2000字范文 > 合法性基础 foundation of legitimacy英语短句 例句大全

合法性基础 foundation of legitimacy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-12 13:52:51


合法性基础 foundation of legitimacy英语短句 例句大全

合法性基础,foundation of legitimacy

1)foundation of legitimacy合法性基础

1.Analyzing the CPC’s governing legitimacy, thefoundation of legitimacy and the foundation of governing legitimacy;合法性、合法性基础与执政合法性基础——对中国共产党执政合法性的三维度考量

2.Thefoundation of legitimacy of the Communist Party of China consists of advanced nature of the party moral advantage, ideological advantage with Marxism at the core, outstanding performance and its governing status established by the Cons.中国共产党长期执政是有着其根深蒂固的合法性基础的。

3.Then involved in the core of this paper, the concept - thefoundation of legitimacy and legality to explain.因此本文结合政治合法性的相关理论,对革命制度党长期执政的合法性基础作一个全面的研究和论述,以深化对革命制度党执政经验的认识。


1.Exploration of the Governing Legitimacy of CPC From the perspeetives of legitmacy,the legitimacy foundation and the foundation of governing legitimacy;对中国共产党执政合法性的考量——基于合法性、合法性基础、执政合法性基础三个维度

2.Analyzing the CPC’s governing legitimacy, the foundation of legitimacy and the foundation of governing legitimacy;合法性、合法性基础与执政合法性基础——对中国共产党执政合法性的三维度考量

3.On the Basis of Legitimacy,Fundamental Attribute and Structure of Right in Economic Law;论经济法权利的合法性基础、基本属性和结构

4.Ming dynasty based its legalization on ethics.明王朝以伦理作为其合法性基础。

5.The Comparison and Research of CPC and CPSU from the Perspective of the Political Legitimacy;中苏执政党政治合法性基础比较研究

munity Autonomy-the Foundation of Legitimacy of the Government s Power;社区自治:架构国家权力的合法性基础

7.On the Legitimate Basis of Ideological and Political Work in New Era;论新时期思想政治工作的合法性基础

8.Three Dimensional Perspectives on Constructing the Foundation of the CPC’s Governing Legitimacy;构建党的执政合法性基础的三维视野

9.On the Legitimacy Foundation of the Party and the Democratic Parties at the Early Time when the Country Was Founded;建国初期党的合法性基础与民主党派

10.Legitimacy foundation of the CPC S ruling from 1949 to 1956;1949-1956年中国共产党执政的合法性基础

11.Nationalism in the Middle East: Basis and Crisis for Political Legitimacy;中东民族主义:政治合法性基础与危机

12.Kongzi, Mengzi and Xunzi’s Construction of Legitimacy Foundation of Ritual System试论孔孟荀对礼制合法性基础的构建

13.Villager Autonomy: A Rational Adjustment for the Grassroots-level Power;村民自治:农村基层权力合法性基础的合理调整

14.Studying on the Basis of the Legitimacy of the Enterprise Power:An Integrated Framework;企业权力的合法性基础:一个综合性的框架

15.The Statement on the Legitimacy Basis and the Basic Framework of the Service-oriented Administration;论服务行政的合法性基础及其基本架构

16.Construction on the Governance Legitimacy Foundation of the Communist Party of China and Its Way Selection;中国共产党执政合法性基础的建设与路径选择

17.It has a reasonable grammatical basis and pragmatic basis.它的合理性包含有两个基础:语法基础、用基础。

18.The Basis of Contemporary China sPolitical Legality and Its Maintenance;论当代中国政治合法性的基础及维护


ruling valid foundation执政合法性基础

3)political legitimacy foundation政治合法性基础

1.Thepolitical legitimacy foundation establishes above the transcendence order,which is the symbol of traditional politics civilization together.政治合法性基础奠定在超越性的秩序之上,是传统政治文明的共同标志。

4)legitimacy foundation on the rite礼的合法性基础

5)national base about law法的合理性基础

6)Basis of Legitimacy of Public Policy公共政策合法性基础


《合法性视野下的苏联政治》Image:11748368190457351.jpg 《合法性视野下的苏联政治》

【作者】:周尚文 郝宇青【图书简介】 - 合法性视野下的苏联政治苏联解体和苏共败亡,引起人们对社会主义的前途和命运、社会主义国家民主政治的发展、社会主义国家共产党的领导方式和执政方式,乃至共产党的执政规律等诸多问题的深刻反思和研究。全书以其独特的视角、详尽的史实和逻辑的分析带给读者较多深层次的思考。本书就是这样的背景之下的产物。笔者们试图通过对苏联政治生活的探究、对苏联解体和苏共败亡原因的解读,寻找出共产党执政的某些规律。笔者们在这里首先要申明的一点是:对苏联解体、苏共败亡这样的世界历史性的大课题,可以有多种视角加以研究。本课题通过从苏共执政合法性的视角切入,探究苏联政治生活的奥秘,探求其衰亡的原因和教训。如果笔者们的研究工作能够就这一问题向读者提供一些有益的见解和启发,笔者们的心愿就算达到了。
