2000字范文 > 民营科技企业 private scientific and technological enterprise英语短句 例句大全

民营科技企业 private scientific and technological enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-22 06:24:47


民营科技企业 private scientific and technological enterprise英语短句 例句大全

民营科技企业,private scientific and technological enterprise

1)private scientific and technological enterprise民营科技企业

1.The discernment method and judging standard ofprivate scientific and technological enterprise s core competitive competence;民营科技企业核心竞争能力识别方法与判断标准

2.The Evaluation on Knowledge-based Management in Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises;民营科技企业知识管理效果评价

3.Consideration of Development Current Situation of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprise;对民营科技企业发展现状的思考



2.Technology Innovation in the Second-timeEstablishment of Private S&T Enterprises;民营科技企业二次创业中的技术创新

3.A Study on the Private Scientific and Technological Enterprise Technological Innovation System Construction;民营科技企业技术创新体系建设研究

4.Study on the Technological Innovation Selection Model for Non-national Technololgical Enterprises;民营科技企业技术创新项目选择模型

5.Research on Competitive Strategy of Private Technology Enterprises during Venture Period;民营科技企业创业期的竞争战略研究

6.Guiding Non-state-owned S&T Enterprises to Participate in the Agricultural Industrialization Management;应引导民营科技企业参与农业产业化经营

7.China Association of Science & Technology Private Entrepreneurs中国民营科技企业家协会

8.The Research of Financial Risk Prediction System of Private Scientific-Technologial Enterprise;民营科技企业财务风险预警系统研究

9.Research on the Independent Innovation System of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises in China;我国民营科技企业自主创新系统研究

10.Study on the Developing Strategy of Private Science & Technology Enterprises in Their Growth Stage;民营科技企业成长期的发展战略研究

11.Development Model and Environment Analysis of Non-state-owned Science & Technology Enterprises;民营科技企业的发展模式和环境分析

12.Study on Human Recourses Incentive Mechanism of Non-Governmental Science and Technology Enterprise;民营科技企业人力资本激励机制研究

13.Research on the Government s Management of Non State-owned S&T Business Incubator;政府对民营科技企业孵化器管理研究

14.The Research on Foreign Entry Mode for Zhejiang s Non-governmental Technology-intensive Enterprises;浙江民营科技企业国外进入方式研究

15.Appraisement and Countermeasures about the Sustainable Development of Sci-tech Private Enterprise;民营科技企业可持续发展评价与对策

16.Analysis on Development Model and Environment of Small and Medium Technological Enterprises;民营科技企业的成长模式与环境分析

17.My Opinions on Promoting the Development of Private Sci-tech Enterprises of Changzhi City;促进长治市民营科技企业发展之我见

18.Innovative Motivation and Strategy Selection of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprise;民营科技企业的创新动机与战略选择


Private technology enterprises民营科技企业

1.The government s responsibility in improving the environment for development ofPrivate technology enterprises in our province should be correct understanding,public opinion,encourage innovation,enhancing credit,the transformation of functions,to attract talent.振兴东北,在继续改善民营科技企业发展硬件环境的同时,政府必须把工作重点转移到软环境的优化上来。

2.Inaugurating the human resources management of private technology enterprises will help enhance the enterprises capability of independent innovation,promote the core competitiveness and achieve the national strategy of building an innovation country.民营科技企业已经成为提升我国企业自主创新能力的重要力量,成为高新技术产业发展的生力军和区域经济新的重要增长点。

3.Financing innovation is needed to increase the finance of private technology enterprises.民营科技企业在我国国民经济发展中肩负着特殊的使命,但其特有的“三高”特点决定了它不可能在现有的金融框架内获得必要的金融支持,拓展民营科技企业融资需要金融创新。

3)private high-tech enterprises民营科技企业

1.Positive analysis of obstacles in applying for loan forprivate high-tech enterprises in Zhejiang province;浙江省民营科技企业申请金融机构贷款的障碍因素实证分析

2.After investigating and surveying of a private high-tech enterprise, the paper analyzed the intension of technological innovation capacity ofprivate high-tech enterprises, presented the indexes and applied AHP to evaluate innovation capacity.技术创新是民营科技企业赖以生存、保持竞争优势和持续发展的关键。

3.The choice and adoption of an effective motivation system has become an important task for many enterprises, especiallyprivate high-tech enterprises in China.如何选择适当的激励模式已经成为我国企业尤其是民营科技企业最为关注的问题之一。

4)private technological enterprises民营科技企业

1.After doing an empirical study ofprivate technological enterprises based on applying Cobb-Douglas production function,the input-output efficiency was explored in the course of development ofprivate technological enterprises in 18 administrative districts in Tianjin during 2001—.投入产出是衡量科技企业发展实力的重要指标,在利用生产函数对民营科技企业发展进行实证分析的基础上,对天津市18个区县2001—间民营科技企业发展中的投入产出规律进行了探讨,并选取天津科技统计年鉴中与民营科技企业相关的指标数据,得出各区县投入产出的相似生产函数。

2.inprivate technological enterprises.目前民营科技企业存在诸如:管理制度的建设落后于发展速度、集权式的治理结构和家族式经营管理、核心技术人员跳槽而引发业务危机的潜在风险等等问题。

3.Empirical research was done on the cluster status of theprivate technological enterprises in Tianjin,including the 18 districts,the Economic-Technological Development Area and the Port Free Trade Zone of Tianjin.使用SPSS软件对天津市18个区县及其开发区、保税区的民营科技企业相关数据进行了实证研究,针对企业数、年末从业人数、年末资产总额、总收入、净利润、上缴税金、技术开发经费指标分类做了聚类分析,对天津市民营科技企业的集群现状,对企业集群状态对区域经济发展的关联作用进行了探讨,得出结论:企业的集群优势与区域经济发展存在着显著的互动关系。

5)Private scientific and technological enterprises民营科技企业

1.Research on the Independent Innovation System of Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises in China;我国民营科技企业自主创新系统研究

2.This paper analyzes the current development of private scientific and technological enterprises between Zhejiang and Anhui Province.文章分析了浙、皖两省民营科技企业发展现状,构造了政府吸引人才的模型,从宣传创业理念、建设创业硬件基础设施和提供创业软件服务环境三方面进行了比较,发现两省在建设创业硬件基础设施方面差距不大,但在创业理念和软件服务环境方面存在较大的差距。

6)private science and technology enterprises民营科技企业

1.This thesis closely focuses on the role of government and function of management,briefly looks back the history and characteristics of different stages ofprivate science and technology enterprises,and seriously analyzes the difficulties they face.民营科技企业虽然是伴随我国经济体制和科技体制改革而出现的新型企业组织形式,但逐渐在促进经济结构调整,推动经济增长方式转变,不断提高民族产业的自主创新能力等重要领域发挥着不可替代的重要作用。


