2000字范文 > 数值模拟仿真 Numerical Simulation英语短句 例句大全

数值模拟仿真 Numerical Simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-05 11:04:57


数值模拟仿真 Numerical Simulation英语短句 例句大全

数值模拟仿真,Numerical Simulation

1)Numerical Simulation数值模拟仿真

1.Programmed the modeling of numerical simulation system of complex marine structure in this paper.本文建立了复杂海洋结构物防腐系统数值模拟仿真软件系统,并在此基础上应用Visual Basic编制了界面软件,通过相应的算例验证了软件系统的通用性和实用性。

2.According to the relevant technical requirements,Selected ck45,X10Cr13 and 42CrMo4 three different materials such as steel tube,units for process of hot rolling steel pipe-power coupled numerical simulation,the distribution rules of wall thickness at length wise direction of steel tube at various wall thickness during tandem rolling processes were studied at Hengyang Steel Tube(Group) Co.按相关技术要求,选用ck45、X10Cr13和42CrMo4等三种不同材料的钢管,针对衡阳钢管厂φ89连轧管机组钢管连轧过程进行热-力耦合数值模拟仿真,研究了不同壁厚的荒管连轧过程中壁厚沿纵向的分布规律。

3.Numerical Simulation and Formability Analysis of an LCD Video Camcorder Panel Cover;3其表面形状较为复杂;从而使该产品在进行成形分析和数值模拟仿真时有很大难度。


1.Numerical Simulation & Optimization of F738 Shell Body Part Forming Process;F738壳体成形工艺数值模拟仿真及优化

2.Numerical Simulation in the Process of Linear Friction Welding;线性摩擦焊接过程中的数值模拟仿真

3.A Simulation Research on the Numerical Method of Vessels Magnetic Field Caused by Cathodic Protection;舰船阴极保护电磁效应数值模拟仿真研究

4.Forming Process Numerical Simulation Optimization and Experimental Study of Fastener;固定扣成形工艺数值模拟仿真优化及实验研究

5.FEM Simulation Analysis and Experimental Studies on Hot Precision Forming of Cannonball Body Semiproduct;炮弹弹体毛坯精密热成形数值模拟仿真与试验研究

6.Numerical Study and System Simulation for a Plane-plate Capillary Pumped Loop;平板式CPL的数值模拟与系统仿真

7.Simulation and Emulation of Reflective Intensity Type Modulating Fiber Optic Sensors;强度调制光纤传感器数值模拟与仿真

8.A Study on 3D Numerical Simulation of Branch Tunnel Construction分岔隧道施工三维数值仿真模拟研究

9.Numerical Simulation of Motor Shell Forming and Mould Emulational Manufacturing;电机壳体成形数值模拟及模具仿真加工

10.Numerical Calculation and Working Process Simulation of Rotary Vane Compressor;旋叶式压缩机的数值模拟与工作过程仿真

11.Numerical Simulation of Gravity Fish Cage Anti-current Characteristics;重力式养殖网箱耐流特性的数值模拟及仿真

12.Numerical Simulation for the Cutting-Press Compound Shaping Process of Fin;翅片切削—挤压复合成形技术的数值模拟与仿真

13.Dynamic Unloading Simulation and CFD Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Operated Check Valve;支架液控单向阀卸载动态仿真和CFD数值模拟

14.Numerical Simulation Study about Deformation of Overlying Strata during Coal Mining in the North of Shaanxi陕北煤层开采覆岩变形数值仿真模拟研究

15.Numerical simulation of super-long thin elastic rod and implementation of Matlab基于Matlab模拟的超细长弹性杆的数值仿真

16.Research and Numerical Simulation on Features of Flow Field Around Artificial Reefs人工鱼礁流场效应的数值模拟与仿真研究

17.Dynamic Analog Simulation in Shibanwei Tunnel Construction石板尾隧道施工过程的动态仿真数值模拟研究

18.Numerical Simulation for the Penetration of Explosively Formed Projectile into Water爆炸成型模拟弹丸对水介质侵彻的数值仿真


FEM numerical simulation有限元仿真数值模拟

3)NC simulation emultion数控模拟仿真

4)numeral simulating and emulating数字模拟仿真

5)digital simulation数字仿真(模拟)

6)digital-analog simulator数字模拟仿真器


数值积分法仿真数值积分法仿真simulation with numerical integration method具有单点初值的系统来说,仿真计算难以自启动,为此需要用单步法来帮助;另外,它还要求在整个仿真过程中仿真步长保持不变。表1亚当斯法系数表‘X二·*一。一+气自:主二一,一)┌────┬──┬───┬────┬───┬───┬────────┐│名称│yl │y2│y3 │y4│y5│截断误差│├────┼──┼───┼────┼───┼───┼────────┤│一阶显式│0│l ││ │ │冬*Zx‘,, ││││ ││ │ │‘ │├────┼──┼───┼────┼───┼───┼────────┤│二阶显式│0│3/2│一1/2│ │ │5:、(、、││││ ││ │ │丫二于九一x、一 ││││ ││ │ │1乙 │├────┼──┼───┼────┼───┼───┼────────┤│三阶显式│0│23/12 │一16/12 │5/12 │ │去h‘X“, │├────┼──┼───┼────┼───┼───┼────────┤│四阶显式│0│55/24 │一59/24 │37/24 │一9/24│251.,‘,、││││ ││ │ │二二丈左一x、- ││││ ││ │ │l‘U│├────┼──┼───┼────┼───┼───┼────────┤│一阶隐式│l│ ││ │ │一冬,,二‘,,││││ ││ │ │乙 │├────┼──┼───┼────┼───┼───┼────────┤│二阶隐式│l/2 │l/2││ │ │一劣。
