2000字范文 > 科技产业 scientific and technological industry英语短句 例句大全

科技产业 scientific and technological industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-19 14:47:01


科技产业 scientific and technological industry英语短句 例句大全

科技产业,scientific and technological industry

1)scientific and technological industry科技产业

1.Vigorously expanding development ofscientific and technological industry in college;积极推进专科学校科技产业发展

2.Exploration and analysis of present situation aboutscientific and technological industry in college of Hunan province;湖南省专科学校科技产业现状探析

3.Analysis of the innovation and development ofscientific and technological industry of colleges and universities;浅析高校科技产业创新与发展


1.To accelerate the development of high-tech industries.加快高科技产业的发展

2.Relationship on High-tech Industries and Traditional Industries in China;我国高科技产业和传统产业关系研究

3.Design the industry chain,push forward the development of high-tech industrialization;构建产业链,推进高科技产业化发展

4.Taiwan s Hi-tech Industries and Trends of Industrial Cooperation Across the Strait;台湾高科技产业与两岸产业合作趋势

5.The Study on Industry Development Strategy in Jinniu High-Tech Industrial Park金牛高科技产业园产业发展定位研究

6.Optimization Design to Industrialization Pattern of Science and Technology in Technology University;理工科大学科技产业化模式优化设计

7.Enhancing the Cooperation of Industry, University and Research Institute and Accelerating Technology Transfer;加强产学研结合 促进科技产业化

8.Quantitative Study of the Interaction between the S&T Intermediate and the S&T Industrial Agglomeration;科技中介与科技产业集聚互动作用的量化研究

9.Three key questions to hi-tech Olympics impel our country science and technology industrial production;科技奥运推动我国科技产业化的三个关键问题

10.Study of Interaction between S&T Intermediate and S&T Industrial Agglomeration;科技中介与科技产业集聚的互动关系研究

11.Research on Industrializing Olympic Science and Technology;由“科技奥运”到“奥运科技”产业化的思考

12.The Managerial Innovation and Achievements Industrialization inScience and Technology;试谈科技管理创新与科技成果产业化

13.Science and Technology Create New Industry and New Industrial Structure;科学技术创造新产业和新的产业结构

14.The Third Discussion on Industrialization of Agricultural Sci-Tech Achievements-The Target.Focal Point and Implementation on the Industrializati on of AgricultUral Sci-Tech Achievements三论农业科技成果产业化──农业科技成果产业化的目标、重点和实施

15.A Research on Agricultural Industrialization and Advances in Science and Technology;农业产业化与农业科技进步问题研究

16.Evaluation of S&T productivity for national-level agricultural scientific research institutions国家级农业科研机构科技生产力评估

17.Analysis of the Economic Benefits of Technological Progress of High-Tech Industry;高技术产业科技进步的经济效益分析

18.Technology Promote RFID Industry:Strengthen Self-Ownership of Intelligence Innovation;科技振兴RFID产业:加强自主技术创新


science and technology industry科技产业

1.We must innovate the thinking way,depend on science and technology,establish developing plan on a higher starting point,reinforce the enterprise cluster and industry assembling,energetically develop agriculturalscience and technology industry,and put the relevant preferential policy into effect to develop modern outskirts type agriculture.城郊农业的发展受到土地等资源的严重制约,发展现代城郊型农业,要创新思路,依靠科技,高起点制定发展规划,加强企业集群和产业集聚,大力发展农业科技产业,落实相关优惠政策。

2.Setting upscience and technology industry is the extension of the university function.本文对我国高校科技产业的发展现状,高校办科技产业的意义及其定位认识,高校科技产业发展过程中存在的主要问题,高校科技产业体制改革等方面进行了分析探讨。

3)technology industry科技产业

1.Effective Mechanism of TaiWan Developing Technology Industry台湾科技产业发展的有效机制

2.This thesis illustrates the problems that lie intechnology industry of universities in the first few chapters and analyses them on the basis of modern property right theories.文章先阐述了高校科技产业存在的问题,针对这些问题运用现代产权理论分析认为,产权不清是导致高校科技企业权责不明、校企不分、资产流失、效率低下等一系列问题的“罪魁祸首”;经营者激励与约束机制难以建立健全是制约高校科技企业发展的直接原因。

3.Why we should design economic benefit mechanism for thetechnology industry of forestry seeds.本文论述了什么是利益机制,设计林木种苗科技产业化经济利益机制的原因,设计时应考虑的因素,林木种苗科技产业经济利益机制的内涵及仍需要讨论的几个问题。

4)sci-tech industry科技产业

1.A Study of Performance Appraisal Indicators system of Support for Sci-tech Industry by Public Finance Based on Balanced Scorecard Approach;基于平衡计分卡的公共财政支持科技产业绩效评价指标体系研究

2.A Study of Performance Appraisal of Support for Sci-tech Industry by Public Finance of Shanxi;公共财政支持陕西科技产业发展的绩效评价研究

3.This paper expounds the position and function of thesci-tech industry of the technical college from aspects of reforming the educational structure, combining the production, education and scientific research, renewing the instructional contents, covering the shortage of college running expenditure, and serving the local economic construction, etc.从教学体制改革、产学研相结合、学科建设、教学内容更新、弥补办学经费及与当地区域经济建设的关系诸方面阐述了专科学校科技产业的地位和作用。

5)industry of science and technology科技产业

1.Innovation Policy Research on the Industry of Science and Technology in China;发展我国科技产业的创新政策研究

2.The political,economic and cultural status of our institutions of higher learning has,with many opportunities and preferences,made greater demands of colleges and universities as well as the development of institutionalindustry of science and technology.我国高等学校的政治地位、经济地位和文化地位为高等学校 ,也为高等学校的科技产业的发展提出了要求并提供了条件。

6)high technology industry高科技产业

1.High strength and modulus fibres are important materials inhigh technology industry development and are a focus of the research fields for high technology fibres in the 21st century.高强高模纤维是支撑高科技产业发展的重要基础材料 ,在新世纪已成为高科技纤维研究领域的热点之一。

2.Modularization is very important to the development ofhigh technology industry,and it stands for the important direction ofhigh technology industry.从模块化的微观结构出发,分析高科技产业模块化过程中的各种风险,主要包括兼容性风险、网络性风险、生态风险、信息风险和锁定风险,这些风险影响着模块化产品的市场结构和收益特征,阻碍着高科技产业的升级和繁荣。

3.For the shortage of human resource, capital, working system and legal environment in westareas, it is not fit for the development ofhigh technology industry.西部地区由于人才、资金、制度体系和法律环境等方面的问题存在 ,并不完全适合发展新型高科技产业。


