2000字范文 > 学校制度设计 school institutions design英语短句 例句大全

学校制度设计 school institutions design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-15 18:47:55


学校制度设计 school institutions design英语短句 例句大全

学校制度设计,school institutions design

1)school institutions design学校制度设计


1.Humanity·Behavior·Rationalness--A Research on the Hypotheses Design of School Institutions人性·行为·理性——浅议学校制度设计的诸种假设

2.On society agency joining in the system of schools evaluation--From the point of view of the new institutional economics;社会中介参与学校督导评估制度设计——西方新制度经济学的视角

3.Changes of the organizational culture and designing of the higher education institutions组织文化的变迁与大学院校研究的制度设计

4.Redesigning Faculty Reward System Based on Scholarship Productivity;基于学术生产力的我国高校教师奖励制度再设计

5.The policies design on faculty recruitment in HEIs;高校教师聘任的制度设计——基于学术职业管理的研究

6.Research on Project Schedule Management for New Library Construction of Ocean University of China中国海洋大学新校区图书馆建设项目进度计划与控制管理

7.Study to the Construction on Internal Control System for Universities and Colleges in Our Country;我国高等学校内部控制制度建设研究

8.On the Enforcement of Faculty Employment-Appointment System in Chinese Western higher institutions;论西部高校教师聘任制度的设计原则

9.Choice and construction of account system for Chinese private colleges;我国民办高校会计制度的选择与建设

10.Path Selection and Institution Design in the Reform of Colleges;普通高校改革路径选择与制度的设计

11.The Research and Design of University Internal Teacher Appeal System高校内部教师申诉制度的研究与设计

12.The Thought of University Accounting System that based on Internal Control;基于内部控制的高校会计制度设计思考

13.Constructing the Credibility System of National Education-Assisting Loan in College Students;高校学生国家助学贷款诚信制度建设

14.Improve the System of the Party Development on Student and Perfect System Guarantee;加强高校学生党建制度建设健全制度保障体系

15.Modern University System: the Institutional Safeguard of Harmonious Campus Construction现代大学制度是和谐校园建设的制度保障

16.Problems of System of Accounting in Colleges and Universities;浅析高等学校会计制度中存在的问题

17.Study on Management of Accountants in Universities我国高等学校实施会计委派制度研究

18.Applying Certificate of Honesty and Credit, Boosting the Construction of School Spirit and Style of Study;实行诚信证书制度 推进校风学风建设


school system construction学校制度建设

1.Modernschool system construction is necessary as well as important in deepening education reform.现代学校制度建设,既是教育改革的一项重要内容,又是深化教育改革的必要保证。

3)Design of Schools学校设计

4)school system学校制度

1.Establishing modernschool system,upgrading school-running quality;建立现代学校制度 不断提升办学品质——浅谈我校现代化学校管理的探索与实践

2.The features and function orientation ofschool system in full moral education pattern;整体德育模式中学校制度的特征与功能定位

3.Based on certain ideas, modernschool system is one of dynamic balance and coordinated development.现代学校制度是根据一定的理念,把各种关于学校教育的规则按照合理性和内在关联性原则组成的动态平衡、协调发展的体系。

5)school institution学校制度

1.The new institutionalism theory provides us with an unique field of vision for observing the change ofschool institution.新制度主义理论为我们观察学校制度的变迁提供了独特视野。

6)institution design制度设计

1.Study ofinstitution design for developing China′s textile industry clusters;发展中国纺织产业集群的制度设计研究

2.But now theinstitution design technology is still not mature, which has caused many problems about institutions.社会经济发展需要越来越多的行之有效的制度,但是目前制度设计的不成熟、不完善使得许多制度中存在着各种问题。

3.Therefore,we must all think about and correctly appraise the positive role of the private interest ininstitution design.因此,在进行制度设计时必须充分认识和评价个人利益的积极作用。


