2000字范文 > 网络末端型客运专线 Dedicated Passenger End Line英语短句 例句大全

网络末端型客运专线 Dedicated Passenger End Line英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-28 14:45:48


网络末端型客运专线 Dedicated Passenger End Line英语短句 例句大全

网络末端型客运专线,Dedicated Passenger End Line

1)Dedicated Passenger End Line网络末端型客运专线

1.This paper defines this type of railways asDedicated Passenger End Line, which means the line is located in the end of the dedicated passenger line network and effectively links with the existing railway line.本文将该类型线路定义为网络末端型客运专线,指在客运专线网络上处于网络末端,并与既有线路进行了有效衔接的客运专线。


1.Research on the Mode of Operation Organization on Dedicated Passenger End Line网络末端型客运专线运输组织模式研究

2.Research on GSM-R Network Optimization for High-speed Dedicated Passenger Line高速客运专线GSM-R网络优化技术研究

3.Research on Rational Work-division and Coordination of Carrying Capacity of Existing Railway and Passenger Dedicated Lines in Railway Administration Controled Network局管网络既有线与客运专线合理分工与能力协调利用问题的研究

4.Research on Decision for Station Location in Passenger Dedicated Lines Based on Fuzzy Neural Network;基于模糊神经网络的铁路客运专线车站选址决策研究

5.Swift In-situ Beam Fabrication with Mobile Formwork Based on Network Planning基于网络计划技术的客运专线移动模架制梁快速施工技术

6.Engineering composition and investment analysis of catenary on passenger dedicated line客运专线接触网工程组成及投资分析

7.Analysis on arrival and departure sidings of passenger-dedicated large-scale railway stations关于对客运专线大型客站到发线数量的分析

8.1.5. Machines running third-party client networking software are not supported5. 不支持运行第三方客户端网络软件的计算机

9.Several Key Points Influencing High Speed Running of OCS of Passenger Dedicated Line客运专线接触网影响高速运行的几个关键环节

10.The Mode Share Model of the High-speed Passenger Railway Line and Its Application;高速客运专线客流分担率模型及其应用研究

11.Model of Multi-Hierarchy Gray Evaluation of Passenger Service Quality of Railway Station in Dedicated Passenger Line客运专线车站旅客服务质量灰色评价模型

12.Analysis of Passengers" Choice Behavior for Dedicated Passenger Railway Lines Based on Logit Model基于Logit模型的客运专线旅客选择行为分析


14.Study on Passenger Special Line Train Regulation Model and Algorithm;客运专线列车运行调整模型及算法研究

15.Study on Foundation Settlement of Pile-net Composite Foundation of Passenger Dedicated Line;客运专线桩—网复合结构地基沉降特性研究分析

16.Research on OCS Engineering Techniques of Passenger Dedicated Line;铁路客运专线接触网系统工程技术的研究

17.The Study of Passenger Dedicated Line OCS Inspection"s Projects and Technology Standard客运专线接触网检测项目及技术标准研究

18.circuit network由四端网络组成的线路


passenger dedicated line客运专线

1.Research on the construction technology of a beam fabrication yard inpassenger dedicated line;哈尔滨至大连客运专线某梁场建设技术研究

2.Track laying technology of newly built Shijiazhuang-Taiyuanpassenger dedicated line;新建石太铁路客运专线铺轨施工技术

3.Experimental research of graded broken stone technology in the transition section of Wu-Guangpassenger dedicated line;武广客运专线过渡段级配碎石工艺试验研究

3)Passenger special line客运专线

1.Experimental study on friction loss of prestressed pipe for 32 m simply supported box girder of passenger special line;客运专线32m简支箱梁预应力管道摩阻损失试验研究

2.Analysis of train running performance on a basket handle arch bridge of concrete-filled steel tube on passenger special line;客运专线某钢管混凝土提篮拱桥列车走行性分析

3.Construction method of cast-in-situ beam in passenger special line by support method;客运专线支架法现浇梁施工方法

4)passenger dedicated railway客运专线

1.Construction technology of HPC of prestressed concrete box beam forpassenger dedicated railway;客运专线箱梁高性能混凝土施工技术

2.Get an all-round understanding of the standard system forpassenger dedicated railway and establish a new concept of railway construction;系统理解客运专线标准体系 树立全新铁路建设理念(上)

3.Traction substation connection type and catenary fault judging forpassenger dedicated railway;客运专线牵引变电所接线方式及接触网故障判定方法


1.Financing Tendency of Foreign High-speed Lines and its Inspiration for Construction of DomesticPDL;国外高速铁路融资趋势及其对我国客运专线建设的启示

2.Analysis on Key Technologies of Multi-modal Passenger Transportation Based onPDL;基于客运专线的旅客联合运输关键技术分析

3.Advance Technological Innovation and Cultivate Innovative Talents to Improve Survey and Design Level ofPDL in An All-around Way;推进科技创新 培养创新人才 全面提高客运专线勘察设计水平

6)passenger dedicated railway line客运专线

1.Decision-making model and algorithm ofpassenger dedicated railway line targeted speed;客运专线速度目标值的决策模型与算法

2.The Study on Transfer Plan and Forecasting of Transfer Passenger Flow between Passenger Dedicated Railway Line and Urban Transportation;客运专线与城市交通换乘客流预测及衔接方案研究

3.Research purposes: The characteristics,content and key points of the engineering geological investigation supervision inpassenger dedicated railway line construction are summarized,which can be used for reference in the similar engineering in the future.研究目的:总结铁路客运专线地质勘察监理的特点、内容、重点和质量控制环节,对今后铁路客运专线工程地质勘察监理工作起到借鉴作用。


客运合同客运合同客运合同又称为旅客运输合同,是指承运人将旅客从起运地运送到约定地点,旅客支付票款的合同。客运合同有以下三个特点:1.在客运合同中,旅客既是一方当事人,又是运送的对象。2.客运合同包括运送旅客行李的内容。3.客运合同采用客票的形式,是典型的格式合同。 依《合同法》第293条规定,客运合同自承运人向旅客交付客票进成立,但当事人另有约定或者交易习惯的除外。根据运送工具的不同,客运合同可分为铁路客运合同、公路客运合同、水路客运合同、航空客运合同等。客运合同一般采用票证形式,如车票,船票,机票等。根据法律的规定客运合同中旅客的义务有如下几点:1、持有效客运票乘运的义务。旅客应当持有效客运票乘运。旅客无票乘运、超程乘运、超级乘运或者持失效客运票乘运的,应当补交票款;旅客不交付票款的,承运人可以拒绝运输。2、限量携带行李义务。旅客在运输中应当按照约定的限量携带行李。超过限量携带行李的,应当办理托运手续。3、不得携带或夹带危险品或其他违禁品的义务。主要是指易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蚀性、有放射性以及有可能危及运输工具上人身和财产安全的危险物品或者其他违禁物品。旅客违反上述规定的,承运人可以将违禁品卸下、销毁或送交有关部门。旅客坚持携带或夹带危险品或其他违禁品的,承运人应当拒绝运输。
