2000字范文 > 广义模块化设计 generalized modular design英语短句 例句大全

广义模块化设计 generalized modular design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-11 14:13:20


广义模块化设计 generalized modular design英语短句 例句大全

广义模块化设计,generalized modular design

1)generalized modular design广义模块化设计

1.Finite element analysis of pre-stressed frame based ongeneralized modular design基于广义模块化设计的预应力机架有限元分析

2.In order to realize the rapid design of product family of framed hydraulic press machines, concepts of the virtual flexible module were presented according to the theory ofgeneralized modular design.为了实现整体框架式液压机产品族的快速设计,根据广义模块化设计原理,阐述了虚拟柔性模块;提出了以虚拟柔性模块为基础构建整体框架式液压机广义模块化产品族的策略;在对整体框架式液压机进行产品族规划的基础上,具体阐述其产品族的建模过程,为该类产品的快速设计提供了理论和技术支持。

3.Ageneralized modular design of automatic weapon was put forward to improve the quality and efficiency of design,reduce the development cycles of products,and promote the generalization,modularization and serialization of products.为了提高自动武器产品设计质量和效率,缩短开发周期,推动自动武器向通用化、模块化、系列化方向发展,结合自动武器结构特点,采用广义模块化设计理论,研究并提出了产品模块、接口划分方法及模块信息编码方案。


1.Generalized Modular Design and Software Development Technique of Flyer Frame;粗纱机广义模块化设计及其软件实现技术

2.Research on Product Family-Oriented Generalized Modular Design of Press Machine;面向产品族的液压机广义模块化设计研究

3.Finite element analysis of pre-stressed frame based on generalized modular design基于广义模块化设计的预应力机架有限元分析

4.Techniques on Constitution of Fly Frames Module and Software System Programming Based on Generalized Modular Design;基于广义模块化设计的粗纱机模块创建及软件实现技术

5.Static/Dynamic Property Analysis and Optimization Design for Mechanical Structure Based on Generalized Modular Design;基于广义模块化设计的机械结构静、动态特性分析及优化设计

6.Generalized Modular Rapid Design Technology of Hydraulic Press Machines for Product Families;面向产品族的液压机广义模块化快速设计技术

7.Investigation and implementation on rapid generic modular design for crane bridge structures起重机桥架广义模块化快速设计的研究与实现

8.independent modularity programming独立模块化程序设计

9.The Research of Design Method and the Design Practice in Modular Furniture;家具模块化设计方法研究与设计实务

10.Research on Commercial Module and the Modular Design Process;商品化模块及产品模块化设计过程的研究

11.Research and Application on CAD System for Metallic Doors and Windows Based on Generalized Modular基于广义模块化的金属门窗CAD系统研究与应用

12.The Modularization Design of Performance Calculation and Analysis in SISSIS性能计算与分析模块化设计概述

13.The Research of Modular Design in Special Equipment of Piston Maching;活塞加工专用设备模块化设计的研究

14.The Modularized Design and Application of Globurizing Feeding Station;喂线球化处理站的模块化设计及应用

15.Optimization and Modularization of ERT Data Acquisition System;ERT数据采集系统的优化与模块化设计

16.Extensive Structural Optimization Design Based on Scientific Visualization;基于可视化平台的广义结构优化设计

17.The Design of Router s Interface Module--The Design of Ethernet Module and Ethernet Module;路由器接口模块设计——Ethernet模块和ISDN模块的设计

18.Layered Modular Design Application in Labor & Guarantee MIS分层模块化设计在劳保系统中的应用


general modular design广义模块化设计

1.According to the theory ofgeneral modular design, general modular product family and platform architecture was presented, concepts of the flexible modular, virtual modular, unit structure and flexible unit structure were discussed, and the idea of modeling the general modular product family on the basis of flexible unit structure was proposed.根据广义模块化设计原理 ,对广义模块化产品族和产品平台作了整体规划 ,阐述了柔性模块、虚拟模块、元结构以及柔性元结构等概念 ,提出了以柔性元结构为基础构建广义模块化产品族的思想。

2.In order to further improve the ability of the stacking machine manufacturing enterprises to respond to market quickly,the methods ofgeneral modular design and parametric design were studied,which was guided by the thought of mass customization.为了进一步提高堆垛机生产企业的快速响应市场能力,在大规模定制思想指导下,研究了广义模块化设计和参数化设计方法,并采用产品主模型技术、装配草图技术以及与数据库关联的系列产品配置技术方法,开发了堆垛机系列产品的参数化设计系统,缩短了新产品的开发周期,提高了设计效率与质量,可快速响应个性化的市场要求。

3)Generalized modular design/manufacture广义模块化设计/制造

4)generalized modular design system广义模块化设计系统

1.Data model of flexible module in the mechanical productgeneralized modular design system;机械产品广义模块化设计系统中柔性模块数据模型研究

5)Generalized modular design广义模块化

1.Virtual flexible modules are introduced into generalized modular design to realize generalized modular product family design of complex structure which can not be divided any more by module partitioning and planning, which widens the application scope of generalized modular design.将虚拟柔性模块引入广义模块化设计,通过模块的划分与规划,实现了结构复杂且不可再分的一类机械产品的广义模块化产品族设计,拓宽了广义模块化设计的适用范围;采用基于实例推理的方法,建立了整体框架式液压机的产品族和虚拟柔性模块族,为该类机械产品快速设计提供了理论和技术支持。

6)modular design模块化设计

1.Study on applying modelh"ng technology ofmodular design to textile machinery product design;模块化设计建模技术在纺机产品设计中的应用研究

2.Rapid Price Estimating Method Based on Modular Design for CNC Forging Machine;基于模块化设计的数控锻压机床产品快速价格估算

3.Themodular design of drilling rig——Special topic Sec Ⅲ;钻机的模块化设计——系列专题之三


