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共振光散射 resonance light scattering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-12 12:50:07


共振光散射 resonance light scattering英语短句 例句大全

共振光散射,resonance light scattering

1)resonance light scattering共振光散射

1.Resonance light scattering of 1-hydroxypyrene-brilliant green-sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate system and its analytical application;1-羟基芘-灿烂绿-十二烷基苯磺酸钠体系的共振光散射光谱及分析应用

2.A study on interaction of zincon with proteins byresonance light scattering measurements;锌试剂-蛋白质体系的共振光散射光谱研究

3.The Application of Resonance Light Scattering Technique in the Environmental Analysis;共振光散射技术在环境分析中的应用


1.Determination of Tea Polyphones by Flow Injection Resonance Light Scattering Method茶多酚的流动注射-共振光散射法测定

2.Study of Resonance Light Scattering Technique for the Determination of Nucleic Acids;共振光散射技术在核酸分析上的应用

3.Resonance Light Scattering Method for the Determination of Silver with the Sulfide-Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide System;硫化物-CTAB体系共振光散射法测定银

4.Determination of Proteins by Enhanced Resonance Light Scattering with Quercetin;槲皮素共振光散射法测定微量蛋白质

5.Research of Resonance Light Scattering in Analyzing Surfactants;共振光散射光谱法在表面活性剂分析中的研究

6.Study on the Nucleic Acid Probe Analysis by Chemiluminescence and Resonance Light Scattering Technique;核酸探针的化学发光及共振光散射分析

7.On Application of Resonance Light Scattering in Water Environmental Monitoring;共振光散射光谱法在水环境监测中的应用研究

8.Studies on Determination of DNA by Resonance Light-scattering (RLS) Method and Their Applications;DNA与有机试剂的共振光散射光谱研究与应用

9.Studies on the Correction of Resonance Light Scattering Spectra and Their Analytical Applications;共振光散射光谱的校正及其分析应用研究

10.Application and Study of Resonance Light Scattering in Environmental and Biochemical Analysis;共振光散射光谱法在环境分析中的应用研究

11.Studies on Determination of DNA by Resonance Light-scattering & Fluorescence Methods and Their Applications;共振光散射法与荧光法测定DNA的研究与应用

12.Study on Determination of Polyamines with the Chemiluminescence and Resonance Light Scattering Technique;化学发光及共振光散射测定植物多胺的研究

13.Resonance light scattering spectrometric method for the determination of aciclovir in tablets共振光散射光谱法测定片剂中阿昔洛韦的含量

14.Resonance Light Scattering Method for the Determination of Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose with Nile Blue Sulphate硫酸耐尔蓝共振光散射法测定羧甲基纤维素钠

15.The New Methods of Resonance Light Scattering Technique for the Determination of Biomacromolecules;共振光散射技术测定生物大分子的新方法

16.Study on the Resonance Light Scattering of Cyanine Dyes and Their Analytical Applications;花菁染料的共振光散射研究及分析应用

17.The Studies and Applications of Resonance Light-scattering Technique in the Nucleic Acids Determination;共振光散射技术在核酸分析中的研究及其应用

18.Application and Study of Resonance Light Scattering Turbidimetry in Environmental Analysis;共振光散射比浊法在环境分析中的研究及应用


Resonance light-scattering共振光散射

1.Study on resonance light-scattering of histene-DNA and its application;组蛋白-DNA共振光散射法的建立及应用

2.Determination of nucleic acid by a resonance light-scattering technique with water-soluble schiff base C_(13)H_(22)NO_6;水杨醛氨基葡萄糖席夫碱C_(13)H_(22)NO_6共振光散射法测定DNA

3.Study on the resonance light-scattering spectroscopy of the triple system of the Fe(bpy)(phen)SO_4-myristyldyridinium bromide-BSA;Fe(phen)(bpy)SO_4-溴代十四烷基吡啶-蛋白质三元体系共振光散射光谱的研究

3)resonance light scattering (RLS)共振光散射

1.Research was conducted on the spectral characteristics of resonance light scattering (RLS) of colloidal silverchloride, with factors including the effects of time and order of reagent addition, as well as effects of silver nitrate,ethylene glycol, and nitric acid concentrations on scattering intensity of resonance light.研究了氯化银胶体的共振光散射光谱特征,讨论了硝酸银用量、乙二醇用量、硝酸用量、时间及加入顺序对共振光散射强度的影响。

2.Since its simplicity and high sensitivity, resonance light scattering (RLS) technique, developed more than ten years ago, has attracted considerable attentions and become widely applicable in the determination of nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, metallic ions, drugs, surfactants, nanoparticles, bacteria etc.共振光散射(RLS)分析技术是二十世纪90年代发展起来的,因其简单、灵敏度高而引起了人们的广泛兴趣,已经应用于核酸、蛋白质、糖类等生物大分子、金属离子、药物、表面活性剂、纳米离子和细菌等的分析。


1.The resonance light scattering (RLS) technique and UV-Vis absorption spectra were applied to the investigation of the interaction between atrazine and bovine serum albumin(BSA).用共振光散射光谱(RLS)和紫外-可见电子吸收光谱研究了阿特拉津与牛血清蛋白(BSA)之间的相互作用。

2.In chapter 1, in order to establish a new method for the determination of trace 4-NP in environmental water samples, 4-NP was derivatized by dansyl chloride (DNS-C1) in base medium, and a resonance light scattering(RLS) system of 4-NP-Na_2CO_3-DNS-Cl was selected.第一章,利用丹酰氯(DNS-Cl)与4-NP在碱性条件下反应,筛选出测定水样中痕量4-NP的共振光散射(RLS)体系:4-NP-Na_2CO_3-DNS-Cl,研究了该体系的RLS光谱特征,考察了溶液酸度、试剂用量、反应温度、反应时间和共存离子等因素对体系RLS强度的影响,优化了体系反应条件,确立了RLS强度改变值(ΔI_(RLS)=I-I_0)与4-NP浓度的线性关系,以此建立了测定4-NP的RLS新方法。

3.A method was proposed for the determination of trace naphthols was established based on the reaction of naphthols with potassium bromate and acridine orange(AO) to form ion-association complexes in the dilute H2SO4 medium,which produced of resonance light scattering (RLS) spectra and resulted in the great enhancement ofRLS.建立共振光散射测定水中痕量萘酚新方法。

5)Resonance light scattering共振散射光

1.Studies on the resonance light scattering(RLS) properties of PVK show that the interaction of PVK with the proteins results in a great enhancement of RLS signals at 380 nm when pH=3.对PVK的共振散射光性质研究发现 ,pH =3 0时 ,PVK与蛋白质形成缔合微粒时将导致PVK 380nm处RLS信号急剧增加 ,其强度增加值与蛋白质的浓度呈线性关系 ,据此可以建立一种测定蛋白质的新方法。

2.Resonance light scattering spectra caused by interaction of Cu-PVK nanoparticles with nucleic acids and its analytical application;对Cu-PVK的共振散射光(RLS)性质研究发现Cu-PVK与核酸形成缔合物时将导致Cu-PVK本身RLS信号急剧增加,基于此建立一种用RLS信号测定痕量核酸的新方法。

6)Resonance light scattering共振光散射光谱

1.6), the titan yellow combines proteins to formcomplexes, causing an enhance of resonance light scattering at maximum wavelength of 460nm.6的酸性介质中,蛋白质与达旦黄形成复合物,使最大波长460 nm的共振光散射光谱得到加强,根据其共振光散射的增强程度,可用于蛋白质的定量测定。

2.The paper studied the spectra of resonance light scattering (RLS) of nonionic emulsifier (emulsifier OP/water)-silver chloride emulsion system.研究了乳化剂OP/ 水- 氯化银乳浊体系的共振光散射光谱及其应用, 与其它体系相比, 微乳液体系的增溶能力、增稳效果显著提高。


