2000字范文 > 党校系统 communist party school system英语短句 例句大全

党校系统 communist party school system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-23 16:48:16


党校系统 communist party school system英语短句 例句大全

党校系统,communist party school system

1)communist party school system党校系统


1.Constructing the Distance Education Network of Cadre Training in the CPC Party School System党校系统干部教育远程教育网的构建

2.Construction of Digital Library of National Party Schools system and analysis of it Function;全国党校系统数字图书馆建设及功能分析

3.On the Analysis of Development Situation of the Cause of Philosophy and Social Science in Ningxia Communist Party School System;宁夏党校系统哲学社会科学研究事业发展状况分析

4.To Realizing the Network Interconnection and Strengthening the Resource of Common Construction Use Together:The Construction of VPN Networks of Anhui Party School System实现网络互联互通 加强资源共建共享——安徽省党校系统VPN专网建设

5.Applying the Party Building Information System of University in the Party Building Work Appraisal;论高校党建信息系统在高校党建工作中的作用

6.On-line Knowledge Competition System s Development and Application of University Party School;高校党校网络知识竞赛系统的开发与应用

7.It is dialectical unified relation among the missions of our party, party school and party school library.我们党的任务、校的任务和党校图书馆的任务是辩证的统一关系。

8.In addition, they are charged with training theoretical cadres, so their students are required to read books in a systematic programme.党校还要培养理论干部,要求学员系统地读些书。

9.Application and Implementation of Digital Library System of CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee Party School;中共天津市委党校数字图书馆系统设计与实现

10.Application and Research of University Student Party Member Management Information System Based on OLAP基于OLAP的高校学生党员管理系统的应用研究

11.Design and Realization of Colleges Party Affairs Management System Based on Web基于Web的高校党务管理系统的设计与实现

12.Application Of Far-distance Teaching System;远程教学系统的应用——以中央党校远程教学系统为例

13.On the Interaction between Communist Construction in Student Dormitory and in College Departments;高校公寓党建与院系党建联动的探讨

14.The Design and Implementation of Newspapers and Periodicals Management Information System for Weifang Municipal Party School Reading Room潍坊市委党校阅览室报刊管理信息系统的设计与实现

15.Thinking on Harmonious Campus Construction Leading by the Party Committee of Universities;高校党委统领和谐校园建设理性思考

16.Develop the CPC s Fine Tradition and Close Relations between Party Members and the Masses;发扬党的优良传统 密切党群关系

17.Simply analyses intrinsic unification of party spirit and teacher s ethics of the Party member and teacher of university;试论高校党员教师党性和师德的内在统一

18.Party Branch of College and Department in University Should Deal with Eight Relationis Well;高校院系党总支应处理好的八个关系


dean"s party school系级党校

3)University Party Construction Management System高校党建管理系统

4)The Communist Party-Masses System党群系统

1.Preliminary Analysis of Performance Examination of"The Communist Party-Masses System"in State-owned Mine Enterprises;浅析国有矿山企业党群系统的绩效考核

5)Party organization in universities高校院(系)党组织

6)party school党校

1.Railway Party School Library Digital Reference Service Discussion——Zhengzhou railwayparty school library as a sample;图书馆数字化参考咨询服务模式探讨——以郑州铁路局党校图书馆为例

2.Grid 2.0 in the Application of the Party School Library;网格技术在党校图书馆2.0中的运用

3.Discussion on Function of Party School in the Procedure of Establishing Learning-oriented Party;党校在建设学习型政党进程中发挥作用的措施探讨


