2000字范文 > 锥形波导 tapered waveguide英语短句 例句大全

锥形波导 tapered waveguide英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-10 08:41:02


锥形波导 tapered waveguide英语短句 例句大全

锥形波导,tapered waveguide

1)tapered waveguide锥形波导

1.Thetapered waveguide performs mode transformation between optical fiber mode and polymer waveguide mode by using a refractive index taper and a width taper with wedge profile.提出并设计了一种基于电光聚合物的锥形波导,可用于单模光纤与电光聚合物波导器件之间的连接。


1.Field Distributions and Transmission Property inside a Conical Waveguide with a Sub-Wavelength-Sized Exit Hole亚波长锥形波导的电磁场分布及传输特性

2.conical rail bond pi圆锥形钢轨导接线塞钉

3.Based on the characteristics of hollow wave guide for CO2 laser delivery, a cone-shaped wave guide coupler system was designed and fabricated in this work.针对co2激光传输用空芯波导的特点,设计、制备了锥形空芯波导耦合器系统。

4.Frequency feature of S-band tapered magnetically insulated transmission line oscillatorS波段锥形磁绝缘线振荡器频率特性

5.Rebuilding for ф140 horizontal toteing disc CTPф140卧式带导盘锥形辊穿孔机的改造

6.Near Diffraction Limited High Power Tapered Semiconductor Lasers;近衍射极限高功率锥形半导体激光器

7.A Probe into and a Reflection of the Conical Model of Collegiate Employment Direction高校职业指导锥形模式的探索与思考

8.shatter cone(岩石上因强大冲击波而形成的)碎裂屑锥, (有裂缝的)锥状岩屑

9.circular waveguide standing-wave detector圆形波导管驻波检测器

10.Numerical Simulation on Hypersonic Flowfield of Cone-derived Waverider高超声速锥导乘波体流场的数值模拟研究

11.Effect of Reynolds Number on Aerodynamic Performance of Cone-Derived Waverider雷诺数对锥导乘波体气动性能的影响研究

12.Numerical Simulation on Off-Design Performance of Hypersonic Cone-Derived Waverider高超声速锥导乘波体非设计点性能研究

13.rectangular-circular waveguide transducer矩形-圆形波导转换器

14.Simulation of a Pill-Box Rf-Window with Conical-Shaped-Ceramic;一种圆锥形陶瓷微波输出窗的模拟分析

15.Steering-Invariant Constant Beamwidth Beamforming with SOCP Constraints基于二阶锥约束的方向不变恒定束宽波束形成

16.Technology Investigation on the Coupling between LD and Tapered Fiber;半导体激光器与锥形光纤耦合技术研究

17.Design of Guiding Device of Cone-shaped Units in Injection Mold注射模具中锥台形配合导向定位装置的设计

puterized 3-D Design Method for Guide Shoe of Cone Type Rotary Reeling Mill锥形辊斜轧均整机导板的计算机三维设计方法


straight tapered waveguide直锥形波导

1.To improve the relatively great loss of normal Y branch optical splitter,thestraight tapered waveguide instead of traditional straight waveguide is adopted to minish the size of components,and a new low-loss 1×3 optical splitter of three cascaded branches is used.针对传统Y分支光分路器损耗较大的缺陷,采用直锥形波导代替传统的直波导来减小器件的尺寸,并且采用激模波导结构设计1×3分支波导。

3)line tapered waveguide线锥形波导

4)tapered waveguide锥形波导管

5)tapered transitional waveguide锥形过渡波导

1.In order to reduce the branching loss,a Y-branch waveguide structure is presented,in which a multimodetapered transitional waveguide is embedded between an incident channel and an output branch.利用三维有限差分光束传播法,对具有锥形过渡波导的退火质子交换铌酸锂Y分支光波导进行了数值模拟。

6)cone-shaped wave guide coupler锥形波导耦合器


波导通信(见毫米波通信)波导通信(见毫米波通信)wave guide communicationbodao tongxin波导通信(wave guide communieation)见毫米波通信。
