from Strok Hemiparalysis with Method of Invigorating Kidney,Liver and Blood Flow补肾强肝活血法治疗中风偏瘫60例临床观察

11.Effect of Heat-reinforcing Needling Combined with Rehabilitation Training on the Motor Function of Ischemic Stroke Patients热补针法结合康复训练对缺血性脑卒中偏瘫患者早期运动功能的影响

12.Clinical Study on the Penetrating Needle in Treating Stubborn Stroke-hemiplegia;透刺法治疗顽固性中风偏瘫的临床研究

13.Observation on therapeutic effect of nuchal acupuncture and abdominal acupuncture for treatment of stroke patients with spastic hemiplegia项针加腹针治疗中风痉挛性偏瘫疗效观察

14.Clinical Observation on Treatment about the lack of nerve" s function of Hemiplegia after Stroke with the Quanjing Acupuncture Therapy全经针刺法对中风偏瘫患者神经功能缺损影响的临床观察

15.Experimental and Clinical Study on the Theory of Tonifying Liver and Kidney and Activating Blood Circulation for Stroke Hemiplegia补肾强肝活血法治疗中风偏瘫的实验及临床研究

16.Report on clinical observation on Acupuncture Treatement for 103 Case of Raralytic Strokes针灸治疗中风偏瘫103例临床观察

17.The Clinical Observation of Post-stroke Spastic Paralysis Treated by Acupuncturing YIN Meridian in Contrast to YANG Meridian;针刺阴经与阳经对比治疗中风后痉挛性偏瘫的临床观察

18.Clinical Research of Acupuncture on Antagonistic Muscle and Agonistic Muscle for Treating Spastic Paralysis after Stroke;针刺拮抗肌与主动肌治疗中风后痉挛性偏瘫的研究


apoplectic hemiplegia中风偏瘫

1.Clinical study of Zhongfeng plaster(中风膏) in treatment ofapoplectic hemiplegia;中风膏外贴穴位治疗中风偏瘫的临床研究

2.The Clinical Research on Jin s 3-needle and Attacking a Vital Point Therapy to Treat Apoplectic Hemiplegia;靳三针配合点穴疗法治疗中风偏瘫的临床疗效观察

3.Objective To observe effects of acupuncture on different traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) syndrome types in patients withapoplectic hemiplegia.目的观察针刺对中风偏瘫患者中医证型的影响。

3)ischemic stroke缺血性中风

1.Multiple factors analysis on prognosis correlation factors of acuteischemic stroke;缺血性中风急性期预后相关因素的多因素分析

2.48 Cases of Ischemic stroke with Invigorating Qi,Promoting Blood Flow and Removing Blood Stasis;益气活血化瘀法治疗缺血性中风48例

3.Effect of different needle-retaining time in acupuncture forischemic stroke patient s cerebral blood flow velocity;针刺留针时间对缺血性中风患者脑血流速度的影响

4)ischemia stroke缺血性中风

1.Investigation on Helicobacter pyulory infection in patients withischemia stroke;缺血性中风患者幽门螺旋杆菌感染状况调查

2.Ischemia stroke consists 55%-80% of the total stroke, That s why it s very important to prevent and cure it in our country.而缺血性中风约占中风总数的55%~80%。

3.[Objective] To observe the clinical effect of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction onischemia stroke.[目的]观察血府逐瘀汤治疗缺血性中风病的临床疗效。

5)ischemic apoplexy缺血性中风

1.Use of Circular Statistical Analysis for Investigating on Solar Term of the Peak Phase of Incidence in 1597 Patients with Acute Ischemic Apoplexy;1597例急性缺血性中风发病节气高峰期的圆形统计分析

2.Clinical effect of Honghuahuangsesu injection onischemic apoplexy;红花黄色素注射液治疗缺血性中风60例临床疗效观察

3.The therapeutic action and effect on GMP-140 of patients with Ischemic apoplexy treated by acupuncture according to staging and differentiation of symptoms and signs choicing point分期辨证取穴针刺法对缺血性中风患者治疗作用及对GMP-140的影响

6)cerebral ischemic stroke缺血性中风

1.Efficacy of Xingding injection in treatment ofcerebral ischemic stroke and its influence on plasma SOD、MDA and LPO;杏丁注射液治疗缺血性中风的临床观察及其对血浆SOD、MDA和LPO的影响

2.[Objective] To evaluate the effect of total salvianolic acid injection on the syndrome of collateral retardation due to blood stasis in patients withcerebral ischemic stroke and explore the relationship between dosage and effect.[目的]评价注射用丹参总酚酸治疗缺血性中风瘀血阻络证的有效性和安全性,并探索量效关系。

3.Objective:Observing the clinic curative effection of nape acupuncture therapy matching routine acupuncture to treatcerebral ischemic stroke and the influence of nape acupuncture therapy on mark of neurological functional deficit,speed of brain blood,high sensitive-C reactive protein and D-Dimer.目的:观察项针配合常规针刺治疗缺血性中风的临床疗效,以及项针对患者经颅多普勒(TCD)、超敏C-反应蛋白(Hs-CRP)和D-二聚体(D-D)的影响。


