2000字范文 > 4D航迹 4D trajectory英语短句 例句大全

4D航迹 4D trajectory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-04 22:12:42


4D航迹 4D trajectory英语短句 例句大全

4D航迹,4D trajectory

1)4D trajectory4D航迹

1.A whole4D trajectory was obtained by combining the flight states of characteristic points of trajectory,including position,altitude,speed and heading.按飞行阶段特点用基本飞行模型构建水平航迹、高度剖面和速度剖面,根据航迹特征点的飞行状态信息(位置、高度、速度和航向)拟合生成完整的4D航迹。


1.Prediction of 4D Trajectory Based on Basic Flight Models基于基本飞行模型的4D航迹预测方法

2.Research of Aircraft Route Planning and Evaluation Algorithm;飞行器航迹规划与航迹评价算法研究

3.LORANOMEGA course and track equipment劳兰奥米加航向航迹组合设备罗兰奥米加航向航迹装置

4.dead reckoning analog indicator航迹推算模拟指示器

5.finding the course made good by three bearing of single object单物标三方位求航迹向

6.Research and Application of Trajectory Planning and Trajectory Control;飞行器航迹规划与航迹控制算法研究与实现

7.Research on Route Planning and Trajectory Control of Attack Helicopter;武装直升机航迹规划与轨迹控制研究

8.cross track error from the route真航迹与计划航向交叉误差

9.Design of GPS-Receiver and Shipping-track Management in Marine Navigation;在航海导航中的GPS接收机的研制和航迹管理

10.Study on track initiation from fragmentary plots with velocity fuzzy clustering对断续点迹的速度模糊聚类航迹起始研究

11.Based on the analysis of the present formulae of sailings, the author has derived more pre-cise sailing path formulaeos sailings.在分析现有航迹计算公式的基础上,推导了精确的航迹计算公式。

12.Request circumnavigation (to circumnavigate) 30km right of track (airway) to avoid the thunderstorm.请求向航迹(航路)右方绕行30公里以避开雷雨。

13.Study on the Key Techniques of Trajectory Planning and Integrated Navigation of UAV;小型无人机航迹规划及组合导航关键技术研究

14.The Hardware and Drivers Design of Shipping-Course and Shipping-Track Autopilot;航迹航向自动操舵仪的硬件及驱动程序设计

15.High-Altitude Long-Range Airship Dynamic Model and Trajectory Optimiziation;超高空、长航时飞艇动力学模型与航迹优化

16.Realize the Imitation of Track at the Sutong Bridge Fairway with Computer;苏通大桥桥区航行航迹模拟的计算机实现

17.The Software Analysis and Design of Shipping-Course and Shipping-Track Autopilot;航迹航向自动操舵仪的软件分析与设计

18.The Software Design and Implementation of Shipping-Track and Shipping-Course Autopilot航迹航向自动操舵仪的软件设计与实现


4D trajectory generation planning4D航迹规划

1.And a new method of4D trajectory generation planning and tracking control has been presented.从无人机自主进场着陆的功能需求分析出发,探讨了无人机自主进场着陆控制系统的智能递阶控制结构的组成,并对系统的各关键功能模块进行了较详细的分析,提出了精确4D航迹规划及跟踪控制的一种新方法。

3)flight path航迹

1.Its application in plotting and mapping of flight routing andflight path is illustrated, which facilitates greatly the flight quality monitoring and accident investigation.对地图投影中不同投影坐标点之间的转换方法作了讨论 ,以地图投影及地图投影变换为理论基础 ,编制了地图投影变换算法 ,实现了航路与航迹图的描述及绘制 。

2.The precondition of getting the system s performance is to solve the issue offlight path control laws of the towed vehicle in the system.拖曳系统的飞行性能是评价拖曳系统可行性的一项基本内容,而要求解拖曳系统的飞行性能,则必须解决拖曳系统中运载器的航迹控制问题。

3.By analyzing the problems offlight path control technology of UAVs,this paper uses digital preview control asflight path optimizing measures,optimizes flight control performance and improves mobility and rapid reaction capability of UAVs.本文在对目前无人机航迹控制技术存在问题进行分析的基础上, 利用数字预见控制的理论和方法设计控制算法作为航迹优化措施, 优化无人机的飞行控制性能, 提高其机动性和快速反应能力。


1.Design and simulation of aircraft typicaltrack model for air attacking;空袭目标典型航迹模型的设计与仿真实现

2.Measurement oftrack in VR system based on RCS;基于RCS的虚拟现实系统中飞行航迹的测量

3.Laser locating system of airplane s taking-off and landingtrack;飞机起落航迹激光定位系统


1.Optimization of glidetrajectory for a hypersonic vehicle;高超声速飞行器滑行航迹优化

2.Applied Trajectory Data Processing in a C~3I System;C~3I系统中的实用航迹数据处理



